Reasons for difference between men's & women's swimsuit



In today's age of gender equality where both men & women can (and do) wear suit & tie, jeans, pants and shirts & other clothing items, without any fear of judgement and these are totally acceptable by society ( both men & women), then how come we don't see this equality in clothing in terms of beach wear/swim suits. I see almost all women (irrespective of their sexuality) in bikini on beaches in US/Canada but I hardly see any man wearing briefs style beachwear (and they do exist in market )and even if there is, it would be one in a thousand.. and I have also noticed that most men & women absolutely hate & feel uncomfortable seeing men in brief style beachwear citing it's obscene, objectionable etc but the same men & women are totally fine with seeing women in skimpiest of beachwear at the same family beaches, so i am unable to understand this phenomenon & the reason behind this difference.. and does other countries/cultures have the same view about men's and women's beachwear & nudity?? some people told me its because men are not in shape thats why they don't go for speedos, however I don't think its the reason as i see both in shape and out of shape women in bikinis and i see both in shape and out of shape men wearing board shorts (which are upto knee length); some people told me only gays wear speedos (briefs style swimsuit) but I know many gays also don't feel comfortable in speedos on the beach; some people told women's nudity is better than man's nudity which i really don't understand what it means.. so i am very curious to know the reason.. i know some people would mention about men don't have to cover chest while women have to. I have been to some beaches where both men n women were topless but men were still in boardshorts (not speedos/bikinis etc) i am new to north american culture so would love to hear thoughts from other members here..
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I also wonder about that American habit and prejudice.
In the UK the swimsuits shown below are all OK for beaches and leisure swimming in public pools.
I have always worn this style and all the ones pictured have been worn in the last couple of years.

I wear even skimpier ones in UK hotel pools without problems.


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