SebScreen purposely queer bait and pretend to be gay for the sake of view is just wrong. And I’d hate to find out he is a bad person like that.

Agreed. I'm still leaning towards taking him at face value regarding his attraction to men, unless someone gives me a good reason to think otherwise. If he's actually straight, I suppose it's possible that it started off by him admiring Chris Evans as Captain America. (Straight guys can admire another guy's looks and even develop a "man crush", especially guys with an interest in fitness who know how much hard work it takes to get a body like that.) If he got a positive response, he may have kept doing it to please his audience--but if that's the case, he's gone way too far with it.

However, I think it's more likely that what we're seeing is Seb going through a public coming out process. A lot of gay celebrities show us their sexuality before they tell us their sexuality; when asked about it directly they become evasive or say things like don't like to label themselves, etc. Sometimes it takes years before they can bring themselves to say publicly, "I'm gay." As I said in an earlier post, if Seb's sexuality is more complicated (e.g., demisexual, graysexual, homoromantic asexual), that makes it more difficult to talk about publicly. Considering his focus on Chris Evans, he may be lithosexual.

Also, I forgot to mention it earlier, but during his birthday stream, someone asked if he'd ever met Chris Evans or if Chris was aware of him. I didn't catch the full answer, but Seb said something like, "I think he thinks I'm weird."

And Seb seems to think that we're weird. Hmm...
Well you gotta remember he’s like what..23? You are still very awkward and unsure of yourself at that age. And it might be funny to tell sex jokes on YouTube until you realize the bigger following it brings. He probably just isn’t equipped to deal with that yet, or maybe doesn’t see himself in that way yet.

My bigger concern for him are the queer baiting rumors. I enjoy him and he seems nice and if he isn’t gay or whatever that is fine. And he doesn’t have to tell anyone if he chooses not to. But to purposely queer bait and pretend to be gay for the sake of view is just wrong. And I’d hate to find out he is a bad person like that.
how is he pretending to be gay? he just finds Chris Evans attractive. that doesn't make you gay, you have to be attracted to them in order to be gay. Also, tons of striaght boys say that Ryan Reynolds is the 1 guy they'd date despite them being straight. it doesn't automatically make you gay since everyone finds most celebs attractive despite their sexuality. for example, I find Cate Blanchett to be fucking sexy but I'm still gay because I don't want to be with her and I'm not attracted to her. I just see thst she's attractive
Agreed. I'm still leaning towards taking him at face value regarding his attraction to men, unless someone gives me a good reason to think otherwise. If he's actually straight, I suppose it's possible that it started off by him admiring Chris Evans as Captain America. (Straight guys can admire another guy's looks and even develop a "man crush", especially guys with an interest in fitness who know how much hard work it takes to get a body like that.) If he got a positive response, he may have kept doing it to please his audience--but if that's the case, he's gone way too far with it.

However, I think it's more likely that what we're seeing is Seb going through a public coming out process. A lot of gay celebrities show us their sexuality before they tell us their sexuality; when asked about it directly they become evasive or say things like don't like to label themselves, etc. Sometimes it takes years before they can bring themselves to say publicly, "I'm gay." As I said in an earlier post, if Seb's sexuality is more complicated (e.g., demisexual, graysexual, homoromantic asexual), that makes it more difficult to talk about publicly. Considering his focus on Chris Evans, he may be lithosexual.

Also, I forgot to mention it earlier, but during his birthday stream, someone asked if he'd ever met Chris Evans or if Chris was aware of him. I didn't catch the full answer, but Seb said something like, "I think he thinks I'm weird."

And Seb seems to think that we're weird. Hmm...

