My Brother And His Husband


Legendary Member
Dec 4, 2019
London (Greater London, England)
No Response
(Part 2/2)


"How's Rory?" Sawyer yelled, trying to make himself heard through the loud music.

"Why, does your ass miss him?" I winked at him and his boyfriend Brock.

We were all at Q, the bar where Taylor bartended. While he was busy at work on a Friday night, we were talking about his baby brother.

Sawyer and Brock told us they had a threesome with Rory the day after it happened. Somehow, they'd gotten him to fuck Sawyer on the Fourth of July. Taylor seemed amused to hear this about his brother, but not majorly surprised.

"Let's not bring it up to Rory unless he does first," Taylor had asked me.

"Sure. But what do you think it means? Do you think he might be gay as well?"

"I dunno. Just look at all our friends that don't identify as just 'gay' or 'straight' anymore." He was right. "And Rory's like what, 11 years younger than you? His generation gives even less of a shit."


I woke up the morning after meeting Sawyer and Brock at the bar with a slight headache. My husband was sleeping next to me, naked except for the cock cage he had on.

I looked around the floor of our messy bedroom and found a pair of basketball shorts. The waistband on these was particularly loose so they always sagged a few inches lower than they should, but I pulled them down and adjusted them even lower. I left the room and went to the bathroom to piss and brush my teeth.

"Good morning," my young brother-in-law said as soon as I walked into the living room.

"Hey," I said, blinded by the sunlight for a second.

"You guys were out late last night. Did you have fun?"

"Yaaawn. Yeah, we did," I mumbled, stretching.

I noticed Rory checking out my body as I stretched. The light from the window was hitting me perfectly. My shorts slid down even lower. Under my rock-hard abs and defined obliques, my pubes were literally all out. Even if he tried, I wasn't surprised Rory couldn't keep his eyes off it.

"Gorgeous day," I said, turning around to look out the window, and give Rory a view of the several inches of asscrack I was now showing. I stretched again, and yawned loudly like a tiger.

"Can I get you something to eat?" Rory asked. "There's no food in the house but I was gonna go down and get something."

"Ah, that's nice," I said and turned back around. I put my right hand in my shorts to adjust my balls. Rory's eyes kept switching up and down between my face and my crotch.

"But no healthy shit," I said, scratching my balls and continuing to casually play with them with my hand in my shorts. "Go to McDonald's and get me an Egg McMuffin or some shit."

"But what about your muscle-man diet?" Rory got off the couch and walked up to me, giving one of my pecs a gentle smack with the back of his hand. I was amused by this close body contact while I was still fondling my balls.

"That includes junk food occasionally," I winked. "You need some cash?"

"Nah, I'm good."

"Wait," I stopped him before he was about to turn around. "You got some eye crust on your cheek."

I pulled my hand out of my shorts and gently stroked his cheek with it. As I did so, I got a whiff of my own ball sack.

"Thanks," Rory smiled. "See you in a sec."

I heard Rory leave the apartment as I sat down on the couch. I looked at the window in front of me. About a week ago, I noticed something I was certain was dry cum running down it, and since no one had bothered to clean it since, it was still there.

The noise Rory and I made must've woken up Taylor, cuz I heard him get up and go to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he walked into the living room still naked, and sat on my lap straddling me.

"Good morning, Daddy," he said sleepily and gave me a toothpaste-flavored kiss.

"Where's Rory?" he asked as we continued to kiss.

"Getting us breakfast," I said, squeezing his ass and leading my fingers to his hole.


We continued to make out in the sunny room. After a few minutes I pulled down my shorts to reveal my throbbing erection.

My husband turned around and started to sit on my dick.

"Is that your cum, by the way?" I said, pointing at the window. "It's been there for days."

"No," Taylor laughed. "Must be my brother's."

Hearing him say that made me start to fuck him more vigorously.

"You like that, boy?" I said, biting his ear as he rode my dick.

"Yes, Sir. Ahhh. Thank you, Sir."

We kept going, fucking until we heard the door open.

"I'm back," I heard Rory shout.

I didn't stop fucking Taylor, and neither did he. Now that we were in the zone it wasn't his decision to make: he needed Sir's permission.

Rory walked in and saw us on the couch, which was also his unmade bed. The boxers he slept in were under my bare ass as I fucked his brother.

"Thanks," I said, looking at Rory. "I'll pick up the pace so we're done before the food gets cold."

He chortled.

I heard footsteps as he walked to the kitchen.

I gave Taylor all of my dick, making him scream out loud. I looked down and saw his dick strain the cock cage it was in.

"Hey Rory!" I yelled out, and waited for him to come over.


"Can you please get me the small key that's on my nightstand?" I asked, making eye contact with him. "The one that opens your brother's cock cage."

That last part may not have been necessary, but I enjoyed adding it.

"Sure," Rory said with a relaxed smile.

He came back a few seconds later and stood in front of Taylor and me, trying to pass me the key. But instead of taking it right away, I started speaking in Taylor's ear again.

"You want it?" I growled. "Do you want to be allowed to cum as well?"

"Ahh yes, Sir," Taylor moaned, his eyes closed, bouncing on my dick.

"You want your dick to be let out so it can shoot cum as I'm fucking you."

