Questions for the size deniers

Yes, and the studies say that people who show respect and deference to the court, regardless of their physical looks, will always have a more favorable outcome.

Being well dressed, and making yourself look better, shows respect and people take note and appreciate that.

Consider an ugly woman with big tits, a smelly man with a big dick bulge, and a well mannered guy in a well fitted suit ... the last will get the best treatment.


You couldn't be more wrong. A big dick bulges will get further than anything else in life.

Recently, I had to renegotiate my lease with my landlord. Before the meeting I stuffed five socks in my pants and thanks to that huge bulge I was able to get a pretty good deal with my landlord.

Big dicks make everything better.
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You couldn't be more wrong. A big dick bulges will get further than anything else in life.

Recently, I had to renegotiate my lease with my landlord. Before the meeting I stuffed five socks in my pants and thanks to that huge bulge I was able to get a pretty good deal with my landlord.

Big dicks make everything better.
Maybe he gave you a break because you obviously lacked the scratch for a socks drawer, Wally.
Did you think of that?
Recently, I had to renegotiate my lease with my landlord. Before the meeting I stuffed five socks in my pants and thanks to that huge bulge I was able to get a pretty good deal with my landlord.

You are a card. *chuckle*

Did it EVER occur to you that you were a good negotiator and that he was willing to give you the deal regardless of the socks? (*rhetorical question*)

Of course it didn't. You just assumed it was because you stuffed socks in your pants.

I negotiated my last deal with a blue shirt on, that doesn't mean a blue shirt is the reason for the good deal.

But go on believing what you will. Trust me, your escapism could be worse. :)
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There is some hole in your theory though. wally. If there is a small dick conspiracy to hide the big dicks power and put small dicks in the best social positions, how can it be that 'big dicks are glorified in media' and that just showing a big bulge can win any deal?

I think you should work on those small inconsistencies, than publish a book. Who knows you could end winning a Noble Prize or kinda.
Get a grommet.

Socks in yer underwear.
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There is some hole in your theory though. wally. If there is a small dick conspiracy to hide the big dicks power and put small dicks in the best social positions, how can it be that 'big dicks are glorified in media' and that just showing a big bulge can win any deal?

I think you should work on those small inconsistencies, than publish a book. Who knows you could end winning a Noble Prize or kinda.
He says he has a small penis, so by his own theory, his bid for a Noble in lit would lose out to a picture book published by some huge-dick guy.

Given Wally's theories, I also wonder about very successful women. How hung do you suppose Hillary is?
You have to deny some size claims because where the fuck are the pics. I got pics, and I don't go around saying I got 10 inches. Even though I want to be 9 inches it would be perfect. I can do any position with 9 inches
Yes, and the studies say that people who show respect and deference to the court, regardless of their physical looks, will always have a more favorable outcome.

Being well dressed, and making yourself look better, shows respect and people take note and appreciate that.

Consider an ugly woman with big tits, a smelly man with a big dick bulge, and a well mannered guy in a well fitted suit ... the last will get the best treatment.
being late is not respectful at all
A granted Pulitzer

There is some hole in your theory though. wally. If there is a small dick conspiracy to hide the big dicks power and put small dicks in the best social positions, how can it be that 'big dicks are glorified in media' and that just showing a big bulge can win any deal?

I think you should work on those small inconsistencies, than publish a book. Who knows you could end winning a Noble Prize or kinda.[
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This would of course be impossible without exactly 9 inches...

View attachment 694869
And it was decreed that 9 shall the number of thine penis be. Thou shalt not be endowed with 10. Any with 8 shall continue growing until 9. 7 is right out....
For as much as people claim as size doesn't matter, it sure as shit is brought up a lot.

Tbh I can't recall a time someone made fun of someone for the size of their achilles tendon or the size of their elbow. I could entertain the thought if there was something very wrong with that specific part. Though why is that? Why do people not make fun of things like your molars, the heels of your feet, your 4th knuckle on your left hand? Well it in general doesn't matter at all.

I think size matters otherwise people wouldn't fixate on it. Whether they praise or make fun of or are proud of or ashamed of.

I think small dicks are similar to small breasts in the sense you can clearly sense that they get dumped on quite a bit and their larger counterparts are spared much of the criticisms and in fact are held generally in much higher regard by the general population. We could even go more general with the looks do not matter. Lol, they do.

I can't imagine insulting a man by telling him his penis is big. How could something that is at this point naturally a compliment be even an insult? You would have to be quite creative. Meanwhile small is an insult. How many women here (or men) would have the nerve to say during sex "Oh god, your penis is so small" and expect for that to roll over well? I would think zero. How many of you would fear by telling your partner that they had a big penis that they would become insecure about it?

Again if size didn't matter, why is small penis humiliation such a thing when big penis humiliation is all but unheard of? Why is small even an insult in the first place? Why is the size relevant, why not big instead?

Why would penis size be such a common insecurity if it didn't matter? Why not instead the lightness of my sclera instead. After all it doesn't matter so something as insignificant as that would be just as valid to have such widespread insecurity as the penis no?

I think there is a lot of negativity out there for the lesser endowed men.

:\ it is a topic that is usually dismissed tbh. If you do even a teensy bit of looking there is nothing around that points to it being an issue.

I guess this would just apply to males more in general given that things like height, weight, and overall body size would fall under this.

I didn't bother replying to the 1-10 because while like 1 or 2 were decent questions, the large majority were stupid or poorly phrased. I think more would of been gotten out of this thread if you just focused on stuff like 3. as opposed to stuff like 5,8,9,10.