Pumping muscle guys

Joe F Photo Shoot
Hey didn't this guy also go by Nick T? Think there is an extended clip where that's the name that's listed and he has an awkward interaction with Peter towards the end when he realized he was being recorded naked. He was hesitant to strip all the way but in typical Peter fashion, he got him to lol. Dude is hung af too.
Hey didn't this guy also go by Nick T? Think there is an extended clip where that's the name that's listed and he has an awkward interaction with Peter towards the end when he realized he was being recorded naked. He was hesitant to strip all the way but in typical Peter fashion, he got him to lol. Dude is hung af too.
Devon S was hot (I haven't bothered listening to his politic views) but it's interesting he was adamant about not showing his hole -- which he did doing squats -- but allowed Peter to fondle his penis.

Just joining the chorus of thank you's @Janeway00.
But(T) he eventually showed it off anyway
when squatting on the bed