Questions for the size deniers

Look, I'm not going to get into this argument again, but let me ask a question. Why are people arguing this issue, and with such certainty and vehemence, on a large penis site? Why are you even interested in cock size if you are so sure it makes no difference?

Good questions. In my case, I disagree with the way the OP takes an all-or-nothing stance, as if every guy with a big cock rules the world of the lesser-endowed. He's made a straw man argument with every point.

And in my case, in my experience, cock size makes no difference to most, but no all. People on this site are among those for whom cock size does matter, in varying degrees. So I think it's well worth discussing the topic, though this thread might not be a great place, as I firmly believe it's a bad troll. Has OP returned to support his assertions?

Re: some questioning the OP's size. His blog is riddled with comments about his small penis. But no pics, so no way of knowing what "small" means here.
For the most part, I agree with Wally. It DOES matter. You can read on my other posts, but I've been cheated on repeatedly and told specifically that it was because of my size (I'm BARELY 4" rock hard, which I don't even get that anymore). Society continually harps on bigger is better, even to the point of being the principle topic in music, television and movies. SNL had a skit where they were discussing Michangelo's David, and they literally say that the model should kill himself because he's got a little dick. Not every woman wants a monster dick, but I can guarantee every woman wants at least average.
So many questions here . To be honest I don't think there's a correct answer to each of them . But I'll say this curiosity towards men with huge endowments gets me every time. But on the other hand guys with really small ones are cool too.
I have some questions for those of you who deny the pre-eminence of big dicks.

1. If size doesn't matter, why is this site filled with women and gay men seeking sex while is an all male celibacy group?

6. Why are penis enlargement pills a thing, but penis shrinking pills are not?

Can anyone answer these questions?
measurection turned into a SPH site overtime I see at lest a dozen SPH threads going on.. that are current the site owner did not want that to happen but no choice to go with the flow

BPA pills will do
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Of course size matters. So do big boobs, nice physique, big feet, hair, big nose, tiny hands (you know who). Physical attributes matter. But only to some extent. For most people that's a limited extent. Yeah, I want to be tall and look like a pornstar. But I don't. Big fucking deal. That's never stopped me from doing anything in life other than being tall or a pornstar. Physical attributes matter only as much as you let them.
@moonlightnbg However, I remember one post from years ago where women on here were asked whether a big penis caused better orgasms and one Tiny Princess responded along the lines of 'not faster nor more but better, longer and more intense.

Are you in love with Tiny Princess specifically? Is she your sun and your moon and your stars and there's no other person out there for you? If not, why the fuck does it matter? What kind of idiot reads that and thinks that she speaks for all women?

I know guys who fucking love broccoli. It fills them up and is tasty and satisfying. Too bad it makes me want to throw up.

Can you understand that two different guys can be of two different opinions about broccoli? Why can you not extend that and understand that two different women can be of different opinions about cock size? Why do you so readily accept those opinions that match yours, and so readily feel free to assume those that differ are abject liars?

The fact of the matter is that you, and some of the others here like you have a mental disorder about this. I can't argue you out of it logically because you're not approaching this logically. And @wallyj84 gets off on trolling you guys and riling you up by pretending to be one of you when he's actually just an asshole attention seeker. You're expressing sympathy for a forum troll of the highest order. I'll seriously suggest this is something you need to get into some therapy about.
@TexanStar Now imagine your rage-fueled invective was directed at some other group that has been targeted in some way by society because of a physical attribute they couldn't change. As I said, you cannot speak for people who have been through something that you haven't. Imagine I as a white guy started telling blacks or Asians how they should feel when they're being discriminated against based on a physical characteristic. They could quite rightly tell me to go fuck myself.

And I did go for therapy once. I was told by a very learned man that if anybody came along telling me how i should feel about any part of myself, i should dismiss that narcisstic nonentity for the pricks they are. I think it's fair to say you're quite a big prick, regardless of your cock size.
@TexanStarImagine I as a white guy started telling blacks or Asians how they should feel when they're being discriminated against based on a physical characteristic.

