Most Perfect Male Ever?

Is there ANYONE MORE PERFECT on IG & OF than bodybuilder CHARLIE LONDON?
:eek: (go ahead and gape)
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What a great body form! That's a perfect definition of Achilles body, an Olympian, a Greek god, the ultimate male physique.

But for a perfect guy, he doesn't have to be that muscular but the face is a top feature/utmost requirement and I think Chico is it.

Jose Manuel Muñoz ... the MUSCLES ... the VEINS ... the BULGE ... the FACE ... the MAN-TITS .... UNNNGGGGGGGGGGH!
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Words fail me when it cums to JANGWOONG.JW ... UNNGGGHHHH!
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Those guys are perfect if I wanna see a wrestling match.. In fact, I would want them two to have a wrestling match!

But if you wanna, say, cast the perfect heartthrob/boy-next-door/leading man for some teeny bopper Netflix rom-com series... Chico Lachowski is the perfect template! What a miss he didn't go mainstream and become an actor, he looked better than a lot of these heartthrob actors. MV5BZjMwNDQ4NzMtOThmZi00NmMyLThkMWItMTA3MTg2YjdiZDRmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTMxODk2OTU@._V1_.jpg
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No.. that hair threw me off
I know me too. It’s all a bit too much and a bit 90s male stripper /chippendales / Fabio !! But if I were to pass him in the street my eyes would still pop out on stalks like some cartoon character!
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