Oh lols... I just remembered something from my late 20s. So you have to remember that I was earning a fair bit and there was lots of cash around the flat, which I just happened to have to myself that weekend... and I had a silly idea. I normally went fishing on Craigslist but tonight thought, Why climb the mountain when you can pay for a cable car? and in the mood for something completely new, went online and found a site with prostitutes. As I said, never done this before (or since) but I was curious. Anyway, made a phone call to the Canadian I liked the look of and waited.
And nothing happened.
So, slightly relieved, I returned to my Plan A, opened the stash box, took the ecstasy pill I'd been saving and settled down for a light evening of rolling about on the carpet.
Only about half an hour later the phone rang. It was the Canadian. And I thought, Ohhhhhh dear... this hasn't panned out as I was anticipating... I'm not sure if I can do this or keep an erection... uhh...
Thought about it for a second, took a deep breath and invited him over anyway.
Bloody hell. He was beautiful. We fucked round the sitting room for longer than the allotted time. I do wonder what my objective experience of it really was, as I was high on e, but it can't have been that bad because I tipped him and then, about a year later, he called me again to kindly offer his services but I this time declined. It was a lot of fun but I don't need to pay people to have sex with me. I felt I'd done that now.