"Yes, please Sir. I need to cum."

"Then open your eyes, and beg for it."

Taylor opened his eyes and turned his head to look at me.

"Please, can I have the key so I can cum, Sir?"

"I'm not the one who has it," I smirked. "It's not me you should be begging."

Taylor turned around and looked at his brother dead in the eyes.

"Please, can I have the key so I can cum... Sir?"

Rory looked at me, a barely-visible smirk on his face.

I gave a small nod, and Rory handed Taylor the key.

Taylor unlocked his cage, and got hard in a matter of seconds. As soon as Rory's work was done, he walked away to the kitchen. A part of me was disappointed he didn't stay to watch us both cum, but a few minutes later he definitely heard us, our moans and "fuck yeahs" loud enough to be heard from across the street.


"Thanks for breakfast," I said, shoving greasy food in my mouth ten minutes later. The three of us were sitting at the table as if nothing unusual had just happened.

"What're you up to today?" Taylor asked his brother. "Seeing your girlfriend again?"

"She's not my girlfriend, but yes. I'm going to hers just like last weekend. Then probably hanging out with my buddy Ian."

"Hey Rory," I said, swallowing the last bite of my food. "Your brother and I are going to Provincetown at the end of August for a few days. If you can get away from work, wanna come with us?"

"Sure, if you guys don't mind. I've never been to the Cape."

"What do you think, honey?" I turned to my husband.

"Fine by me."

"Then it's all settled then," I smiled.

What I hadn't mentioned is that the room we'd booked only had one bed. And during peak season in P-town, there was no way there'd be any more rooms available.


Legendary Member
Dec 4, 2019
London (Greater London, England)
No Response
Chapter 8: "Shower, Pt. II"


"Mmm, that felt good," Rory said, lying naked next to me as I ran my fingertips down his body.

"I know. Feels a bit weird, doing it here for a change."
I looked around my dorm room, full of girly stuff belonging to my roommate and me. Rory and I usually had sex in his room, Room 141. It started almost a year ago, when he and I met at a party at the beginning of our junior year. It was our first day as seniors now; we were slowly approaching our graduation. We had no idea what was gonna happen to our relationship after that, but so far we both seemed happy to procrastinate having that conversation.

"I think it's nice for a change," Rory looked around my room, lifting his arm to rest it under his head, exposing his hairy armpit. "Aaron deserves it, after all the times we've sexiled him."

Aaron was Rory's roommate. We'd just walked in on him having sex with a girl in Room 141. I didn't get to see much, standing behind Rory as he opened the door, but I recognized the girl as one of my friends, Hannah.

"I'll need to ask Hannah how he was tomorrow," I teased.

"Oh c'mon, leave the kid alone," Rory said protectively. Aaron was a sophomore and a couple of years younger than us.

"You guys are close, aren't you?"

"We are, yes. I was close to Mike as well, my roommate before him. If you're gonna be sharing a room and stuff... I dunno, it's better to get along. We're like brothers, really."

"Yeah... It's funny how that works with boys."

As a girly girl, and a Latina, I was always very touchy-feely with my girlfriends. I gave them a kiss to say hello, linked arms when we were walking, touched their hair or their face all the time. But things were very different for guys, I knew.

"Speaking of boys," Rory said, "I wanna tell you something, but don't go telling anyone. I'm telling you cuz I want to hear your opinion on it."

"Go ahead."

"So this morning, Aaron told me he had sex with a guy a few months ago."

"Oh really? Was it someone from school?"

Rory thought about it awkwardly for a few seconds, then said "No."

"And get this. It was the other guy fucking Aaron."

"Go, Aaron," I laughed. "You don't think he's gay, right?"

"I mean, we just saw him fucking Hannah, so doesn't look like it."

"Yeah, but it would suck if he's using her as a cover-up. That's unfair to both of them."

"True. But I don't think that's what it is. He's probably bi or something."

"Well, good for him. Best of both worlds, if you ask me."

"You think?!" Rory sat up, looking genuinely curious.

"I mean, sure. I totally wish I were into girls."

We lay in silence for a couple of seconds, my fingertips still stroking Rory's chest.

"What about you, you wish you were into guys?"

"I mean, I feel like that's a weird thing to say," Rory said. "I don't know. I'm close to a lot of my buddies. And like, I love them, but I'm not in love with them, you know? I've never met a guy who made me feel that way. But I'm capable of looking at a handsome guy and admitting "Fuck, he's gorgeous," you know?"

"But would that wanna make you have sex with him?"

"I don't think so. Not just like that, no. Like, if I looked at a beautiful girl... and if I were single," he corrected himself just in time, smiling, "I could go like 'Yes, I wanna have sex with her.' It wouldn't be like that with a guy. But I'm not saying I would never ever do it."

"Good on you. You're more open-minded than most straight guys, then."

"You think? I don't know, maybe. Maybe it's just that I grew up with my brother, and I'm so used to being around guys and being close with them."

"Your brother's gay, right?" I asked.


"Something we have in common. Three of my four brothers are gay."

"No way!" Rory seemed amused.

"Yup. Have I never told you that?"

"I knew you had four older brothers, but not about the gay thing."

