Owen Lindberg

He didn’t post a black square to his IG
No, it happened during his live Story tonight. He casually said the phrase my niggas as in ‘my buddies’ and then a bunch of people called him a racist and made him feel terrible. Which to an extent they had a right to do, because imho no white guy should ever use the n-word even in that context. If you’ve followed Owen for any period of time, though, you’d know he’s an anti-racist, he’s a bigtime believer in equality and minority rights. But as with so many young white guys who listen only to rap/hiphop, it becomes their style and their culture, they think niggas is ok because it’s not said as a slur but as a term of friendship, like “homies.” All their cultural heroes sing it and they say it - and young people emulate their heroes.
No, it happened during his live Story tonight. He casually said the phrase my niggas as in ‘my buddies’ and then a bunch of people called him a racist and made him feel terrible. Which to an extent they had a right to do, because imho no white guy should ever use the n-word even in that context. If you’ve followed Owen for any period of time, though, you’d know he’s an anti-racist, he’s a bigtime believer in equality and minority rights. But as with so many young white guys who listen only to rap/hiphop, it becomes their style and their culture, they think niggas is ok because it’s not said as a slur but as a term of friendship, like “homies.” All their cultural heroes sing it and they say it - and young people emulate their heroes.

ma'am that is a grown ass man, and if he can't even have the basic conscious to censor himself, he should not be given any sort of platform. I get your statement is not combative but the bottom line is it's just not the move... yikes
I mean, regardless of how ridiculous Owen and most white guys his age look trying to act black, if black rappers don't want that word to be repeated by others, including white people, then they shouldn't casually insert it in their song's lyrics, regardless of it ending in -a or -er :emoji_shrug:

It's that Kendrick Lamar stage drama all over again.
People are judging him because a black square, that doesn't mean anything, many people are using black squares just to get likes. Don't be hypocritical.

For example: Nick Swafford posted "all lives matter", a few hours later started to post "black lives matter" and dancing stupid videos with hashtags "black lives matter". Do you think he cares about it? Not at all. But he knows that he will get views and likes because of it.

Now people are lynching this guy because he didn't do it? That is so stupid. I didn't post a black square and I support the cause. And the original idea was NOT to post a stupid black square, it was to STOP posting shit and let black people post and be visible (For example: Shawn Mendes gave his Instagram to a girl, so now she is visible for his followers).

If you want to support the cause, amazing, I'm with you! But don't hypocritical, don't force people to do it, don't judge people that apparently are not doing anything, they have a life outside social media, they can do better there.

Its not because of a black square people are mad at him for saying the N-word
Its not because of a black square people are mad at him for saying the N-word

Exactly. He said the N word in a recent stream. The person checked him and he urged his fans to go attack and leak personal information on them. Racist or not, that's disgusting you feel it's okay to endanger someone's life because of they disagree with you. Someone has sent a letter to his agency
Exactly. He said the N word in a recent stream. The person checked him and he urged his fans to go attack and leak personal information on them. Racist or not, that's disgusting you feel it's okay to endanger someone's life because of they disagree with you. Someone has sent a letter to his agency

Cancel culture has took an even worse turn these past two weeks. Anyone who voices anything beyond full support and submission towards these protests is being harassed and almost bullied online. Even people who haven't posted anything related to them.
Exactly. He said the N word in a recent stream. The person checked him and he urged his fans to go attack and leak personal information on them. Racist or not, that's disgusting you feel it's okay to endanger someone's life because of they disagree with you. Someone has sent a letter to his agency
And apparently it's not the first time he's said that word or urged his "fans" to harass people who call him out on it. I mean honestly, I think he's battling his porn past and scared it's gonna really come out, although it's pretty easy to find, and I think he may have some other demons and things he's suffering from, it would explain all of his many meltdowns and dramas he seems to go through. I honestly don't think being in the spotlight or in a business where he has a big reach is good for him. I don't think he has the makeup to survive it; know what I mean? I can see his career ending quickly and him not being able to handle it and getting eaten up alive like so many before him. I honestly do wish the kid well. I don't think he's a bad guy I just think he's been a little entitled in his life and he's now getting a dose of how the real world actually works.
The white victim hood of it all. Don’t forget guys—telling someone not to say the word is as bad as calling a black person the word, because “rights”.

Let's apply your logic then. If that word that ends in an a is so bad, then why people who claim it is so bad keep including it in their rap lyrics and propagating it through the media. Why do people who claim it is so bad keep using it to refer to others in their twitter posts only to cry out when others use it?

You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Let's apply your logic then. If that word that ends in an a is so bad, then why people who claim it is so bad keep including it in their rap lyrics and propagating it through the media. Why do people who claim it is so bad keep using it to refer to others in their twitter posts only to cry out when others use it?

You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Let’s not throw around the word “logic” when we don’t know how to apply it.

No one gets to dictate what words people who share immutable qualities like race use amongst themselves except those people. So for this non-black idiot or anyone else to not only insist on using “the n word” but center themselves in the argument and play victim is ridiculous and willfully ignorant. Also, it’s just good manners not to use words you’ve been asked multiple times not to use. If you choose to keep doing it you deserve all of the blowback you get.
Now he is posting stories in the protests like he actually cares. Look at his last post. He is trying so hard to prove the world he is not racist.
I do not follow him anywhere anymore, used to, but long ago I saw who he really was. How he treats his supporters on instgram is a disgrace
Let’s not throw around the word “logic” when we don’t know how to apply it.

No one gets to dictate what words people who share immutable qualities like race use amongst themselves except those people. So for this non-black idiot or anyone else to not only insist on using “the n word” but center themselves in the argument and play victim is ridiculous and willfully ignorant. Also, it’s just good manners not to use words you’ve been asked multiple times not to use. If you choose to keep doing it you deserve all of the blowback you get.
And only gay people shold be able to use "fag"? Like it's literally the same thing. If i would casually and publically call my gay friends that i wouldnt be suprised if non gay people would start using it casually too, not even as an insult. Its just so ugh to claim certain words for a particular group of people. Can't we just start calling out real racist and homophobic and transphobic people for real racist/homophobic statements and actions? The world has enough of them. Instead we focus on bashing people in our own filter bubble who are obiously not that and fighting those little wars about who can say what to get no one offended.