Owen Lindberg

Let's apply your logic then. If that word that ends in an a is so bad, then why people who claim it is so bad keep including it in their rap lyrics and propagating it through the media. Why do people who claim it is so bad keep using it to refer to others in their twitter posts only to cry out when others use it?

You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Being a white knight isn't going to get him to send you nudes dude.
Am I the only one wondering if people would be defending him if he wasn't a hot young boy who did porn and shows his ass? If he was not considered hot would everyone still be so quick to defend him? I'm genuinely curious. I have my answer and it's a hard no.
People are judging him because a black square, that doesn't mean anything, many people are using black squares just to get likes. Don't be hypocritical.

For example: Nick Swafford posted "all lives matter", a few hours later started to post "black lives matter" and dancing stupid videos with hashtags "black lives matter". Do you think he cares about it? Not at all. But he knows that he will get views and likes because of it.

Now people are lynching this guy because he didn't do it? That is so stupid. I didn't post a black square and I support the cause. And the original idea was NOT to post a stupid black square, it was to STOP posting shit and let black people post and be visible (For example: Shawn Mendes gave his Instagram to a girl, so now she is visible for his followers).

If you want to support the cause, amazing, I'm with you! But don't hypocritical, don't force people to do it, don't judge people that apparently are not doing anything, they have a life outside social media, they can do better there.
The fact that you used the term “lynch” to characterize this situation say a lot about you, and none of it suggest that you understand or support “the cause”.
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Cancel culture has took an even worse turn these past two weeks. Anyone who voices anything beyond full support and submission towards these protests is being harassed and almost bullied online. Even people who haven't posted anything related to them.

My issue is apologize and let it go. Don't send fans to harass and attack someone for disagreeing with use of a word. That alone told me a lot about his character.
Now he is posting stories in the protests like he actually cares. Look at his last post. He is trying so hard to prove the world he is not racist.
I do not follow him anywhere anymore, used to, but long ago I saw who he really was. How he treats his supporters on instgram is a disgrace

Exactly. After a few times of bullying and encouraging bullying/exposing fans who disagree, I unfollowed him. I'm surprised that this was picked up because I personally think he needs to humble himself.
Am I the only one wondering if people would be defending him if he wasn't a hot young boy who did porn and shows his ass? If he was not considered hot would everyone still be so quick to defend him? I'm genuinely curious. I have my answer and it's a hard no.

Exactly. Wrong is wrong. And people wouldn't be defending him if he wasn't attractive. Look at the Doja Cat with her colorist statements. Instead of holding them accountable, people make any and every fucking excuse to validate his fuckery. I unfollowed and haven't looked back. I honestly forgot I watched this thread. I'm glad some of us are holding him accountable.
Racism is sociopathy in the extreme. You probably don’t see that because...well, you know why.

Let’s use some actual logic here. I know some of you aren’t deep thinkers but bear with me. This man says a racial slur on his Live and defends his “right” to do so. He feels so strongly about it that he directs his followers to attack the people telling him not to say it. His defense is that it’s a term of endearment he uses to describe his friends, many of whom are black and allow him to do so. Ergo, he uses it often. One of you fools favorite excuses is that black rappers have made the word so prevalent that your pretend boyfriend here can’t help but use it. Now it’s just “one instance”? You don’t need receipts, you need to use all that idle gray matter in your cranium.
Oh please, now you are accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being a racist? :joy:

If you’d stopped your high-horse from galloping so hard and done your homework in this thread, you’d’ve seen I said from the start that it is never okay for any white guy to say the n-word any way at any time; I was merely explaining Owen’s actions from his live IG story, not excusing them.

In following posts I was merely presenting rebuttles of common rhetorical logic, not advocating them. I even attacked my own reference of the Kobe Bryant example - but no, that’s not convenient for your argument that I need to be a racist now.

As for “directing his followers to attack the people telling him not to say [the n-word]” - uh no, that is not at all what I saw while watching Owen’s IG story. What I saw was one of the viewers in the feed hearing my niggas and very quickly threatening to write a letter to Owen’s modeling agency demanding that he be fired from his contract. No debate or attempt to educate: just an immediate job-firing and tearing down of Owen’s life was this guy’s unilateral solution. Owen, young and dumb, naturally got really scared, and he asked his longtime followers to assure the new guy that he’s not a racist and to convince him not to send that letter and get him fired. Not once did I hear Owen Lindberg
“direct his followers to attack the people telling him not to say [the n-word].” I watched that story to the end, when nervous and flustered Owen abruptly cut the feed. Never heard him order anyone “to attack” anyone. If I had, I’d be attacking him for it.

One problem with hasty and uninformed authoritarians like you (if not haters looking for any opportunity to trash people) is that you’ll allow absolutely no difference between a good-hearted dumb kid making a common important mistake and a drooling “sociopath” starving to hurt people. Instead of turning the mistake into a real teaching moment - an opportunity not only to help Owen to see why no white guy should ever say the n-word, and maybe also teach the countless young people following him - you prefer to wield easy accusations of racist! like a cudgel, battering down anyone whom you don’t like and striving to intimidate others to quickly stop talking and to quickly stop thinking, and to bow down to your own personal judgments.

Well, sorry.

Your account of what really happened - along with your underinformed/ overemotional attempt to lash out at Owen and to anyone who disagrees with you - are all wrong.
Does anyone know where you can find all of the full images from the Pump Underwear 'Switch' collection? If they were released or not...?
I've looked, their Instagram is the closest I've come, but they're edited to feature another model sometimes overlapping/obscuring Owen. The images on their website are mostly cropped. :confused:
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Were any of you watching his live yesterday? Someone asked about the size of his dick and he made a joke about it, but the video cut out for me, let me know if you can remember what he compared it to.
Exactly. I’d also wager that if he were an attractive straight black boy who called someone a “faggot” these same defenders would be calling him a “thug” and some other race-specific terms. But this asshole has the complexion for protection.
Brains are important, but glutes are importanter
Were any of you watching his live yesterday? Someone asked about the size of his dick and he made a joke about it, but the video cut out for me, let me know if you can remember what he compared it to.

I love his lives! His voice is hot. He did one this morning and somebody asked. He said “small” have you seen how big his head is?

I think a modest sexy man is A+++