Pumping muscle guys

He looks absolutely terrified in the last video of shoot 3 .. he clearly got rimmed and a blowjob
It is possible Peter was doing something to his rear end when he was rubbing him, but what evidence do you see of a BJ?
I honestly don't see us getting the unedited versions in the near future
or ever. I edit video footage; unless you intentionally saved a whole copy somewhere it doesn't come back. Now the stuff that was released online, even if it was overwritten later, may be on some collector's HD but that's a needle in a few thousand haystacks.
But his hands were covering his d!ck? Or am I missing out on something
The only evidence I have that Peter's mouth was busy is he wasn't babbling racist nonsense.
Devon S Photo Shoot 3
Devon S was hot (I haven't bothered listening to his politic views) but it's interesting he was adamant about not showing his hole -- which he did doing squats -- but allowed Peter to fondle his penis.

Just joining the chorus of thank you's @Janeway00.
I could have sworn i heard slurping sounds and peter was bobbing his head plus the kids eyes and reactions during this whole segment were justbin shock
Yep when you see Peter's head bobbing around and traveling all over a guy's back like that then yeah he's up to something. I figure he's back there kissing (licking) them all over. He does it at the nape of their necks too. Based on the shadows you can tell Peter's face is pressed against him.
side note have anyone else really watched Daniel's D video. He's the only model as far as ive seen who moves without peter telling him so, opens up his legs further and further, rocking back and forth constantly and even backing up and flaring his hole without being told he's really into whats happening lol