Firstly, I made 0 remarks about how you should feel about anything. What I said is that you are telling women how they feel about things, and accusing them of lying when they express an opinion you disagree with. In your insecurity, you are being a sexist asshole. I said you're being an idiot for choosing to feel like Tiny Princess speaks for all women, and you are. Go find your learned friend and tell him the whole story about how you choose to use the opinion of one woman on a large dick message board as the truth of the opinion that all women have, and then ask for his wise advice about that piece of stupidity.

Secondly, for all the bullying about asians and cock size, Asians in the USA marry at a higher rate than whites or blacks. So even if you were to assume that the stereotype was true and that Asians have smaller than average penises, you'd have to follow that up with questions about why they can find people to settle down with and you can't. You have all this value associated to dick size, and yet on pretty much every metric out there... level of education... household income... marriage rates... etc, Asians blow you as a white guy out of the water. As a group, they're thriving under the weight of that stereotype.

But none of this is going to sink in, so I don't know why I bother. At the end of the day, I'm the one who's got your back even if I'm speaking with irritation, and Wally is the one bullying you, and you're mad at me and sympathetic towards him.
@TexanStar you still don't get it. Do you have a small dick? If not, let me repeat: you cannot understand - ever - how someone with an unchangeable physical difference feels, really feels, about that difference unless you've walked in their shoes. I'd never assume to lecture someone, in the decidedly aggressive tone you've adopted (and boy is there some unexplained aggression there) if they were trying to explain why they feel a certain way about something they've experienced. I don't care what you think of Wally, and I don't care if he's a troll. Calling me a sexist asshole because I dared to quote a woman's point of view, suggesting I have a mental disorder and calling me an idiot sort of exposes you as one of those online cowards who says things on forums that would get you a bloody nose in real life.
There is an assumption that the questions are valid. My own experience is that bigger is not always better and I have had more experiences where size was a negative rather than a positive - several times sex with a woman was not possible and many other times sex was just too painful for her. As far as points 8 and 10 are concerned, do Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet have big dicks? I didn't know someone had figured that out. As far as some of the other points, my guess is that roughly average dicks have been much more successful at breeding than big dicks, otherwise there wouldn't be so many more of them. If guys actually spent time worrying about stuff that matters...
@TexanStar you still don't get it. Do you have a small dick? If not, let me repeat: you cannot understand - ever - how someone with an unchangeable physical difference feels, really feels, about that difference unless you've walked in their shoes. I'd never assume to lecture someone, in the decidedly aggressive tone you've adopted (and boy is there some unexplained aggression there) if they were trying to explain why they feel a certain way about something they've experienced. I don't care what you think of Wally, and I don't care if he's a troll. Calling me a sexist asshole because I dared to quote a woman's point of view, suggesting I have a mental disorder and calling me an idiot sort of exposes you as one of those online cowards who says things on forums that would get you a bloody nose in real life.

I'm not talking about how you feel about your dick size. You can look down at your dick and think whatever you want.

I'm talking about how women feel about dick size. And ascribing the opinion of one women to all women is sexist. It's as sexist as it is racist if I say that all hispanic immigrants are violent because one immigrant raped a classmate. Tiny Princess doesn't speak for all women, she speaks for herself. Part of respecting women as individual human beings capable of independent thought is recognizing that different women have different opinions.

There's no mystery in my irritation with you. You're being a sexist prick and that always aggravates me. There's a parade of sexist assholes on this forum who get replies that are less than friendly in tone from me. It has nothing to do with your dick size, and everything to do with your misogyny. This is an 18+ forum and all of you are too old for that shit.

There are other people who replied to this thread with complaints about size mattering and stuff, but it was only you that I singled out (because of the sexism).
I've seen you post a lot, but I haven't seen you state your size, or seen any pictures, so I don't know what you think is a "big dick". Obviously if a dick is bigger than yours would be considered "bigger", but how small are you?

I have a micropenis. Large is 7" or more.

