Remembering The 70s And 80s

Well if one considers a teenager still a child, so was I for most of the decade. But I rather have grown up then instead of being part of a generation remembered for fanny packs, Boy Bands and The Macarena...ugh :rolleyes:.
You gotta love a little bit of Macarena, right?
Saturday Night Dead was one of those cheesy late-night "Monster Matinees" and regional to the Philly area in the 80's. While the horror films it featured were the typical B-movie fare and not very memorable, my hormone-raging self looked forward to it more for it's hostess ;) :yum.

I HATED this fucking commercial. Mainly because my first name is Michael, and secondly because I had red hair and freckles, similar to the kid in this commercial. And everybody at school would always tease me with the stupid catch-phrase "Hey Mikey, he likes it!" UGGGHHH, fuck that kid.
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I had an almost identical one!
Me too, I won it as a prize when I was hired by Carl's Jr. Then some bitch at my Air Force tech school asked to "borrow" it. When I asked for it back, she acted like she didn't know what I was talking about. I went to the sergeant in charge, but the asshole wouldn't do anything about it.