Random thoughts II

Oh thank you! Its been crashing and restarting for the past two hours. I’ll leave it to rest until tomorrow then to cool down. thanks!
No worries, I'm glad to help anyway I can :) hopefully that will solve the issue, you're welcome
ROFL...okay, you can keep putting your head in the sand.

I guess you dont get the influenza, hepatitis, polio, measles, pneumococcal, diptheria, tetanus, rotavirus, whooping cough, chickenpox, mumps, rubella or any others huh?

dang/damn glad
my mum/mom educated usa folk,took me in as a 8yo,when i cut my knee,on a rusty can,and
i got the polio jab in the day/actually think it vwas in those unhealthy lil cups duh

figurin,it helped
did not botherr with our indigenous mumbo jumbo/according to white man,for those

hope,mthat helps
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Dr. Death aka Anthony Fauci.. research into what he has been doing the past 40 years and you'll understand.
If you have done your research then you should know that every jab has chemicals in them and causes different reactions in different people. Why do people think autism and cancer have exploded the past couple of decades?
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So autism and cancer are directly related to getting the flu shot or polio...got it. Now I completely understand who I am conversing with...
So you dont believe Scientifc American or other sources that state its likely linked to older parents, awareness, changing criteria, being born prematurely or other factors.
Ok again, you can think its all some giant conspiracy, I tend to believe scientists and doctors first until proven otherwise.
Novak Djokovic is a smart fella
And Australia is a literal hellhole trying to force tyranny upon their citizens.

3 day reprieve
for what ots worth
money,at play,as usual
dont blame him for defending his title,howeever huh

men at work,money galore huh

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Judge declares huge question mark over Novak Djokovic’s deportation case

Judge declares huge question mark over Novak Djokovic’s deportation case
Karen Sweeney and Joey Riordan
Published: 10/01/2022

again,means nothing
no amount of research,or oneness interpretation of such,means shit
a whole lot of insignificant crap
all of us,keeping occupied re nothing

deportation case
i thought it was more his right to defend his title/play ffs
a right to a visa
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won his case now


sdtil,no ones a f'kn winner
who,gives a shit

lf federal govt are made to look mug's/dodo's
double halleluja,plenty of taxpayer money to share around
augers well for your next elections huh/ha,may is it
I am thinking about taxes already. My property tax is due, and I may just venture to the courthouse today to give them some dollars. Should I take bags of pennies or nickels?

wow,understand/share your grrrrr
i remember an age old saying
ie a comedian said

'my life is full/fool perhaps of contradiction's' huh tlsc

as/more importantly
adults are suffering,what of our children/future generations
have a theory
that current Australian politicians
are the most interfering/know nothing mongerels/there word,ww,currently
been saying thsat,since scomo,the federsal pm of aus,was blatantly hollidaying in europe
whil au burnt,talking entire country on fire
remember that

and theyrer still likely to vote him back in
like victoria will
can see/hear the vitriol from his father
absolutely unnecessary sand typical of many no good has bins,trying to gain plaudits for a siblings achievements
that sort/that generation,imagine a country full
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crowd science

a program on radio
you send in a request for info/they suss it out
today,a thai asks

'how,was ww medicine developed'

there are/has been many idiots i say
who deny science etc
idiots again,i say huh
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djocovic case with Australia government,still crap huh'thinking its more the governments fault now
Most Australians don't care RB. It's news for the media because they can stir people up in Serbia.

Aus citizens had had a gutfull of certain people or celebrities receiving preferential treatment, while many everyday Aussies with genuine family and health concerns were being snubbed or disallowed national cross border movement, or international by our government departments.

Media will flog it for as long as they can.
  • Wow
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