Pumping muscle guys

A couple things. There's definately more erotic clips of Dawson C, David S, Tim K, Jason J, Colin H, Jacob G, Devin D, and Jack B with Peter. They were all edited out. You can see how spliced up they are, and the bits of Peter you see either naked, or in his underwear. The "To Be Continued" text at the end but without any further releases is also an indicator.

Also missing clips of David S, and Jarrett D, since they are all titled as "Photoshoot 1." Which means there were other shoots but never released. In Jarrett D they talked about doing more photoshoots if I recall correctly.

With Jacob G, aside from the obvious jerking off, one of his clips (I believe Photoshoot 1) was edited after release. The original version had him in his yellow underwear, stripping in the gym, showing off for the camera. This is completely cut in all the versions you see today. The original exists somewhere in the net.

There's also the missing Matthew (Matt) V Photoshoot 1. He looked very uncomfortable in the Photoshoot 2, but not much is known about Photoshoot 1 since it's gone. I vaguely remember seeing a preview before, but its lost. What I remember is a scene in a hotel room and he was posing in his black trunks. Peter used to posts previews of all clips on Vimeo and YouTube.

Then there's Zack J. His Photoshoot 2 was edited after release, on the beach, initially you see him and Peter have some argument over wearing a g-string in the water, and Zack demanding for a towel. It was cut out and re-released.

And the missing clips of Ryan R (2, 3, 4, and 5?). Never been posted for years now and nowhere to be found.

I also vaguely remember Adam Charlton being on Pumping Muscle but I was never able to see any clips.
In which videos did the model cum?
Depends on what type of cumshot you're wanting. As far as I know there's only 3 actual captured cumshots Two from Atticus (shoots 1 and 6) and one from Tim K (shoot 3)