"Yup. Miguel's the oldest, he and his husband live in Chicago. Manuel's got a wife and kids. My mom insisted on having babies until they had a girl. Then she had twins, Mario and Mateo, and they're both boys and both gay. And then they finally had me."

"And now I have you!" Rory jumped on top of me and started tickling and kissing me as I giggled. I felt his dick get hard against my bare leg again. Fuck, he has a big dick.


"Fuck, he has a big ass," I thought, eyeing my buddy Rory in the shower discreetly.

He and I met just a couple of months ago, right here at the gym. In that short amount of time, we'd gotten to be quite close. It was like that with people in New York; you either saw them once a year, or all the fucking time till you become inseparable.

Growing up in the city, I was in sort of a bubble. My close friends were always queer and very sex-positive, so much so that it was easy to forget that not everyone out there's like that.

"You know, you're my first best friend that's straight," I told him, the two of us the only ones in the gang showers.

"Aww. I'm your 'best friend'?" Rory cooed.

I thought he was mocking me so I rolled my eyes.

"No, c'mere," he stepped toward my shower and gave me a tight hug under the steam of water.

"Careful," I told him, "I haven't had sex in a few days so it won't take much to get me hard."

"Ha! I know what you mean," Rory said, returning to his own shower head.

"What, Girl Rory not putting out anymore?"

"You know, it's the weirdest thing," he said, shampooing his hair. "We've been meeting regularly for over a month now, fucking all the time, always me going to her place despite the commute. Then she starts ghosting me, completely, out of the blue."

"Don't take it personal. She probably met someone else. You know how it is, with Tinder now, people meet someone new and forget about everyone else."

"Well that fucking sucks!" Rory seemed rightfully outraged. "Makes people seem disposable."

"Hey, try being gay and going on Grindr, then talk to me about feeling disposable."

"Speaking of gay, I'm going to Provincetown next week, so you'll be working out alone."

"Ah yeah. You looking forward to it?" I asked.

"Yeah, it'll be nice to get away with my brother and Owen. We're sharing a room, so we'll see how that goes. I thought it'd be just the three of us, but it turns out a couple of buddies of mine from college are going as well, so I'll see them there."

"Anyone we've talked about?"
"Yeah, remember my suitemate Eric? Well it's him and his boyfriend, and his two dads, and apparently another friend of theirs."

"Sounds like... a hot time," I smiled, washing and rubbing my dick.

"Yeah, for everyone but me," Rory chuckled.

He closed his eyes and turned around, rinsing his hair and enjoying the shower. We'd both just had a hard workout. I was enjoying my shower as well, maybe too much so. Looking at Rory's glutes (which is what we'd been working on today) and feeling as horny as I was, I started to pop a boner.

"Dude, you need to take care of that before someone comes in," Rory noticed my hard-on. We were alone in the showers but we could hear voices from the locker room; it was only a matter of time before someone came in.

"Go ahead, bro" Rory encouraged me, grinning mischievously. "I'll keep an eye out for you."

He moved a couple shower heads down to the very first one, so he could keep an eye out around the corner.

"Turn around," I told him, stroking my hard dick under the running water.


"So I can see your ass," I smirked.

"You fucker," Rory smiled, but granted me my wish.

"Fuck man, that's a nice ass."

"Hurry up and cum before someone comes in."

"Maybe I need a bit more inspiration," I jerked off faster and faster. "Why don't you shake it for me."

Rory laughed and wiggled his ass. Watching his big cheeks bounce, water dripping off them, got me even hornier.

"Fuck, man," I moaned, enjoying myself as my orgasm drew closer and closer.

"Okay, stop, there's someone coming!" Rory warned me.

"Can't stop now. Too close." I sped up my strokes as fast as my arm would go.

Then, to my surprise, Rory grabbed each of his ass cheeks. He bent down and spread them wide open so I could see his tight, hairy hole.

"Fuuuuck, maaaan!" I started to bust my load. Multiple ropes of cum sprayed all over the shower room.

Two seconds later, two middle-aged men came in, talking to each other. I turned to the wall trying to hide my erection, still dripping cum. My hand was still gripping my cock, enjoying the feeling. Rory and I looked at each other and smiled, and he winked at me.

The follow-up Provincetown story: "Beach Bonding"


Legendary Member
Dec 4, 2019
London (Greater London, England)
No Response
Preceded by the Provincetown story "Beach Bonding"

Chapter 9: "Here for You"


I woke up with a jolt, sweating and shaking. I felt someone's arms around me and it felt reassuring to know I wasn't alone.

"Shh," a soft voice whispered in my ear. "It's alright."

"What time is it?" I asked, sitting up in the dark.

"Umm... 3 AM."

I saw the dim light of a smartphone screen go on and off.

"I need to text my brother," I said. "I need to let him know I'm here."

"He already knows you're here, he'll know you crashed. Come, go back to sleep."

I lay back down and felt my buddy Ian wrap his arms around my body again. My breathing was accelerated, but starting to calm down.

"Was it a dream?" Ian asked gently.

"Mhm," I mumbled, turning my back to him and making myself comfortable in his embrace. I could feel his dick find its way between my ass cheeks. I closed my eyes.

