Questions for the size deniers

you're right man. i just don't get it. he is entertaining, i'll give you that. he could probably go viral on youtube if he would make a video about said subject. it just blows my mind that thread after thread that he makes, he gets the same response, and he just re-words it a different way and makes a new topic. gotta give him credit for that at least.
He is obviously trolling. But if people turn the troll thread into decent discusion, there's no real harm done, is there?
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condoms are too small for me LOL seriously they are a joke the reason why FDA limits the size is for people with small ones dont accidentally use real size large ones that fit big girth they don't want women to make a mistake with a small guy

it might be part of the conspiracy you should write a book and make sure the guy photo on the book is a guy that has a big dick
We live in a big cock culture the same way as big breasts are sexualized in most parts of the world.
From my experience, men care alot about cock size. We tend to associate a big cock with power and some kind of male supremacy. About the same way as we associate big breasts with femininity.

Guys will more often tend to search for big breast, but to most of us there are so many other qualities that matter in the choice of a partner. If asked, my guess is that the size of breasts wouldn't make it to the top 20 if guys listed what they fell for when falling in love. To most women, cock size seem to mean even less. Sure, many may be curious and a few may be size queens, but there are also the ones who prefer small or average.

To say that cock size doesn' mean anything would be wrong, but to say it means everything is even more wrong. The gap between these two can be a tough one to handle if you are less endowed, and exploited by a lot of commercial interests etc.
A little distance and perspective on the actual importance is probably the best way to handle it. And the fact that there are billions of men out there with smaller cocks who are successful, happily married, fathers and respected citizens.

I find it a blessing to have a cock at all. No matter the size.

Take care!
Don't believe everything you read, anything you're told, and half of what you see. Most women, yes MOST, don't give a rats ass how big your dick is. If you suck in the sack, it's the inches between your ears that cause it. I've been with women who went crazy over the size of my cock. It didn't keep those relationships from failing. I've had two affairs with women whose husbands were hung more than me...their huge cocks didn't keep their women from straying. My wife loves my cock, because she loves me. One of her fond memories of a past boyfriend with a guy so small he didn't even try to fuck her....he just rubbed it against her clit for a mind blowing orgasm.

There is SO much bullshit out there. Try to see past it.
Listen to this guy.
Why? He's just making stuff up.

Dick size is all that matters.
You ask for answers and when they are given it seems you won't be satisfied until some one confirms your fears. By calling him a liar you are calling me a liar along with anyone else that isn't hung up on cock size. You really need to let this go.
I am sorry if you have had or are having size issues in the past. But that doesn't make all of us bad guys or liar. Not even most people. The majority of the human race is not that shallow. But that doesn't even make all of those other people shallow. They just know what they like. Some are shallow. But the rest of don't need to be treated poorly just because some crappy people made you doubt others and possibly yourself.
I wish you the best but you need to breathe man.
You ask for answers and when they are given it seems you won't be satisfied until some one confirms your fears. By calling him a liar you are calling me a liar along with anyone else that isn't hung up on cock size. You really need to let this go.
I am sorry if you have had or are having size issues in the past. But that doesn't make all of us bad guys or liar. Not even most people. The majority of the human race is not that shallow. But that doesn't even make all of those other people shallow. They just know what they like. Some are shallow. But the rest of don't need to be treated poorly just because some crappy people made you doubt others and possibly yourself.
I wish you the best but you need to breathe man.

I'm sorry, if someone says something false I will call them out on it.

Here is the thing, you might not care about dick size, but dick size has a huge impact on everything, not just sex. Men with big dicks are treated better in society, they are smarter, more athletic, more moral and upstanding human beings. They are just superior. This is the truth of reality.

I know this because after I started stuffing my pants with socks to simulate a bulge, my whole life changed. I was treated better and more attention from women than I've ever gotten before. All because people thought I had a big dick. Dick size matters. It makes you a better person.
I'm sorry, if someone says something false I will call them out on it.

Here is the thing, you might not care about dick size, but dick size has a huge impact on everything, not just sex. Men with big dicks are treated better in society, they are smarter, more athletic, more moral and upstanding human beings. They are just superior. This is the truth of reality.

I know this because after I started stuffing my pants with socks to simulate a bulge, my whole life changed. I was treated better and more attention from women than I've ever gotten before. All because people thought I had a big dick. Dick size matters. It makes you a better person.
It doesn't make you a better person. But it can make you more confident, which in turn can make things easier. And I won't lie. There are people who care. But as far as making you a better I don't think so. Also I have spoken to many men in this site who have very large cocks and I can promise you that that bigger cock doesn't always make it easier or even more confident for that matter. They had their own collection bag of complications.
Some find it hard to get laid, some find it hard to go anywhere without people looking at them like they are perverts thinking that that bulge is an erection in inappropriate situations, when it is just a cock soft and relaxed. Or getting laid even. Many women and men have been know to walk away from cocks they decided we're to big.
It doesn't make you a better person. But it can make you more confident, which in turn can make things easier. And I won't lie. There are people who care. But as far as making you a better I don't think so. Also I have spoken to many men in this site who have very large cocks and I can promise you that that bigger cock doesn't always make it easier or even more confident for that matter. They had their own collection bag of complications.
Some find it hard to get laid, some find it hard to go anywhere without people looking at them like they are perverts thinking that that bulge is an erection in inappropriate situations, when it is just a cock soft and relaxed. Or getting laid even. Many women and men have been know to walk away from cocks they decided we're to big.
I hope you realize all of this is trolling/satire/dark comedy.

