Most Perfect Male Ever?

Everyone has a different view what is 'perfect', 'attractive' or 'hot'. Some like big muscle guys, some like lean ripped twinks. 'I' personally go for the lean ripped types. Others may find in the middle of both. Its all a matter of personal one is right or wrong.
Utterly gorgeous, but is he real or AI?

Good question - if its AI its a rather impressive one that must have needed a vast amount of electricity to generate right down the freckles and the dirt on the shoulder of the tee shirt and the reflections in the irises of his eyes.
What are you doing here? I started this thead to celebrate the beauty of Chico, and I proved it mathematically. In reponse, i got a bunch of pictures of ugly bodybuilders with lantern jaws from people trying to prove me wrong. What is the positive side for me, here? Why should I be polite to people that straight out of the gate try to disprove me by posting pictures of men that i find ugly? I don't want to see the pictures of these men here, but they post it anyway. It is YOU that are being arrogant and condescending by coming to a thread that I started and lecturing me. Get lost.
People disagreed with you. Plain and simple. If you cannot handle opposing views, you probably shouldn't be on social media. If someone can't play nice with others, they need a reminder to do so. Stop being such a prickly puss. As for the topic at hand, I'm with the others. . . Chico isn't all that you've claimed and actually proves the point you attempted to refute. Mathematical expressions are insufficient to fully define beauty and negates other meaningful contributions from individualized responses toward physical appearance.
My newest candidate for World's Most Perfect Male Face

View attachment 137409441
No. He has a negative canthal tilt. His philtrum-to-nose ratio is unideal. His face is too short(vertically too short for the horizontal angle mwasured from ear to ear), he has upper eyelid exposure, and his ears are disporportionally sized for his face(too small).

The fact that you would compare the unmatched mathematical perfection of Franciso Lachowski to this guy is unfathomable. This guy is a generic blond hair blue eyed like so many others. Take away his blond hair and blye eyes and you instatnly see his imperfections. And I am not even bringing up his height. Franciso is 6'4.

This guy is a 7.5/10, 8/10 tops. Chico Lachowski is a genuine 9.6/10. Not even close. Run the face of this guy under anal facial anlysis for a detailed score and then compare it to Chico's.

It's inane that I have posted MULTIPLE facial analysis of Francisco proving his superioriority over everybody else, but you guys just don't get it. Francisco is know as the "PSL god", and "the genetic miracle" for a reson, while this guy is not. but you guys just don't get it. It's hilarious!:emoji_smile:
No. He has a negative canthal tilt. His philtrum-to-nose ratio is unideal. His face is too short(vertically too short for the horizontal angle mwasured from ear to ear), he has upper eyelid exposure, and his ears are disporportionally sized for his face(too small).

The fact that you would compare the unmatched mathematical perfection of Franciso Lachowski to this guy is unfathomable. This guy is a generic blond hair blue eyed like so many others. Take away his blond hair and blye eyes and you instatnly see his imperfections. And I am not even bringing up his height. Franciso is 6'4.

This guy is a 7.5/10, 8/10 tops. Chico Lachowski is a genuine 9.6/10. Not even close. Run the face of this guy under anal facial anlysis for a detailed score and then compare it to Chico's.

It's inane that I have posted MULTIPLE facial analysis of Francisco proving his superioriority over everybody else, but you guys just don't get it. Francisco is know as the "PSL god", and "the genetic miracle" for a reson, while
No. He has a negative canthal tilt. His philtrum-to-nose ratio is unideal. His face is too short(vertically too short for the horizontal angle mwasured from ear to ear), he has upper eyelid exposure, and his ears are disporportionally sized for his face(too small).

The fact that you would compare the unmatched mathematical perfection of Franciso Lachowski to this guy is unfathomable. This guy is a generic blond hair blue eyed like so many others. Take away his blond hair and blye eyes and you instatnly see his imperfections. And I am not even bringing up his height. Franciso is 6'4.

This guy is a 7.5/10, 8/10 tops. Chico Lachowski is a genuine 9.6/10. Not even close. Run the face of this guy under anal facial anlysis for a detailed score and then compare it to Chico's.

It's inane that I have posted MULTIPLE facial analysis of Francisco proving his superioriority over everybody else, but you guys just don't get it. Francisco is know as the "PSL god", and "the genetic miracle" for a reson, while this guy is not. but you guys just don't get it. It's hilarious!ac32c99b4a08419a881bece302c6fdd8.jpg
Alejandro Pino and William Roepstorff 1791.jpg

Lorenzo Bold - Who Wants to Fight Me 1791.jpg
All this fighting about plain, milquetoast, unremarkable Francisco Labowski or whoever. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
Chico is handsome and hot for a lot/majority of people in the world. Be mad about it.

While there are guys who are just as hot or handsome if not more... Chico is def way up there in the rankings of the sexiest and most good-looking guys.
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