"Was it about... what you found out today?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied, feeling comforted and starting to drift back off to sleep.

"I'm here for you if you need me, buddy," Ian whispered in my ear. I took his arms and wrapped them tighter around me, our two bodies sticking to each other, fitting like two jigsaw pieces.


After almost six months of living and working in New York, I finally had enough money saved up to move out of my brother's place. It'd taken much longer than I anticipated; at first I thought I'd only crash with him and Owen for a month or two. Finding out just how much it'd cost and just how shitty some of the inexpensive places were, had come as a surprise.

Another surprise was how much we weren't in each other's way. I thought sharing a one-bedroom apartment with newlyweds would be hell for everyone. Turns out, with some tolerance and communication, it all went quite smoothly. Granted, it wasn't a situation most people would be cool with, being exposed to my brother and his husband's sexcapades, but I didn't mind. Every year, I was more and more past this "sex is shameful" attitude, and I felt all too grateful for that.

Now that summer was over, there was more work for everyone so we weren't at home that much anyway. Taylor had found a new office job and only bartended one or two nights a week now. As I racked up more responsibilities at my company, I was also expected to put in more hours. The two of us would be going back home to Pennsylvania for the holidays soon, and the plan was for me to move out as early as possible in the new year.

My friendship with my college buddies Eric and Will had been reinvigorated by our time together in Provincetown. We started to text and talk daily, but over the weeks that kinda fizzled down. Still, it was nice to know people hadn't forgotten about me, and that I had someone nearby if I needed them.

One person I wasn't keeping in touch was "Girl Rory" Aurora. She stopped responding to my texts and after five or six attempts I took the hint and gave up. The thought did briefly cross my mind to just show up at her doorstep, but then I realized how creepy that would be, even if she wasn't being fair by ghosting me this way after everything.

Which is why, it was an absolute shock to get a text one Saturday morning.

"Hey, sorry I've been AWOL. Can we talk later today?"

A hundred possible responses flew through my mind, but I decided to keep it brief.

"Sure," I typed.

"The Starbucks where we met, 3 PM?"


Rory was already sitting down at a table when I walked in, even though I was almost ten minutes early. The place was rather empty on the weekend, compared to the crazy crowd here during office hours.

I walked over to her table without sitting down.

"Hi. Can I get you anything?" I asked, even though she was already holding a drink.

"No, thanks. I would've gotten you something but I wasn't sure what you want. And I didn't want it to get cold."

"Don't worry about it," I said and walked off to the bar.

Was everything okay, I worried while waiting for my coffee. Rory looked... different. She was always so confident and bubbly. She now seemed somber, sitting indoors with her winter coat on, her face puffy as if she'd been crying.

I sat down across from her and kept quiet, giving her a chance to make the first move.

"I'm sorry I didn't text back," she said, talking more quietly than usual. "I wasn't in New York."

"Oh," I hadn't even considered that. I was so certain she was ignoring me for some other person, or simply because she'd decided she didn't like me that much. "Where were you?"

"I went back home to D.C. for a bit."

Did someone die? That was my first thought. That would explain the puffiness and change of attitude. I remained silent, waiting to hear more.

"I..." Rory continued, "I'm pregnant."

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING in this world could've prepared me for that. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut.

"Is... Is it...?" I stuttered.

"It's yours," she said curtly.

"H-how? I thought you were...?"

Rory and I didn't use condoms, but she'd told me she was on the pill. I never had a reason not to trust her. Plus, she didn't seem like the kind of girl that was in a rush to have a baby anyway.

"Birth control didn't work for some reason. Guess we're in that 1%."

Holy fuck, what do I do?!

"I went back home to be with my mom, decide what to do," Rory said.

I put my cup down and clutched the table. My hands were too shaky to be holding a drink.

"When I was 17, I had an abortion," she continued. "I thought I wouldn't care, and thankfully my parents were cool and I had access to it. I thought it'd be 'no big deal,'" she used air quotes. "And maybe it's not for some people, but for me at that age... it really messed me up for a while. And I... I didn't wanna do it again. I'm 24, so I... thought I might as well give it a go."

I sat there, feeling like a spectator rather than a participant in my own life. I had absolutely no clue what to do or say.

Luckily, Rory seemed to have a speech prepared.

"It's too late for that now, I'm in my second trimester. Sorry for telling you now, but I just... couldn't do it earlier. I know a part of it is unfair, but I guess that's just biology. As for you... You get to decide for yourself. If you wanna be in his life you can, otherwise I'll be fine, my family's by my side and –"

"'He'?" I interrupted.


"You said 'his life.' Does that mean it's a boy, or did you just say that generically?"

"Shit. I didn't wanna tell you unless you wanted to know. But yes, it's a boy."

For some reason, knowing the sex made a huge difference. It was no longer some abstract fetus we were talking about; it made him sound like... a person.

Rory put her cup down and I finally stopped clutching the table. I reached over and took her hands in mine.

"And what about us?" I asked.

"Honestly... I haven't even been thinking about that. When I found out, I was so stressed tryna decide whether to keep it cuz I didn't have that much time, and going back home and keeping up with all the doctor's appointments and shit... I'm sorry, Rory, but I've been all over the place. Building a romantic relationship with you is just not a priority right now."

