
I'm not arguing, just genuinely shocked as he talks so openly about guys he finds attractive and references gay slang often.
Me neither. I personally don't care about his sexuality, but as someone who has watched some of his lives and a lot of his videos, he has gotten a little bit more personal at times and implied that he's not straight. I think he hides behind the humor, but some of the things he's said have made me think that there is truth to it, he just doesn't feel comfortable to share too much of his personal life yet, I guess.
I guess in this day and age it shouldn't surprise me if he is actually fully straight.
But it would be absolutely shitty of him to do what he does then. He must know that most people think he is bi, at least. He always makes horny faces when a guy is shirtless or more. Not just Chris Evans.
I only watch Seb's YouTube videos. I don't follow him on Patreon or social media. Has he ever actually said he's straight, or even implied it? Has he ever mentioned dating women having a girlfriend (past or current)?

I've been assuming that he's gay because he always comments on the hot guys in the movies he reacts to (with special attention to Chris Evans), but I've never heard him comment on women or express any attraction to or interest in women whatsoever. His crush on Chris Evans seems very real.
I only watch Seb's YouTube videos. I don't follow him on Patreon or social media. Has he ever actually said he's straight, or even implied it? Has he ever mentioned dating women having a girlfriend (past or current)?

I've been assuming that he's gay because he always comments on the hot guys in the movies he reacts to (with special attention to Chris Evans), but I've never heard him comment on women or express any attraction to or interest in women whatsoever. His crush on Chris Evans seems very real.
No he's straight. He's gone under fire a few times for queerbaiting his audience. He's put a disclaimer in the past in some of his reactions towards the end or the beginning that everything he says is just him joking and being silly. He knows a lot of gay men like him so he teases a lot.
No he's straight. He's gone under fire a few times for queerbaiting his audience. He's put a disclaimer in the past in some of his reactions towards the end or the beginning that everything he says is just him joking and being silly. He knows a lot of gay men like him so he teases a lot.

Thanks for the reply, but I need a little more evidence. I've never seen the disclaimer you mentioned, but the existence of such a disclaimer doesn't really mean anything. Where has he come under fire for queerbaiting? How did he respond? Has he ever actually said or implied that he's straight? (Or, conversely, has he ever actually said that he's not gay or bi?)
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Thanks for the reply, but I need a little more evidence. I've never seen the disclaimer you mentioned, but the existence of such a disclaimer doesn't really mean anything. Where has he come under fire for queerbaiting? How did he respond? Has he ever actually said or implied that he's straight? (Or, conversely, has he ever actually said that he's not gay or bi?)
Its weor
Thanks for the reply, but I need a little more evidence. I've never seen the disclaimer you mentioned, but the existence of such a disclaimer doesn't really mean anything. Where has he come under fire for queerbaiting? How did he respond? Has he ever actually said or implied that he's straight? (Or, conversely, has he ever actually said that he's not gay or bi?)
Its weird man i dont know what to think about him like he can be a little flamboyant sometimes and he weirly knows words that are associated with the gay culture like "bussy" and "dom top" but is that enought to say that hes into guys? Like you can tell that everytime he says something about a guy he follows that with a laugh so does he really feel that? but at the same time he can be witty and spontaneous so i dont know man like what straight guy buys a cardboard of another guy to put it in his room and what straight guy keeps pushing the liking of other guys bodies this much taking into account that his audience is all over the place and the straight guys who watch him might feel awkward by the thirsting over other men and hes kinda smart 'cause in his resent live he said that his sexuality is only his business and thats all he was gonna say about it so i think by not being specific he can keep luring the gays so...i dont know everytime i question his sexuality my head hurts
When are folks gonna evolve from the obsession with who is or isn’t “straight” or “gay” or “bi” or whatever? Furthermore, the folks trying to dictate how “straight” someone is are just as annoying as folks who say someone is definitely in the queer spectrum without anything real to back that up.

At the end of the day, everyone has their own sexuality, their own sexual journey, their own dimensions and preferences and egos and psyches and struggles and motivations, their own place in the gender, sexual, affection, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum. Why must every side still be basic as hell when it comes to discussing “sexuality”? And why even care about the dimensions of these random ass social media dudes?
I just assumed he was gay because he pretty unambiguously presents himself as being attracted to guys and shows no interest in women (that I've seen). I didn't even know that some people thought he was a gay-baiting straight guy until I saw this thread. I still haven't heard a good explanation for why people think that, but I'm open to hearing their reasons. I don't know why he says his sexuality is his business; I could speculate, but ultimately it would be pointless. I get that he has his reasons. If I knew them I might not agree with them, but that doesn't matter; he's not obligated to share that information publicly. (Having said that, I'd have more respect for him if he did.)
I will a couple of theories out there. Perhaps he's "testing the waters" so to speak to see how people react. If and when he feels comfortable acknowledging his sexuality publicly, he will do so. It's also possible that he has a lesser-known sexuality (like a homoromantic asexual) and he just doesn't feel like explaining it or defending it, since that's not what his channel is about. However, I will also say that in most cases keeping one's sexuality private is so difficult that it's not worth it, unless you plan to never have a serious sexual and/or romantic relationship.