Pubes And Manscaping-the Next 4 Weeks


Superior Member
Apr 8, 2006
100% Gay, 0% Straight
I just had a curious thought ... wondering if you guys have plans for your pubes and manscaping for the next few weeks while you are confined to barracks - I know my body hair is tidier than it has for a while because I have been at home with more time work on myself. (Meaning horny and frustrated as fuck.) Anyone else have any thoughts, goals or plans regarding body hair?
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I trimmed mine back a few weeks ago. I dye mine sometimes. This was them before I trimmed them.

This is after trimming them. I plan to let them grow and then dye when I get some alone time.
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I was wondering about that too. It never occured to me that someone would put energy in to that. Mine are black but maybe they will go grey one day ... I suspect I will shave them off completely at that point.

I’ve been dying my goatee for over ten years, otherwise it’s all white. My pubes started the same trend about five years ago so I use the same Just For Men color on both. It’s a weekly chore.
I’ll probably give it up one year but I’m not there yet.
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I've been lazy for the last few weeks, but as I was laying outside naked on the patio yesterday and the wiry white chest hair was noticeable. Pubes were growing back and nuts were looking fuzzy, so when I showered last night, I shaved arms, pits, chest, pubes and balls. Feels great to be smooth again.
I've been lazy for the last few weeks, but as I was laying outside naked on the patio yesterday and the wiry white chest hair was noticeable. Pubes were growing back and nuts were looking fuzzy, so when I showered last night, I shaved arms, pits, chest, pubes and balls. Feels great to be smooth again.

I'm with you. I do full shave downs. The smoothness is an a nice sensation against clothing or when lubed up to jerk. I let it grow back meaning I'm not bald 100% all of the time.
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I'm almost 69. My body hair has become more and more white over the passed 20 years. I never thought about dying that body hair. I should have started right beneath my chin down to my knees or feet.
Dying pubic hair is something for men with just a small bush, no chest hair or hair on legs.

i know that dying my chest and pubic hair is a losing battle and one day I will give it up. Thus far my hairy arms and legs are keeping their color. I also use the light brown tone of Just For Men. The dye actually works better on my chest and pubes than my goatee. And yes, I get my head hair colored too. At some point this will be a lost cause as well.
I do at for and at my husband’s request. But it’s not done only for men without much chest or pubic hair.
Sounds like a plan ... keep us informed ...
Trimmed mine up a few weeks ago and haven't dyed them in about 6 months. Here is what they lookDSC09807.JPG

This is after dying.