Fair enough. If I knew one thing it's that I didn't want to stress her right now. Besides, us two being a "romantic couple" was never really the goal for either of us, even when we were fucking.

"I'm in," I said, still holding her hands. "Just one thing."


"Can we please name him Rory?"

"No fucking way!" she shouted, making every head at the coffee shop turn to us; and for the first time since we sat down, the two of us laughed. We laughed loudly until we both had tears in our eyes, still holding hands.


Superior Member
Aug 8, 2008
United States
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Chapter 4: "New Best Buddy" (Part 1/2)


The first week of living with my brother Taylor and his husband Owen went by really quickly. It turned out all the things I was worried about before moving in with them (how we can share an apartment so small, would I be in the way, would everyone be comfortable) were no big deal. Instead, I was busy with the small things: where to get the best coffee in the neighborhood, what's the best commute to work, how to get into a gym routine I can stick to. And then there was one big thing: how to make friends after college.

As for Taylor and Owen, we were cool. Yes, I saw them naked around the apartment but that was no big deal, especially in summer; and yes, I heard them fucking every single night but that's to be expected of two newlywed guys their age. However, hearing them reminded me of how much more fun it is to have sex with a partner rather than just jerk off, and it made me wish I had someone as well.

The Sunday before my first day at work, I woke up to Taylor and Owen already in the kitchen. Owen was sitting at the table in his underwear, drinking coffee and having his protein-rich breakfast. My brother was in a jockstrap, kneeling on the floor next to him.

It took me a bit by surprise to see him this way, but I didn't say anything but "Good morning."

"Good morning," Owen said back casually, scratching my brother's chin like he was a good puppy dog. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good, thanks. Just gotta make sure I have everything I need before tomorrow."

After this, we started talking about work. Meanwhile, I helped myself to a cup of coffee, while Owen snapped his fingers and my brother bent down on his elbows, with his ass facing his husband. As he chatted with me, Owen held his coffee mug with his left hand, and started nonchalantly fingering Taylor's hole with his right.

I stood there, hiding my grin behind my cup as I sipped my coffee.

"So what're your plans for the day?" my brother asked me while two, then three of his husband's fingers went inside his hole.

"I'm hanging out with a new friend. You know him, actually. Remember the guy from the sauna, when we went to the gym the other day?"

"Oh," Taylor said and turned to look as me. We made eye contact, as Owen's fourth finger went inside Taylor, making him squirm for a second.

"His name's Ian," I continued talking about my new buddy. "We exchanged numbers when we got out of the sauna and we've been texting ever since. He's cool. He's 21 as well, and he's lived in the city his whole life. Thought it'd be cool to have a local guide."

"Definitely. You guys should go... ahh... have fun." As my brother said that, Owen's hand turned and went deeper inside his hole. I saw both pleasure and pain on Taylor's face at that moment, but a second later the pain seemed to be gone and he looked to be in heaven.

"Anyway, I gotta run," I said, finishing the last of my coffee. "I'm gonna grab a shower and then I'm off to Ian's. See you guys tonight!"

When I came out of the bathroom, on my way out, I saw Owen still sitting at the table and my brother still on his knees. This time he was turned facing his husband, sucking his dick at the table.


"Hey! Welcome!" Ian said when he answered the door, a huge smile on his face.

He was naked head-to-toe. We gave each other a friendly hug and a pat on the back as I walked into his apartment.

"Hey. Your roommates gone?"

I knew from all the texting back and forth that Ian lived with two roommates.

"No, they're in their rooms. C'mon, I'll show you mine."

He led me down the hallway to his room, ducking in every doorway so not to hit his head.

His room was small and cramped, even though there wasn't much there other than a bed and a desk with a chair. He sat on his bed and I took the chair and sat across from him.

"Sorry, there's no living room," he said, "so we either gotta sit here or the kitchen."

"That's okay. I'm currently crashing on my brother's sofa bed, so I know how it is."

"City living, eh?" he smiled. (Damn, his eyes were gorgeous.) "Would you like something to drink?"

"Sure. It's Sunday, so I guess it's not too early to have a beer."

"Um," he said with some hesitation, "I don't drink so we don't really keep alcohol in the house. But if you want I can run downstairs and get you some?"

"No no no, that's fine. Water's fine."

I watched Ian's back (and his bubble butt) as he walked out of the room. When he walked back holding two glasses of water, his dick with its big mushroom head flopped around. He closed the door behind him and sat back down on the bed.

"So your roommates don't mind you walking around naked?" I asked the obvious question, just because I didn't want to sit in silence and nudity seemed to be the easiest thing to talk about.

"Nah, they're cool with it. Besides, shared space, you know what it's like."

"I do. I lived in a dorm up until a few weeks ago and there was no hiding anything."

"I never went to college, so I never got to live in a dorm. Must be fun."

"It is. It's got its downsides, of course, but I found it incredibly easy to make friends and be social there. I gotta say, I feel a bit clueless now, 'in the real world.'"

This was more personal than I would normally get with a person I hardly knew, but something about Ian made me feel safe to open up to him. Besides, as sad as it might sound, after saying goodbye to my boys from college who were like brothers to me, I was desperate for a new best buddy.