It's kind of like drinking too much and getting bedspins. If you fight it, you'll just puke. If you just spin with it, it might be a fun ride....
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It doesn't make you a better person. But it can make you more confident, which in turn can make things easier. And I won't lie. There are people who care. But as far as making you a better I don't think so. Also I have spoken to many men in this site who have very large cocks and I can promise you that that bigger cock doesn't always make it easier or even more confident for that matter. They had their own collection bag of complications.
Some find it hard to get laid, some find it hard to go anywhere without people looking at them like they are perverts thinking that that bulge is an erection in inappropriate situations, when it is just a cock soft and relaxed. Or getting laid even. Many women and men have been know to walk away from cocks they decided we're to big.

You're arguing with forum troll extraordinaire :p
It doesn't make you a better person. But it can make you more confident, which in turn can make things easier. And I won't lie. There are people who care. But as far as making you a better I don't think so. Also I have spoken to many men in this site who have very large cocks and I can promise you that that bigger cock doesn't always make it easier or even more confident for that matter. They had their own collection bag of complications.
Some find it hard to get laid, some find it hard to go anywhere without people looking at them like they are perverts thinking that that bulge is an erection in inappropriate situations, when it is just a cock soft and relaxed. Or getting laid even. Many women and men have been know to walk away from cocks they decided we're to big.

I am sorry, but what world are you from?

A big dick doesn't make you a better person? A bulge is inappropriate? Someone turning down a big dick?Rubbish. Pure rubbish.

All a man is, comes from his cock. That is why cock size is so important. Think of it like a well. The bigger the well, the more water there is, right? It is the same with cocks. Everything good about a man comes from his cock, so the bigger the cock the more good the man can be. This is basic logic.

A bulge is the most important thing a man can have. I have a job today thanks to my artificial bulge. No one thinks of a bulge as a bad thing. You get respect, love and admiration if you have a bulge.

In terms of people turning down big dicks, that never happens in real life unless we're talking about the mentally ill. Only someone clinically insane would turn down a big dick. Even if it is too big for the woman/man physically, they will still want to hold and caress it if only to help their mental health.

Are you an agent of the anti-size conspiracy? How much are they paying you? Tell your superiors that I'm onto them. They won't be able to hide the truth much longer. The time of reckoning will come soon. If they, and you, want to survive the cock wars, you will need to accept reality and the truth about penis size.
I am sorry, but what world are you from?

A big dick doesn't make you a better person? A bulge is inappropriate? Someone turning down a big dick?Rubbish. Pure rubbish.

All a man is, comes from his cock. That is why cock size is so important. Think of it like a well. The bigger the well, the more water there is, right? It is the same with cocks. Everything good about a man comes from his cock, so the bigger the cock the more good the man can be. This is basic logic.

A bulge is the most important thing a man can have. I have a job today thanks to my artificial bulge. No one thinks of a bulge as a bad thing. You get respect, love and admiration if you have a bulge.

In terms of people turning down big dicks, that never happens in real life unless we're talking about the mentally ill. Only someone clinically insane would turn down a big dick. Even if it is too big for the woman/man physically, they will still want to hold and caress it if only to help their mental health.

Are you an agent of the anti-size conspiracy? How much are they paying you? Tell your superiors that I'm onto them. They won't be able to hide the truth much longer. The time of reckoning will come soon. If they, and you, want to survive the cock wars, you will need to accept reality and the truth about penis size.
:D :p
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Wally, you are either fucking insane, or the best troll of all time. No one even takes you serious, except for the entertainment factor. I truly hope you really don't believe the bullshit you say. Enough is enough.
Oh my gosh! Thank you!
I'm sorry, if someone says something false I will call them out on it.

Here is the thing, you might not care about dick size, but dick size has a huge impact on everything, not just sex. Men with big dicks are treated better in society, they are smarter, more athletic, more moral and upstanding human beings. They are just superior. This is the truth of reality.

I know this because after I started stuffing my pants with socks to simulate a bulge, my whole life changed. I was treated better and more attention from women than I've ever gotten before. All because people thought I had a big dick. Dick size matters. It makes you a better person.
Plus you had a change of socks if your feet got wet in the rain. Brilliant!
Think of it like a well. The bigger the well, the more water there is, right?

Ummm, no. The larger the well, the bigger it is. It's like the adage that an optimist see the glass half full, but the pessimist sees the glass half empty.

Both are wrong. The engineer is right; he sees the glass as having twice the required volume, and therefore an inefficient vessel.....