7. How do you explain the phallic-centric nature of reality?

Idk but there are many documentaries about this. Many theories. From what I gather, it signifies fertility and power. When people erect (no pun intened) skycrapers, water towers, and other phalic objects, no one in the world has a penis that big, so it's not about the size of the dick, rather than the actual dick.

I'm talking about the way that nature itself reflects the superiority of big dicks. For example, look at a tree. What is a tree if not a giant wooden penis that ejaculates oxygen? How about the universe itself? It is constantly expanding. You know what else expands? A penis. The universe is in a state of getting erect, like a giant cosmic penis.

All of creation is based around dick. And big dicks are superior.
1. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

2. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

3. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

4. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

5. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

6. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

7. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

8. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

9. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

10. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?
Haha, OK you win, I'm a misogynist and a sexist based on what I've said. You're clearly a very angry man, i struggle to understand why but that's ultimately your problem, not mine. And you also don't seem to have an ability to actually read what people post. But hey-ho, that pretty much goes with the territory when you're a narcissist. A therapist could help with that mental disorder, though.
1. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

2. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

3. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

4. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

5. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

6. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

7. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

8. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

9. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

10. Why haven’t you sought professional help for your large penis fixation?

This is trolling, but I think it's funny.

I don't need help. I am only telling the truth about reality and the way things work.
Tiny Princess thinks bigger is better and that's why she's here. I don't think bigger is better because a torn vagina is no fun. My husband and I rarely have sex anymore due to pain. I'm here because I did a Google search on how to help someone like me and my husband. It led me to lpsg. So not everyone is here because they prefer big cocks. I see guys come here because they get turned down for being too big.

There was this good looking guy in high school who played sports and all the dudes called him Red Wood because his penis was giant. While he was charming and good looking the guy couldn't get laid because the ladies didn't want to be in pain and discomfort.

I sell sex toys and I can tell you very few women come in looking for a big toy. We do carry some that are about as thick as a baby's head. I have not sold one to a woman. It's generally gay men who purchase then.

If so many women preferred a big dick over everything else there would be a much, much larger female population here. We are far out numbered by gay and bi men. That's the biggest size queen demographic. If you notice they are men. Men place a huge emphasis on size.

I see so many dudes here trying to persuade their partner into fucking a hung guy and even though she's not interested the guy keeps pushing.

The male to female ratio at lpsg is a good indicator of how much men care about size.
Tiny Princess thinks bigger is better and that's why she's here. I don't think bigger is better because a torn vagina is no fun. My husband and I rarely have sex anymore due to pain. I'm here because I did a Google search on how to help someone like me and my husband. It led me to lpsg. So not everyone is here because they prefer big cocks. I see guys come here because they get turned down for being too big.

There was this good looking guy in high school who played sports and all the dudes called him Red Wood because his penis was giant. While he was charming and good looking the guy couldn't get laid because the ladies didn't want to be in pain and discomfort.

I sell sex toys and I can tell you very few women come in looking for a big toy. We do carry some that are about as thick as a baby's head. I have not sold one to a woman. It's generally gay men who purchase then.

If so many women preferred a big dick over everything else there would be a much, much larger female population here. We are far out numbered by gay and bi men. That's the biggest size queen demographic. If you notice they are men. Men place a huge emphasis on size.

I see so many dudes here trying to persuade their partner into fucking a hung guy and even though she's not interested the guy keeps pushing.

The male to female ratio at lpsg is a good indicator of how much men care about size.

The superiority of big dicks has very little to do with their sexual powers. It is about their moral and spiritual powers.
I see so many dudes here trying to persuade their partner into fucking a hung guy and even though she's not interested the guy keeps pushing.
I have been in the swingers community for decades and this fits with my personal experience; one of the issues with couples is that often the man choices the 'bull', and he will pick up 90% of the times the one who has a bigger penis, fooling himself that that this is what the wife/gf wants too, whilst the woman will give way, way more importance to other factors, say how the guys dresses, his bodyfat etc..