"Yeah, it can be tough," Ian said, "especially if you're new somewhere. But don't worry, you'll meet people soon enough."

Before long, the conversation had turned to my brother. Ian assumed he was my boyfriend when he saw us at the sauna together, but I'd corrected him over text that Taylor was my brother.

"I've seen him around the gym," Ian said. "He's hard to miss in the locker room with his... accessories."

"Oh, his cock cage?" I laughed.

"Yeah. Wasn't sure if you knew so didn't wanna mention it."

"I know. My brother and I are pretty close, always have been. And he and his husband seem to be in an... interesting relationship."

"Like a Dom/sub thing?" Ian asked casually.

"To be honest I don't know what that is."

"Like his husband's the more dominant one, and your brother's submissive. Gets off on being told what to do." Ian sounded like he'd taken a class in this.

"I don't know how to feel about that," I admitted.

"It sounds weird if you've never been exposed to it, but it's perfectly fine if it's consensual, it's very common. Especially with us gay men, I think."

"So is that... something you've done as well?" I asked, hopeful I wasn't prying too much.

"Not really in that way. But like, I get a kick out of this," he said, pointing between us two.


"Like, the clothed male naked male dynamic. I like that you're sitting there with all your clothes on and I'm here fully naked."

"Like it as in it's turning you on?" I asked. Then, I instinctively looked down at his dick, which was now getting hard.

"Yes, in a way. But I also like that we can sit and talk and it doesn't have to be sexual. It's like two buddies."

I smiled when I heard that word. A few minutes later, I moved to sit next to him on the bed. Ian quickly got fully hard and remained that way most of the time, but ignored it as if it was no big deal.

We talked that way for about half an hour, until we decided to go down and grab something for lunch.

"Hey buddy, can I ask you something before we go?" he said, and I had a feeling where this was going.

"Yes," I answered.

"Can I jerk off before we go eat?" he said, leaning back on his bed. "I just really need to cum."

"That's okay," I smiled.

I watched Ian lean all the way back, as I sat on the foot of his bed. He put his left hand under his head, and used his right hand to start stroking his cock.

"You can rub one off as well if you want," he offered.

"No, that's fine," I said. By this point I was starting to get hard in my jeans as well, but for some reason I didn't want to whip it out.

Instead, I watched Ian as he jerked himself off, starting slow then going faster, starting to moan, and occasionally using his free hand to pinch his nips or tug on his balls. The light coming in from the window shined directly on him.

"Fuck, I like that," he said, pulling on his balls.

He shuffled his arms a few times, trying to jerk off while tugging on his ballsack. He seemed to be close to cumming, but he just couldn't get comfortable.

Then, out of nowhere, I felt the urge to help him out. I reached for his sack and pulled it. It instantly made his eyes roll to the back of the head.

"Fuuuuck, yeah," he screamed out, stroking his dick with both hands now, as I pulled on his balls. "Oh buddy, that feels so good! Thank you."

I smiled and kept pulling. Less than a minute later, Ian started shooting his load all over his stomach, his hands, and my arm. I felt the warm cum hit my skin, but I never let go.

"Ahhh," he leaned forward, trying to catch his breath. Next thing, he was sitting down and we were face-to-face. He moved closer to me until we were nose-to-nose. I felt his breath and saw the sweat dripping down his face. My hand was still clutching his nuts.

"Thank you, buddy," he exhaled softly. "That felt so good. Thanks."

I looked him in the eyes, the smell of his sweat taking me back to the sauna where we met. Then, he leaned forward and gave me a kiss. His balls were still in my hand, but instead of squeezing them I'd inadvertently started to stroke them.

He kissed me for about 15 seconds, slowly but passionately, our tongues going in and out of each other's mouths. When he broke free, Ian smiled at me.

"Let's go get something to eat," he said.

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Superior Member
Oct 23, 2014
the roadtrip to the mountains!



Legendary Member
Dec 4, 2019
London (Greater London, England)
No Response
Chapter 10: "Side by Side" (Part 1/2)


"Since when do you smoke indoors?" Sawyer asked.

"Since your boyfriend brought the good weed and fucked me so good I can't get my ass up," I answered, taking a drag, looking up at the ceiling.

I lay in my bed with Sawyer and Brock. My husband Owen had made a last-minute decision to fly to Minnesota to surprise his mom on her birthday. To keep our marital bed warm, I invited our friends Sawyer and Brock over that Saturday. We spent pretty much the entire day fucking, and we now lay in bed naked, covered in sweat and cum.

"Is that your brother?" Sawyer asked, reacting to a noise out in the hall.

"Nah, just the neighbors."

"Where is Rory? Out with his baby mama?"

"Yup, he said he's seeing her, then meeting a friend later."

"So, like, how is he?"

I wasn't surprised by Sawyer's interest in my brother. After all, the very first time they met, Rory ended up fucking Sawyer. My friends and I talked about it a few times, joking around, and debating just "how straight" my brother was if he was willing to fuck a guy. But, as a few months passed, we almost forgot it'd ever happened.

"He's okay," I answered Sawyer's question, passing the blunt around. "He took the pregnancy news as well as can be expected. He's just getting stuff ready now."