You are looking at it way to seriously, maybe he is bi, but his obsession with Chris is very obviously a running gag, Seb frequently admires men for their physical bodies because that’s how he wants to look himself, I think Seb has some self esteem issues when it comes to looking and acting traditionally masculine, it’s not a gay thing, he has made plenty of sexual comments regarding his attraction to women.
how is he pretending to be gay? he just finds Chris Evans attractive. that doesn't make you gay, you have to be attracted to them in order to be gay. Also, tons of striaght boys say that Ryan Reynolds is the 1 guy they'd date despite them being straight. it doesn't automatically make you gay since everyone finds most celebs attractive despite their sexuality. for example, I find Cate Blanchett to be fucking sexy but I'm still gay because I don't want to be with her and I'm not attracted to her. I just see thst she's attractive
I’m not saying he is pretending. The Chris Evens thing isn’t even important, it’s all the other stuff he does. Using a lot of gay lingo, make a lot of sexual comments almost always towards men, and he talks in generals . Saying the bare min on life experiences, leaving out details talking about the “person” instead of my bf/gf/her/him/etc. so it’s like he is staying ambiguous intentionally. He also watches a lot of gay content and gets emotional as if he can relate to it or has experienced it, but then doesn’t provide context/details/or stories that expand on his feelings. (Which all the other gay movie review YouTubers do) So if he isn’t gay/bi/whatever that is fine, but at this point it starts to feel like queer baiting. And that isn’t cool. He can be an ally for the gays, that’s cool. But I think at this point and as he becomes more popular- he needs make his intentions clear. Just my opinion. And I hope he is gay and is really the nice person he seems to be in his content. We could use a guy like him on our team.
You are looking at it way to seriously, maybe he is bi, but his obsession with Chris is very obviously a running gag, Seb frequently admires men for their physical bodies because that’s how he wants to look himself, I think Seb has some self esteem issues when it comes to looking and acting traditionally masculine, it’s not a gay thing, he has made plenty of sexual comments regarding his attraction to women.

It's just a way to pass the time, just like watching his videos is a way to pass the time. I think most gay people enjoy learning that someone they like is also gay, whether it's a favorite celebrity or just a neighbor or coworker, even if there's no romantic prospect there. So when Seb started making comments about Chris Evans and the other MCU guys, that caught my attention and made me wonder if he was also gay. In real life I'm mostly surrounded by straight people and most of the YouTubers I watch are straight, so it would be nice to find out that one of them plays on my team, especially if it's a handsome guy like Seb. However, at first I thought he might just be a straight guy who's not afraid to admire another good-looking guy, and that would have been fine, but after watching him for months I eventually came the conclusion that he's gay and his crush on Chris is genuine.

As you say, it's also a running gag. I don't think Seb is really as obsessed with Chris as he pretends to be. Nevertheless, I find it hard to believe that a straight guy would take it that far.

IF I'm wrong and he's actually straight then he's gay-baiting in the worst way and should stop doing that. At this point, he should probably "come out" as straight and apologize for the gay baiting. He'll lose people's respect and he'll lose subscribers, but it's the right thing to do.

I've never heard Seb make any comments about attraction to women, but maybe he makes those comments in his live streams and/or in the videos I haven't watched. (I don't watch his videos for movies/shows I haven't seen.)
seb is straight, he just knows the attention he gets from gays and uses it and theres nothing wrong with guy crushes

its getting embarrassing at this point just accept seb is straight and move on, i happen to know exactly how straight seb is

Unless you can provide evidence of Seb's heterosexuality, I have no reason to believe you. Why would I "accept" that he's straight when all the available evidence indicates that he's not? As I've said before, he's shown us that he's a guy who's into other guys, even if he hasn't explicitly said so. He's been accused in this forum of gay baiting, but no one has supported or provided evidence for that claim. Unless and until Seb says he's straight, or someone provides some actual evidence that he's straight, I'm going to take his presentation of himself at face value.

I want to be clear here: I like Seb and enjoy his videos and want him to succeed. If it turns out that he's been baiting me and his other gay viewers, I'll be hurt and upset about that and he'll lose my respect, but I'd rather know the truth. However, I'm not going to believe that he's gay baiting just because someone says so. I need evidence.

Also, if Seb has been gay baiting, I would like him to come clean about it and apologize. If he does that and I think his apology is sincere, I'll probably forgive him.
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What the hell, why would he need to apologize? He's not selling sexual content, he is a movie/series reactor. He doesn't owe anyone an explanation regarding his sexual orientation, he can be serious about it or joke about it all he wants. You're clearly obsessed with him, seeking his attention (talking about LPSG on his stream) and throwing money at him, but that's YOUR doing, not his. Seb is a super sarcastic, funny guy, it's hard to tell what's for real and what's not. You can't just make an assumption thinking it to be the truth and then demand shit if it turns out otherwise. HE's not making you do anything. You guys really are that delusional and full of yourself that you think you can get into his pants and if it turns out you can't you throw a tantrum?
And I hope he is gay and is really the nice person he seems to be in his content.
I used to watch him a lot. He used to do a lot of livestreams that lasted for hours (now all of it is deleted) and I watched all of it, interacted with him etc. At the beginning it was fun and he was nice... But I stopped watching him when he started to seem like such a douchebag IN MY EYES. Don't ask me what happened, I don't really remember because it was a long time ago but I really started to find him problematic and annoying. One of the things I remember is that he banned someone on his livestream only for saying they didn't find Chris Evans attractive.
It's not me trying to hate on him, I don't even watch him anymore, I just see you guys talking about him a lot and a lot of you weren't his subscribers at that time soo maybe I have a good info.
I will say this, he IS a smart guy and he knows how to attract new subscribers etc. Do I think he's queerbaiting? Idk I've always thought he was queer, especially after all of these livestreams but maybe I was wrong... To be honest when I look back at it, all of these thirsts seemed very forced and overdone (when i was watching him so like around 10 months ago maybe, idk how it is now), it was cringing a lot of people. From what I remember he has acting experience so don't be surprised when turns out he's straight
seb is straight, he just knows the attention he gets from gays and uses it and theres nothing wrong with guy crushes

