But how is "attraction" defined? You say ALL people (bold), which is a bold statement indeed. Have they asked all people? Has every single person on this planet given a detailed account on their personal beauty ideals? I doubt that...
I see some fallacies at work here
First one: My assumption is (and that seems plausible) that researchers have found out that there are certain facial features that are deemed beautiful according to the beauty ideals of the AVERAGE human. But to infer that the beauty ideals and taste of an individual matches that of the average is an ecological or population fallacy. Just because most people think that trait xy is attractive doesn't mean that all people do so.
Second: Just because trait xy is deemed beautiful by the average member of a population does not indicate that trait xy is something that can objectively be verified as beautiful. The average people in ancient Greece thought the earth was flat. Just because almost all of them believed so didn't mean that the flatness of the earth was objectively true then, and suddenly became objectively false once proven so. It was never true from the beginning.
Third: I have no doubt that there is a correlation between specific facial features and what the average person considers beautiful. But even if literally all people considered one specific feature as beautiful, and even if we define beauty as something that can be objectively measured because it is based on specific features that are considered beautiful by all (or most) individuals, this does NOT mean that someone who shows a number of such features is PERFECTLY beautiful, or that such a feature is necessary at all for someone to be considered perfectly beautiful.
For example, I assume that almost all people in the western hemisphere would agree that french fries are a delicious and tasty food. Does that mean that the absence or presence of french fries in an individual dish has an impact on whether people would consider it a perfect dish? As in "the most tasteful and delicious dish imaginable"? Or would we deduce that if almost all people considered french fries, milk chocolate and garlic as totally tasty and delicious components, that all three of them together match into one perfect meal? Urks...
That attractive people share traits in common is nothing new. The ancient Greeks spoke of the "golden mean".
all attractive people share things i common. For instance, all the stupid pictures that people posted in this thread of men that they think are better looking than Chico Lachowski have a lot more in common with Chico than the average person. Such as:
- Facial symmetry.
- A well-defined jawline.
- Prportion between the lower, middle and upper face.
- A long ramus.
- Almond-shaped eyes with a positive canthal tilt.
- High cheek bones)in men)
- Thick eye brows(both sexes)
- Thick brow ridge(men only)
- Full lips.
I find it hilarious that the people in this thread tried to disprove me by posting pictures of men that have the
exact characteristics of Chico Lachowski, except to a lower degree.
The saying "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" actually only applies when it comes to people that have these same characteristics. For instance, you get 2 men that both have highly symmetrical features with a clear jawline, etc.
Some people prefer more masculine-looking men, while others prefer pretty boys. Some people prefer Caucasian features, while others prefer Latino or Black features. Some prefer body hair and facial hair while others don't, etc.
ALL attractive people will share the common traits of facial symmetry, proportions, balance and a well-developed skeletal structure.
ALL of them. "All" as in "each and every single one of them".
If this is the case, then tell me if you find this face attractive. This person has all the facial and cranial characteristics of Chico Lachowski in reverse. Trust me, NO ONE finds this face attractive.