Pumping muscle guys

Thanks I love maxwell, hes got the perfect body not to bulky..and cute cock. Suprised he was so willing, since he talked about his GF a few times..Pretty sure his other video, Peter sucked him off, when he was on the bed, since he was soft then instantly hard and his dick looked wet
Which Photoshoot?
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I had trouble the last couple days....it was on 4s, I discovered......be patient and keep trying each 'number"!.....I guess we don't get what we don't pay for!!
I despise this whole system that the website owners have behind all this. They want people to pay $30 a month to look at content that the website owners themselves did not create nor did they hire any of these hot guys to perform in any of the videos that are posted on here.

It's the members who are posting these videos of random hot guys that they themselves either paid for or found on other random websites and shared it here. Plus on top of that, the management of this website is constantly removing content that they're asking people to pay for.