its getting embarrassing at this point just accept seb is straight and move on, i happen to know exactly how straight seb is
I have my reasons to believe you but not gonna talk about it here. The guy is probably telling the truth, y'all.

Seb is very smart, I mean look at his huge forehead. When gays started hitting on him a lot, he started this whole era of thirst, guy crushes etc. He probably knows that keeping things mysterious make people more interested in him. He always seemed very strategic on livestreams when he was talking about his channel.

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What the hell, why would he need to apologize? He's not selling sexual content, he is a movie/series reactor. He doesn't owe anyone an explanation regarding his sexual orientation, he can be serious about it or joke about it all he wants. You're clearly obsessed with him, seeking his attention (talking about LPSG on his stream) and throwing money at him, but that's YOUR doing, not his. Seb is a super sarcastic, funny guy, it's hard to tell what's for real and what's not. You can't just make an assumption thinking it to be the truth and then demand shit if it turns out otherwise. HE's not making you do anything. You guys really are that delusional and full of yourself that you think you can get into his pants and if it turns out you can't you throw a tantrum?

Wow, this thread is getting ugly. I don't understand why these kinds of internet conversations always devolve into arguments rather than being a friendly discussion that might lead towards some level of agreement or mutual understanding. If Seb didn't have a reason before for not liking people talking about him here, he does now.

Egnaro, I think you're overreacting to my posts. Before I say more, I know that tone doesn't always come across in the written word, so I want you to know that if we were talking about this in person, I would be saying all this calmly and reasonably, not angrily, defensively, or confrontationally.

To be clear, I'm only saying that he should apologize IF he's been gay baiting us, and that's a big IF. Throughout this thread, I've been arguing against the claim that he's been gay baiting us and asking for evidence to the contrary.

To the question of why he should apologize IF he's gay baiting. Gay baiting is unethical and problematic in many different ways. It mocks and exploits gay people by pretending to be one of us but not really representing us. It's misrepresentation and arguably a form of fraud.
What you need to know about Queerbaiting
Queerbaiting And The Issue Of LGBT Representation In The Media

You are correct that he doesn't owe anyone an explanation regarding his sexual orientation, but he does have an ethical obligation not to misrepresent his sexual orientation or exploit the sexual orientation of others.

If you don't agree that gaybaiting is wrong, then I probably won't be able to convince you otherwise, but you should understand that a LOT of gay people have a problem with it, and we have very real reasons for that.

To address some of your other points: You probably won't believe this, but I'm not "obsessed" with him. I'm interested in him, sure, in much the same way I'm interested in other funny, talented, and/or attractive celebrities and YouTubers. I understand that I will probably never meet them and have no chance of a relationship with them. Neither I nor anyone else commenting in this thread has shown themselves to be operating under the delusion that we might be able to get into Seb's pants, and none of us have had a tantrum about that obvious reality. We know that even if Seb is 100% gay, we'll probably never cross paths with him and even if we did there would be almost no chance of a relationship (or even a hook up). In my case, I'm more than twice Seb's age and the idea of having sex with someone young enough to be my son is just gross. Also, at this point in my life, I have almost no sex drive and pretty much consider myself to be a homoromantic asexual. Should the opportunity ever present itself, I might enjoy Seb's company, but that's it, and I know the odds of that ever happening are almost zero.

It's a perfectly normal thing for human beings to be interested in celebrities in this way (even minor YouTube celebrities) and is no different from Seb's "obsession" with Chris Evans. I make no apologies for being human.

