Am I stupid or have they got rid of Art, Ashton, Gregory and Colin?
So looking at the Internet Archive page lined to on the past one, the Richard video is there in March 2003:

View attachment 43566651

But they didn't archive the index at that point, and the next time they did, he naturally had been removed:

View attachment 43566661

But the Mike video, which I didn't remember at all, looks like it was recorded in the same location, and the writeup seems to confirm that:

View attachment 43566681

So that seems to confirm both were straight guys reeled in due to women. Does anyone have this Mike video (it would have been 152)? Like I said, I don't remember it at all.

I think this is the Mike video you're referring to. Not much to it - it's only five minutes and some change.
View attachment Mike 1.mp4