So is he gay? His onlyfans is a letdown. He won't even post a picture of his best assetswithout clothes on.
Nick reminds me of what I used to be until I turned 28, now I'm 40. But before then I use to go through great lengths to hide my being gay all because I was so afraid of what certain people would think. And every time the heat got turned up on the subject I'd even hold hands with certain girls and took pictures with them for social media. And those girls knew I was gay, but were nice enough to play along. I had friends who knew but my co-workers and a lot of family didn't know. Well at least not for sure, cause any time someone would ask I'd deny it. Plus on purpose during high school through present day I've always hung around straight guys who are the pretty boy jocks.
It was always easy for me to hit it because I don't look, act, or sound gay. At least from the judgmental stereotype of what people say all gay men behave like, which of course is wrong in so many ways. Cause as we know there are ALL TYPES of gay men cut from many different types of cloth. It's just the only ones who get the most attention are the guys who "wear it on their shirt" by the way they behave. But even people in Nick's own "business circle" who adore him just shake their heads at him.
For me I finally said who cares about what other people think. No matter if it's on social media or in my personal life. It's time to get over yourself and stop giving people that much power over you.