"Is he still gonna live here with you guys?" Brock chimed in.

"I don't know," I rolled around. I could still feel Brock's cum in my ass. "I told him he can stay as long as he wants. He keeps saying he doesn't wanna intrude."

"Seems like you all got pretty comfortable round here," Sawyer noted.

"Ha, you can say that again," I laughed.

My husband and I being the horndogs that we were, I thought there's no way we could have my little brother around all that. Turns out, Rory wasn't that "little" anymore. He had really matured in college, and hardly found our sexcapades that outrageous. Pretty soon, we were fucking in front of him without anyone blinking an eye. Hell, there's even that time we all shared a bed in Provincetown.

"And what does Owen say?" Brock asked.

I took a deep drag and exhaled, passing the blunt to him.

"Owen's never said anything," I answered, "but he's always wanted to have a brother. I think he really likes having Rory here."

"And you don't mind your brother seeing and hearing you get fucked by your husband?" Sawyer asked. I looked his way and noticed his dick had started going hard again.

I smirked. Sawyer was obviously turned on by the idea.

"I don't mind. Not like he didn't know Owen and I fuck. We're married, for fuck's sake. Besides, how do you know he's there to see it?" I teased.

"Because I know you and Owen, and I know you can't keep it in your pants. Isn't that why you got fired last year, 'inappropriate behavior'? God only know the things your brother's seen around here."

"Let's just say… He's seen a lot," I teased. I noticed a drop of precum leak out of Sawyer's dick and land on his pubes.

"At first I thought it might be weird," I continued. "But Rory's seen Owen fuck me. He's seen him lock my cock in a cage. He's seen me down on my knees, serving my husband. He knows I like to worship him, submit to him. And I can tell Owen enjoys showing off this side of me. A dirty secret. Shared with a family member, nonetheless. My own brother."

Sawyer's eyes were now closed. Lying next to me, he was stroking his dick while his husband and I watched, all of us high.

"He doesn't care who sees," I whispered in Sawyer's ear. "He doesn't care that Rory and I grew up together. He wants to show me off no matter what. Show my baby brother just how big of a slut I am. How much my hole needs his dick. To fuck me. To cum inside me. More important to me than anything in the world."

"Mmm," Sawyer moaned and started cumming all over himself.

I reached over and scooped up his cum to put in my mouth, before giving Sawyer a sloppy kiss, which Brock joined as well.


Legendary Member
Dec 4, 2019
London (Greater London, England)
No Response
(Part 2/2)


"At the end of it all, today turned out my better than I feared," I thought, sneaking in the apartment quietly at 2 AM. I'd spent the first half of the day with Rory, sorting things out for the baby. Thankfully, as her pregnancy progressed, instead of becoming more nervous, she was getting more comfortable with the idea of being a parent, especially now I'd said I'm on board. Entering the third trimester, her attitude was, "Oh, hurry up and get him out of me so I can have a drink and a smoke already."

I'd spent the evening with my best buddy Ian. He was the first person I went to when I found out I was going to be a dad; before I even told my brother. Admittedly, my initial reaction was panic, which led Ian to reassure me that things are gonna be okay, and that I can always count on him and on others for help. I was grateful, and felt much closer to him now after all this.

I passed out on the couch, exhausted. The baby wasn't even here yet, and I felt like I barely had any time to myself. "What I need is a stiff drink and a blowjob," I thought, spreading my legs open and lying back. After a while, I figured I could get at least one of the two. I helped myself to some of Owen's scotch in the kitchen, and sat back down.

I drank in silence, not looking at my phone, not looking at anything other than the view from the window. Six months in Hell's Kitchen with my brother and Owen now, almost to the day. Much longer than I'd planned. Funny how life works.

Just then, I heard a door opening and someone going to the bathroom. I thought it was my brother, but when he came out I realized it was Sawyer.

"Hey," he whispered, "you're back."

"I am," I confirmed, taking a sip as Sawyer walked up to the couch.

"Long day?" he asked. It was only two words, but I could tell he was trying to sound seductive. He was completely naked, walking slowly toward me. The light was on in the kitchen; that and the street lights outside were enough for me to be able to see Sawyer's body. The first man I'd ever fucked. And the only person I'd fucked roughly, feeling dominant and aggressive.

"It was alright," I said with a deep voice. "Just tired."

"Then why aren't you asleep?" He was standing next to the couch now, looking down at me.

"I will in a minute. Just need to relax."

He smiled.

"Can I help you with that?" he used the cliché porn line.

"You can get on your knees," I said sternly. Again, what was it about Sawyer that put me into dom mode? Or was it the fact he was a man that made me switch?

Nonetheless, Sawyer was more than eager to do what I said. He got on his knees and reached for my jeans. He pulled them down keenly, and I took off my sweatshirt and the rest of my clothes. As Sawyer put my dick in his mouth, I kicked back, closed my eyes, and started to relax.

"That's more like it," I thought. "An eager mouth serving my cock. And with my eyes closed like this, you can't even tell if it's a man or a woman."

Sawyer sucked without a break until I was hard. At that point, he had to stop for air, taking my dick out of his mouth for a sec. Hard, it could barely fit in his mouth. But when it came to sucking dick, Sawyer was no quitter. He took a deep breath and went straight back to work.

