Photo of the day !!

The ancient (truly ancient) castle and cathedral have stood there - and stood proud - for century after century after century. So they've witnessed one or two Christmases.

I took this one on Thursday, as those two ancient constructions welcomed yet another Christmas.
(And, no, it's not a scratch or bit of muck on the lens when you look at the sky in the top left. Which was my initial worry. But I soon realised it's of 100% natural origin.)

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Beautiful. Now, as a naturally curious guy, what is that in the left top corner? :eek:
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Beautiful. Now, as a naturally curious guy, what is that in the left top corner? :eek:
I'm sorry the answer is so boring, BD, but it's nothing more than a seagull flying downstream to the sea. :(
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I'm sorry the answer is so boring, BD, but it's nothing more than a seagull flying downstream to the sea. :(
Oh, I see and here I was expecting something completely different 😅
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Here he goes again. That Meatn2Veg. Same old spot......same old style of pic.
(Sorry lads, but I love the spot. I honestly do. But I don't think you were in any doubt of that!)

This was last night. As the mist thickened.
And by the most unearthly coincidence, the absolutely wonderful "In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins came on my iPod as I took the first three of these.....




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OK, these are not "photos of the day". There's nothing exciting/beautiful/delightful/original about them. They're just my garden right at this very moment, 12:50am on 5th January 2025.

And I'm posting them because, to me, they're quite dramatic. They illustrate our massively changing climate here in south-east England. (The fastest-warming area on earth.) Once upon a time, we would be pretty much "snowed in" at some point each and every winter. Year in, year out.

This is tonight. Pics taken because this is the best/worst - depending on your point of view - we will see here this winter. Mark my words, this is all winter can muster here now....


The last week has been a bit nippy in this part of the world.

Here are two pics that are in some ways very similar. (But in reality are very different. One was taken by me, one wasn't. One was taken in the afternoon, one was taken in the morning. And my friend and I are 100+ miles apart. Yet we both - unbeknownst to the other - wanted to capture the January scenery.)


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