Questions for the size deniers

Tiny Princess thinks bigger is better and that's why she's here. I don't think bigger is better because a torn vagina is no fun. My husband and I rarely have sex anymore due to pain. I'm here because I did a Google search on how to help someone like me and my husband. It led me to lpsg. So not everyone is here because they prefer big cocks. I see guys come here because they get turned down for being too big.

There was this good looking guy in high school who played sports and all the dudes called him Red Wood because his penis was giant. While he was charming and good looking the guy couldn't get laid because the ladies didn't want to be in pain and discomfort.

I sell sex toys and I can tell you very few women come in looking for a big toy. We do carry some that are about as thick as a baby's head. I have not sold one to a woman. It's generally gay men who purchase then.

If so many women preferred a big dick over everything else there would be a much, much larger female population here. We are far out numbered by gay and bi men. That's the biggest size queen demographic. If you notice they are men. Men place a huge emphasis on size.

I see so many dudes here trying to persuade their partner into fucking a hung guy and even though she's not interested the guy keeps pushing.

The male to female ratio at lpsg is a good indicator of how much men care about size.
Wise post from TG is wise.

I have some questions for those of you who deny the pre-eminence of big dicks.

1. If size doesn't matter, why is this site filled with women and gay men seeking sex while is an all male celibacy group?
- I do not recall reading many posts from women seeking sex on here, in fact, a number of the women are in healthy relationships and are here to discuss a variety of topics, including sex. Some of the women on here actually do not desire a large penis as they have difficulty accommodating one, others may enjoy having sex with a larger penis, however it s not a requirement and small minority absolutely require a large penis for their sexual gratification and tie their emotional needs to it as well, note, that last part makes up a very small minority.

2. Why are big dicks glorified in the media?
- For the same reason big breasts are glorified in the media, the media targets our emotions where we feel we are most vulnerable.

3. Why is "you have a small penis" an insult?
-- Again, insecurities. Obviously telling a guy he has a huge penis is not an insult, it does not mean that every woman (or gay man) desires to jump on for the ride, there are plenty of women (and I assume gay guys) that do not desire a larger than average penis.

4. Why will people pay money to see a hung stud jerk off?
-- Because Average to small penises are a dime a dozen.

5. Why don't you support research into the medicinal and therapeutic qualities of big dicks and big dick cum?
-- I believe this question came out of left field.

6. Why are penis enlargement pills a thing, but penis shrinking pills are not?
--The same reason why there pills out there that claim they will make breasts larger, Do some large breasted women have back issues and wish their breasts were smaller, yes, some of them even have them medically reduced, however, many women probably wish they were a tiny bit bigger. The same can be said for guys, even those who are considered large probably wish they were just a little bit bigger, those who run into issues due to their large size is a very small number and certainly not a large enough demographic for targeted advertising.

7. How do you explain the phallic-centric nature of reality?
--I am not sure how this ties in with your previous questions.

8. Why are men with small dicks less successful, attractive and intelligent on average?
--Can you point to any medical journals showing a link between intelligence and penis size? Also, when I am up for promotions/been promoted, I do not recall submitting my "stats" to HR.

9. Why do all men submit when confronted with a bigger penis?
-- I have seen large penises in the locker/shower rooms, I have never bowed down to them.

10. Why do big dicks always win?
Win what? Large penis contests?

Can anyone answer these questions?
Probably not to your liking.
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Oh Wally...
Had a TINY wiener.
He took Europe by storm.
Of course.
He met his Willy Loo.
Point being.
It took thr Rusians to stop him.
Fuck all about his cock.
Now Rasputin
He had a huge schlong.

And the Rusians....

Threw him in the river.

So how?
wallyj, you quoted and responded to some of my answers, but not all. Not the ones that prove that you are wrong. If you really do have a micropenis as you state, obviously life is different for you than someone with a small penis, average penis, and completely different than a big penis, but what you don't understand is that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter.

Since you like to believe what you want to believe, can you please answer these questions for me. 1. Why did a very attractive girl cheat on her husband with me? He had a better job, and a much larger penis. 2. If life is so great if you have a big penis, why did my best friend of all time commit suicide? He had a much bigger penis than I did. 3. Why did I see a homeless man shitting on the street, and he happened to have a big dick? Please enlighten me.

