I presume you behaved as you do here, posting nearly 5,000 times in less than 6 months. Not a stretch to imagine you being dragged out.I was thrown out of a gay sauna for bad behaviour, which amused me at the time, but once I'd left I realised that in my haste I had left my glasses inside and had to go crawling back and ask reallly nicely if they could go find them...
They did.
*nearly 5,001 times now.I presume you behaved as you do here, posting nearly 5,000 times in less than 6 months. Not a stretch to imagine you being dragged out.
No advice needed. Moreover, it's unlikely that someone who spends their days and nights screaming into the void could get away with charging for advice.*nearly 5,001 times now.
And yet you've been on here 8 years or so, average maybe 10 posts a year... and it feels like you're saving a lot of 2020's for li'l ol' me.
Free advice: make a fuss and it will get worse.
You're the most cogent meth addict I've ever encountered. It's the only thing that can explain your prolific posting and only moderately disjointed and disorganized prose.*pats @Placidity on the head*
Thanks for your contribution. Have a gold star. Now run along and rejoin out little grandstanding class, there's a good boy.
Here's some light reading to keep you going.
Sex Gods Of Lpsg!! What Tips And Tricks Do You Have For Us Mere Mortals?
Favorite Encounter
If I wanted to hear from an arsehole, I'd fart.You're the most cogent meth addict I've ever encountered. It's the only thing that can explain your prolific posting and only moderately disjointed and disorganized prose.
and I love to hear women and men say the word "pussy."
That’s fucking hilarious.During a romp on top of me a woman's wig flew off.
Cool stories, broWow...damn I have a lot of them. Not ashamed of anything that I’ve done but there’s been some shit I’ve experienced
On a guys trip to Mexico with my father, two uncles, and the three of my brothers we all gangbanged these three chicks. It was a very wild night. Thank God no one has anything or got any of the girls pregnant to my knowledge because condoms weren’t used during any of the rounds. My father and uncles are all married so that’s there’s that but hey it was crazy it was fun
another “confession” had sex in a confessional ironically
I’ve fucked a cougar then later down the line didn’t know the relationship fucked her daughter. Me and daughter were/are cool. Never said anything. Time to time I still fuck both of them. Their relationship is dysfunctional anyway
fucked a girl that is deaf because it was rumored she had good pussy. It was true
there’s more but I’ll stop here
I believe it. I saw an ad of his on backpage a few years ago and it was very obviously him. He didn’t put it in his ad that he was “Damien” but he had face and dick pics.Can't wait for the verification and proof trolls to come after this one, but I sucked the famous Hung Damien when he was passing through NYC on his way to jail in Massachusetts (that's where he disappeared to if anyone has been wondering).
this is not me sucking: