Risk of foreskin becoming stretched out permanently from VED?


Superior Member
Sep 18, 2006
99% Straight, 1% Gay
Hey everybody. I was diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease a few years back and started using a vaccuum erection device as treatment about 6 weeks ago. My near nightly routine consists of taking a shower to get the tissue malleable, then doing 4 reps of 2-4 minute suction with massaging between reps. I use a Commander XL electric pump.

Since I’m already well endowed, permanent gains would be nice but are not necessary. My goal is first and foremost preventing worsening effects of the disease, which include loss of length, deformation, pain, and ED.

So far I can’t say for certain that this has been effective towards that goal, but I intend to keep up with this unless I find a reason not to. One concern I have is that I’ve noticed recently that when I’m erect, my foreskin is less likely to fully retract. I rarely pump to the point where I get an edema but I do notice that the skin stays puffy under the head.

If I continue to pump, am I putting myself at risk of permanent loose, distended foreskin?
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Hi there, I am by no means an expert on this area but have pumped on and off for a while now

I would advise either retracting before you enter the pump or wearing a condom to pump, the former would prevent you getting stuck and the latter tended to reduce any puffiness I would get

Will you get distended skin? Possibly but just don't overdo it, generally it springs back
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Hi there, I am by no means an expert on this area but have pumped on and off for a while now

I would advise either retracting before you enter the pump or wearing a condom to pump, the former would prevent you getting stuck and the latter tended to reduce any puffiness I would get

Will you get distended skin? Possibly but just don't overdo it, generally it springs back
Damn, just the thought of having to bust out a condom every session is making my head hurt. What do you mean when you say “retracting”? My foreskin retracts when I’m erect and stays retracted when I enter, is that what you’re referring to or do I need some additional device to keep it retracted?
Hi! The retraction comment may have been me misunderstanding your position, it was more as you mentioned it doesn't retract when erect recently, was just noting to go in soft and retracted
As for the condom, don't need a new one, it's just to have one you keep whilst pumping to stop edema, can usually get several sessions before it may break, although to be fair you are pretty large already!