Photo of the day !!




leave us alone,please humans
More pics I've taken in the town center of Düsseldorf earlier this month.

A school building:
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The "Stahlhof", originally built by a cartel in the business of trading steel, now used by an administration court:
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The "Kö" (Königsallee) with its moat in the middle between two sides of the street:
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Educational and enlightening , as always
Originally built as "Warenhaus Tietz" (1907-1909), this department store is now called "Galeria Kaufhof" (mentioned it in my previous post):
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Hohenzollern House (1910-11) on the right in the pic below:
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The following impressive building was constructed for a bank in 1924/25:
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The Kö-Bogen ("King’s Bow") designed by Daniel Libeskind:
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At one end of the street "Kö" (Galeria Kaufhof would be to the left, Kö-Bogen in the back on the right):
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Another view of the "Kö":
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Johanneskirche (St John's Church) to end this tour of Düsseldorf:
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Did you shop a all the stores, or just take photos of them