The only "demand" that we've ever made of Seb is not to mock us, tease us, exploit us, or pretend to be one of us if he's not. That's not unreasonable.
the girls i know hes had sex with would have a lot of explaining to do then

Ah, now that's some evidence that Seb is not 100% gay, although it's not evidence that he's 100% straight. He could be bisexual or pansexual or any number of non-hetero sexualities. Of course, we have no way of knowing if you really know girls who had sex with him, but I don't expect you to be able to provide proof of that. (Even if you could, please don't.) On the other hand, I can't imagine why you would bother to lie about it
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about 8 inches super thick i was soo jealous when i found out wish it was me

Well, dicks of that size are fun to look at, but hard to work with, for both the owner of the dick and the person trying to take it. (Of course, there are people who can take a dick that size, and some of them would still want more.)

Ngl, I'd like to see it, but my unsolicited advice to Seb (not that he seems to need it) is not to show it. There can be very real and very negative personal and professional consequences to exposing oneself in such a way.
I used to watch him a lot. He used to do a lot of livestreams that lasted for hours (now all of it is deleted) and I watched all of it, interacted with him etc. At the beginning it was fun and he was nice... But I stopped watching him when he started to seem like such a douchebag IN MY EYES. Don't ask me what happened, I don't really remember because it was a long time ago but I really started to find him problematic and annoying. One of the things I remember is that he banned someone on his livestream only for saying they didn't find Chris Evans attractive.
It's not me trying to hate on him, I don't even watch him anymore, I just see you guys talking about him a lot and a lot of you weren't his subscribers at that time soo maybe I have a good info.
I will say this, he IS a smart guy and he knows how to attract new subscribers etc. Do I think he's queerbaiting? Idk I've always thought he was queer, especially after all of these livestreams but maybe I was wrong... To be honest when I look back at it, all of these thirsts seemed very forced and overdone (when i was watching him so like around 10 months ago maybe, idk how it is now), it was cringing a lot of people. From what I remember he has acting experience so don't be surprised when turns out he's straight

Thanks for sharing your views, Janelle_. No offense, but I hope you're wrong about him. However, I'm beginning to think that you might be right. Truth be told, I had some doubts about him even before I found this thread, but I chose to take him at face value.

Question: Where can his live streams be found and are they announced in advance? I stumbled across his birthday live stream on YouTube, but I don't know how I might find the next live stream. I don't really want to watch them, but I might do so in order to make my own assessment on what people here have been saying about him.
To be clear, I'm only saying that he should apologize IF he's been gay baiting us, and that's a big IF.
That's not what you wrote in your earlier post through. You wrote (in bold) that "IF I'm wrong and he's actually straight", then "he should probably "come out" as straight and apologize for the gay baiting".

1. You feeling gay-baited doesn't mean he is gay-baiting. His content is mostly movie reactions, not specifically catering to audience with any specific sexual orientation. Some straight guy would complain women dressing "provocatively", because they believe these women dress for their attention. Don't be like them.

2. You seem very eager to find out if he is gay, in the name of deciding if he is gay baiting, but that's irrelevant to the question. Gay people can gay bait, straight people can gay bait, and even corporate can gay bait. And you then demand that "he does have an ethical obligation not to misrepresent his sexual orientation", which sounds like you've decided that gay and straight people must behave distinctively when reacting to movies? And if he is straight and behave in a way you think only gay people will do, are you sure it must be him misrepresenting his sexual orientation, not you having stereotypical/ignorant opinions about people's sexual orientations?

3. You mentioned that "after watching him for months I eventually came the conclusion that he's gay and his crush on Chris is genuine", and if I understand correctly, you are saying that you think his crush on Chris is genuine, so he must be gay. If that's true, it's probably safe to say that you've never had a genuine crush on any female celebrities, but you must have heard some of them are actually very popular in the gay community, and some of their gay fans are a lot more passionate than what we see on Seb's youtube videos. Are you calling all their passion ingenuine?

4. You said that "I'm going to take his presentation of himself at face value", but kept going beyond. The face value is that he likes watching movies and likes Chris (his acting, his physique, his face, ...), neither is monopolized by gay people. And if you feel his sexual orientation plays a crucial role in whether you want to watch his videos, you can always play it safe and switch to other gay youtubers who do movie reactions, instead of pressuring people to disclose their sexual orientation when they don't want to. And to be honest, gay or straight, it's hard to imagine your attention to be wanted.