Ryan Reynolds

I think they should pick a gorgous unknown man...Probably sell more magazines for the curious..They had Mel Gibson sometime back (Mad Max) before he got all twisted, well for things he said while intoxicated and then the private conversations between him and his gold digger ex-girlfriend. This is my opinion anyway..still a nice looking man.:)
I disagree with this kind of... how can I call it? "rankings"?
Becuase you can not classify someone as "sexiest"; in my opinion, everyone has like a special feature that make him/her sexy & some might disagree with the "winner" due of what they like (in this case Reynolds is HOT)
So I'd say is ONE of the sexiest men alive...
Shock ! Horror ! Another Hollywood couple splits after 2 years. Must be some sort of virus running in Hollywood.

So, whose vagina will Ryan Reynolds' penis find next, and how quickly ?
Ryan Reynolds ... I just don't get it. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's ugly but he isn't extraordinarily good looking either. Just an nice, average Joe with a sense of humor. Does this rate magazine covers? Translate into box office receipts. Well to each his own I guess, I'm sure there are men I find attractive that would leave others scratching their heads.:wink:
It is exactly because Ryan Reynorlds is "natural" that makes his attractive to many. He may not be a supermodel or some muscle guy, but he seems to have the right balance of everything.
Shock ! Horror ! Another Hollywood couple splits after 2 years. Must be some sort of virus running in Hollywood.

So, whose vagina will Ryan Reynolds' penis find next, and how quickly ?

And gay marriage opponents are afraid same-sex marriage will tear away the fabric of the institution? Larry King- divorced 8 times. Liz Taylor- 9 times married. Brittney Spears- 55 hour marriage. Good thing gay couples that have been together for 20 years aren't destroying the institution of marriage!
I've have always had a bi-sexual vibe from him. Seemed like when he was with Alanis Morrisette, she said she was bi.

What I miss about Ryan though is that FUR! Back in 2 Guys, A Girl and the movie Dick, he had an amazing hairy chest. I was head over heals for him back then. And a has sexy dorkiness to him
I've have always had a bi-sexual vibe from him. Seemed like when he was with Alanis Morrisette, she said she was bi.

What I miss about Ryan though is that FUR! Back in 2 Guys, A Girl and the movie Dick, he had an amazing hairy chest. I was head over heals for him back then. And a has sexy dorkiness to him
i have to agree. my gaydar hits bing bing bing when i've seen him on screen. don't know why. i am certainly NOT attracted to him. he is good looking but he does make my GD go off.