sdp's journal

It has been my understanding that the correct way to get consistent measurements is to use a soft tape measure (as a tailor would use), bone pressed, following the length of the member to the tip. Some organs curve, so the actual length measured should be to follow the curve for actual "distance" from the pubic bone.

The more data points provided (frequency of measuring) along with consistent measuring method will provide the most accurate data. The ruler may work OK with flaccid measurements, but I think you are "short-changing" yourself in regard to erect measurements using a ruler.

Another issue is verification. You need another validated observation to back up your own for reliability. Good luck on your penis thesis.

You are getting this much just by manual stretching? What is your routine?

These days I just stretch it as far as it will go, slightly downwards, for as long as my hand will keep the grip, usually no more than 30 seconds. Then I shake it vigorously to regain blood flow in the glans.
I don't set up dedicated sessions, I just do this whenever I can.
I do short kegels too every time I happen to think about it.
I'm also doing a little jelqing here and there again, hoping that it will help my EL catch up with the admittedly impressive stretched flaccid gains :)
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It has been my understanding that the correct way to get consistent measurements is to use a soft tape measure (as a tailor would use), bone pressed, following the length of the member to the tip. Some organs curve, so the actual length measured should be to follow the curve for actual "distance" from the pubic bone.

The more data points provided (frequency of measuring) along with consistent measuring method will provide the most accurate data. The ruler may work OK with flaccid measurements, but I think you are "short-changing" yourself in regard to erect measurements using a ruler.

Hey Indy, sure I could get a higher reading using a soft tape following the up curve, and the slope down the glans, maybe even sliding the end UNDER the pubic bone... but that's not the point. I'm not looking for an impressive number here, but for consistency of measurement indeed, and for this I think nothing can beat my ruler held "vertically" against the bone. I measure very often and I get VERY consistent readings.
Measuring bone-pressed is already a bit artificial anyway in regards to usable length, now if we take the curves into account too, the numbers won't mean anything anymore.

Another issue is verification. You need another validated observation to back up your own for reliability.
Unfortunately my research budget doesn't allow me this. The best I can do is to try hard not to fool myself, and to provide pictures.
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Yesterday I hit 9"3/4 BPSFL and 9"1/4 BPEL =D
This will have to be confirmed though.
Couldn't reproduce the 9"3/4 SFL this morning but I can now after a few stretching sessions. Will do more BPEL measurements later today.
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bobg4400 said:
Are you gonna post an erect photo?

As soon as I can.

bobg4400 said:
Try it in the same position as the one in your OP.

Good idea, I will do this too.
Now that I look at that pic again, I wonder if I haven't lost some of the up curve, which would account for some of the EL gains. That would be all good, never liked that curve anyway.
I just measured BPSFL at 9"13/16 :tongue:

I will post BPEL pics tomorrow.

Ok oh and When oyu do could you post one with a tape measure and measure along the curve?

I know thats not how you've been doing it and you don't have to include it in your results if you don't want to but thats how other people with curves measure on here and I wanna see if it beats double digits.
All right, here are some BPEL pics.
They were accidentally shot in 16/9 instead of 4/3, and I chose not to crop them, so the measuring point stays right in the center.
I will reshoot when I get a new ruler.


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