I lost myself in the blowjob, enjoying it for a few minutes, filling Sawyer's throat with precum, when my brother's voice woke me out of my trance.

"You're back home."

I opened my eyes and saw Taylor standing there naked, his metal cock cage the only thing he had on. By this point, I was used to seeing my big brother locked in his toy. I wondered if Owen even left him the key, or took it with him to Minnesota.

"Yes, I'm back," I said, smiling at Taylor as Sawyer dutifully slurped my dick.

"How was your day? How's Rory?" Taylor continued, as if this was the right time for a casual chat.

"She's alright. Better then expected, I guess."

"And how are you?" he asked cheekily.

"I'm not complaining," I pointed down at Sawyer's head bopping on my dick and smiled.

"Is there a party going on here, and why wasn't I invited?" Sawyer's boyfriend Brock walked into the room sleepily. Apparently they were both here keeping my brother company while his husband was away.

"Brock, hey!" I greeted him. "Good to see you."

"Hey, Rory," he said, walking up to the couch, completely ignoring the fact his boyfriend was sucking my cock. Sawyer, meanwhile, kept going faster and harder on my dick, stroking it with one hand while sucking, and playing with my ball sack with the other.

It felt interesting, being the one getting a blowjob while other people, including my brother, stood right there. Usually, Taylor was the one fucking in front of me. Over the past few months, I'd seen and heard him and his husband doing it so often, that I didn't even find it unusual anymore. I'd just grown to realize that sex isn't something we should be ashamed of, at least not amongst ourselves. For a second, I thought back to Taylor and me growing up, sharing a room. And now here he was, standing in front of me stark naked, with a cock cage on his dick, while one of his friends sucked my cock. Who'd have known.

As they watched us, Brock put his hand on my brother's ass and started playing with it.

"Fuck yeah," I looked back down at Sawyer. I was really starting to feel good now. He continued to suck me, and I wasn't paying attention to Taylor and Brock. Not until Taylor got on the couch next to me, his ass sticking out as he leaned against the backrest. Brock got behind him, his dick just as hard as mine was, and started to press it against my brother's hole.

"Fuck!" I heard Taylor moan out. I turned to my left to look at him, and he turned his head to face me as well. We made eye contact, our faces just inches from each other. I looked my brother straight in the eyes as Brock's dick went inside him. I saw Taylor's pupils expand, and felt his breath on my face as he was getting penetrated. "It's okay," I tried to tell my brother with my eyes without making a sound. "I love you," it felt like he was trying to tell me.

I tapped Sawyer on the shoulder, and got him to stop sucking my dick. He looked disappointed, but only until he realized he was in for an even bigger treat. I guided him to kneel on the couch, just like my brother was, next to him. I was preparing to fuck Sawyer again, just as Brock was fucking Taylor.

We got in position. Even though it'd been half a year since I fucked Sawyer, my dick felt familiar with his hole. I slid right in and started to fuck him as he moaned out. Right next to me on my right, Brock was fucking my brother. The four of us looked like a mirror image, side by side.

Pretty soon, it'd become a playful competition. Brock started to fuck my brother harder, which made me pick up speed as well. Meanwhile, the two bottoms moaned out louder and louder. Brock and I made eye contact; he flashed me a devilish grin as if to challenge me.

"Oh, it's on," I said out loud, making Brock smile.

I sped up and fucked his boyfriend with all the power my legs could muster.

"Oh, yeah?" Brock dared me, picking up speed himself, making my brother scream and moan out.

The race was on. Brock and I kept going, harder and harder, trying to outdo each other. It made my brother and Sawyer scream out so loud that if anyone heard them they'd think they were being tortured. We knew, however, those were screams of pleasure. My big brother was a greedy bottom, as was Sawyer.

Growing up a high school jock, I was familiar with pissing contests between boys. That's exactly what this was. My legs were getting tired but I wasn't about to give up. Brock and I kept going faster. Sawyer tried playing with his hard dick while I fucked him, but it was difficult at this speed. I wondered what this might feel like for my brother, in his cage. I guess he liked the sensation of being fucked more. And Brock was giving him a damn good fucking.

"I'm about to cum," I announced, to Brock more than anyone else.

"You had a head start," he said, squeezing my brother's ass while fucking him.

"Well catch up, bitch," I dared him, my cock sliding back in forth in his boyfriend's ass.

"C'mon now, we can't let your little brother beat us," Brock said to Taylor, who turned back to look at me. I gave Taylor a wink and he smiled, sweat dripping down his face.

"C'mon now," Taylor said, "you can do it."

I wasn't sure if he was rooting for me or for Brock, but he was looking at me dead in the eyes as he said that. Suddenly, I felt it coming. I started to shoot my cum inside Sawyer's hole, all the while maintaining eye contact with my big brother.

"Attaboy," Taylor said as I shot my load, grimacing my face and grunting loudly.

"Fuck," Brock yelled out, slowing down as he started to cum inside my brother. The connection between Taylor and me felt so intense in that moment; it was as if I could feel his guts being filled with Brock's jizz, solely by looking at his eyes.

"Fuck," I said one last time, shooting my last spurt of cum, ready to pass the fuck out.