Owen Lindberg

"He has a good heart" smh y'all are so dumb. I swear some of you would say that about nazis if they were attractive enough.

He's a known con-artist with an ego the size of the moon, who will do anything for a few coins, including beg borrow steal...
That dont mean u gotta pay for it. Once ppl see through the facade they will stop paying for these onlyfans accounts. Until then u guys are the reason why so many of them get away with this foolary. And yeah I said im sure he has a good heart but most of these guys just want to make a living by catering to LGBTQ or other. Just because he will do anything for money on onlyfans doeant mean he's a bad person. It just means that ppl like yall are willing to pay for his shitty content lol and yall fell for it. Not his fault
He chooses to exploit his looks and expose himself to the public. So critique and criticism come with the territory. I love how you claim that someone who has done pornography should not be treated like a piece of meat, even though that’s what he literally does for a living!
So that makes it ok to talk bad about somebody? For the way they look, and act, and fuck? Like cmon. Give the kid a break he may not be ur cup of tea but to attack someones looks just because u feel like u can is judgmental and harsh. He chose to exploit his body, yes, but that doesn't give anybody the right to trash talk him the way yall are doing now. Its your choice to say whatever u want but you wouldnt like it if the shoe were on the other foot. So many celebrities rather they are pornstars or just influencers get trashed all the time on the internet, they are not perfect and neither are u. We should learn to be more kind to each other rather then criticize someone else just because they chose the porn life. Be careful how u judge others cuz u dont know their story
I wasn't the person who said anything about his race or his looks. Go reply to that person and leave me out of your simping nonsense. Tf smh
Lollllllllllllll how does someone come write a four page letter snapping on the wrong person. I can’t!!!! Some people are so out there….it’s ridiculous :emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing:
So that makes it ok to talk bad about somebody? For the way they look, and act, and fuck? Like cmon. Give the kid a break he may not be ur cup of tea but to attack someones looks just because u feel like u can is judgmental and harsh. He chose to exploit his body, yes, but that doesn't give anybody the right to trash talk him the way yall are doing now. Its your choice to say whatever u want but you wouldnt like it if the shoe were on the other foot. So many celebrities rather they are pornstars or just influencers get trashed all the time on the internet, they are not perfect and neither are u. We should learn to be more kind to each other rather then criticize someone else just because they chose the porn life. Be careful how u judge others cuz u dont know their story
We trash talk him because he is trash. He isn’t for the lgbt community at all, in fact he is homophobic and I’m trashing anyone who supports this ugly ass dude. He isn’t anyone special at all.
You must not have much going for you, if you have enough time to lick the boots of this lowlife loser. And why can’t people have a different opinion about his looks than you do? Grow up, and get a life.
"You must not have much going for you." talk about the person who is trash talking someone they don't even fucking know lol I think its you who needs to get a life. Go ahead and have your opinion, I could give two shits. You constantly come here just to talk about him as if he cares or if it makes you feel better about yourself when u probably look like trash. Are u like obsessed with him or something lol I dont get it.
Holy smokes, his thread has gone from a hot mess to just a plain old mess! Would you guys who are bitching at each other kindly transfer your flirtatious bickering to PMs? That way the majority of us what come to this thread to see hotness from Owen can carry on in peace! Thank you and have a great day!
Does he actually post and gay sex vids on his OF? He’s been teasing it but something tells me it’s not legit
His only full sexual videos were the GayHoopla’s solo, his old and deleted OF solos and the only real sex scene was that straight one at HGF. Since then, only teasing and error-inducing
His only full sexual videos were the GayHoopla’s solo, his old and deleted OF solos and the only real sex scene was that straight one at HGF. Since then, only teasing and error-inducing
I thought he shot 2 straight scenes at HGF
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