Another thing. I personally know at least 3 people off the top of my head who have below average dicks. Like, in the 4-5" range hard. One of them is one of the biggest players I know. Always getting with the hottest girls. He is now married to a beautiful women and has a son, and is expecting another child. 2nd person, happily married right now with a good job and 3 children. Last but not least, The guy who must have been 4.5 inches at best. Married to the hottest girl in town. Lots of kids. BTW, these were guys who literally were known for being small. Another thing is, there was this one guy. The biggest loser in high school. He didn't fit in with anyone. Super weird. Super socially awkward. Ugly too. He had the biggest dick by far. Still hasn't gotten him anywhere.

If you truly do have a micropenis, I can feel compassion and understand wanting to be big, but the reality is, obsessing over a body part is not healthy. I'm sure you have other qualities. You are a good writer, you seem pretty intelligent, albeit delusional.
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I read a study that says women married to men with micro penises report more sexual satisfaction because the men adapt to being good orally and digitally. Any man worth his salt knows most women orgasm from clitoral stimulation. Obviously not all, but most.

The biggest man whores I've ever slept with had smaller than average cocks and made no apologies for it when they dropped their pants. Confidence is key.
wallyj, you quoted and responded to some of my answers, but not all. Not the ones that prove that you are wrong. If you really do have a micropenis as you state, obviously life is different for you than someone with a small penis, average penis, and completely different than a big penis, but what you don't understand is that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter.

Since you like to believe what you want to believe, can you please answer these questions for me. 1. Why did a very attractive girl cheat on her husband with me? He had a better job, and a much larger penis.

She probably had a mental health issue. She was with a perfect guy, or at least a superior one, and couldn't feel like she could measure up. So she cheated with someone she felt was more on her level.

2. If life is so great if you have a big penis, why did my best friend of all time commit suicide? He had a much bigger penis than I did. 3. Why did I see a homeless man shitting on the street, and he happened to have a big dick? Please enlighten me.

I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend. Suicide is a horrible thing. I don't know what issues your friend was dealing with, but they must have been horrible for him to take his own life. I wish he had gotten the help he needed.

In terms of the homeless man, he was probably overwhelmed by the responsibility and power of the massive thing between his legs.

Another thing. I personally know at least 3 people off the top of my head who have below average dicks. Like, in the 4-5" range hard. One of them is one of the biggest players I know. Always getting with the hottest girls. He is now married to a beautiful women and has a son, and is expecting another child. 2nd person, happily married right now with a good job and 3 children. Last but not least, The guy who must have been 4.5 inches at best. Married to the hottest girl in town. Lots of kids. BTW, these were guys who literally were known for being small. Another thing is, there was this one guy. The biggest loser in high school. He didn't fit in with anyone. Super weird. Super socially awkward. Ugly too. He had the biggest dick by far. Still hasn't gotten him anywhere.

lol Now you're just making stuff up.

If you truly do have a micropenis, I can feel compassion and understand wanting to be big, but the reality is, obsessing over a body part is not healthy. I'm sure you have other qualities. You are a good writer, you seem pretty intelligent, albeit delusional.
If he really has micropenis he can look into hormonal treatments, for example with HCG

Since I am a sceptic by nature, I don't believe - don't come here bragging that you have a micropenis if you can't prove it!
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I read a study that says women married to men with micro penises report more sexual satisfaction because the men adapt to being good orally and digitally. Any man worth his salt knows most women orgasm from clitoral stimulation. Obviously not all, but most.

The biggest man whores I've ever slept with had smaller than average cocks and made no apologies for it when they dropped their pants. Confidence is key.

I'm sorry, I don't believe that at all.
I read a study that says women married to men with micro penises report more sexual satisfaction because the men adapt to being good orally and digitally. Any man worth his salt knows most women orgasm from clitoral stimulation. Obviously not all, but most.

The biggest man whores I've ever slept with had smaller than average cocks and made no apologies for it when they dropped their pants. Confidence is key.
What about this study? Large Penis = Greater likelihood your wife will cheat on you.
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wally, your reality is your reality, but it is not everyone elses reality. If you really do have a micro penis, I get why you would want to be bigger, or put so much emphasis on dicks. The girl that was cheating on her husband with me didn't have a mental illness like you assume. She simply didn't care about dick size, but she liked to be fucked well, something that he simply didn't know how to do. Then, the part where you were telling me that I was making things up, when I really wasn't. I named 3 people who have below average dicks that ended up getting with beautiful women and having children and a successful career. In regards to your comment about my best friend, thank you for those comments. I was expecting you to have something rude to say, but I appreciate your comments regarding him. Anyway, what you don't realize is that a penis is a part of a person. If you don't ilke the person, you're not going to like their dick. If you are a great person, I'm sure you will find someone that will accept your penis.
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