
Plenty of guys act a lil “gay” for the sake of attention or persona or to make people uncomfortable or to be “subversive”. A lot of guys in the queer spectrum act more “gay” than they are on social media for money and to build a following. Plenty of ”straight” guys on social media also bait. In general, traditional, full, life-long heterosexuality isn’t as dominant among males as people think. Some dudes do put little clues and make lil comments in order to “test the waters” or to not feel like they’re closeted. A lot of people don’t want to be legit out because of phobias, internalized phobias, fluidity, hyper-sexuality, contradictions, paraphiliacs.
The gender, sexual, affection, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum is wide and varied. It’s impossible to say what is going on with a lot of these random guys, especially on social media. And it’s honestly not worth racking your brain over.
What's with all that internalized homophobia in this thread? Why do you feel entitled to judge someone else's sexuality and what does cardboard have to do with sexuality, like what the fuck?
I was just asking would you spect a straight guy to have a cardboard of another man and not give a fuck? like what would his friends say what would his family say straight guys tend to be insecure af to do anything slightly "sus"
LOL what did he say?
He said he didn't like to read it & he's got over it now. Whatever that means - he also implied he doesn't like to “Google himself”. Lots of people were asking him about his relationship status, but he swived it & gave some generic response lol
He said he didn't like to read it & he's got over it now. Whatever that means - he also implied he doesn't like to “Google himself”. Lots of people were asking him about his relationship status, but he swived it & gave some generic response lol
Either closeted, private, or wants to gay bait and eventual OF
I stumbled across Seb's 23rd birthday stream yesterday. I mentioned that we were talking about him on LPSG, but he either didn't see the comment or he ignored it. However, towards the end of the stream, LPSG came up several times, and he acknowledged LPSG with a somewhat disdainful "it is what it is", or something to that effect. It was the first time I've ever watched a YouTuber's live stream, not counting news or coverage of an election debate. It may very well also be the last time I ever watch a YouTuber's live stream.

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that, on a whim, I gave him $20, which he acknowledged and thanked me for. I think it was one of the larger donations, although a few people gave a comparable amount or more. I don't know why exactly I did it. I just thought that I'm not one of his patrons and I'm not subscribed to his channel and I never bother to like his videos, so I could be generous and do a little something for him on his birthday. I felt OK about it at first, but as the stream continued and I saw how much money people were giving him, I became less comfortable with it. At the end of the stream, he acted embarrassed about how much money people were giving him, asking people not to give him anything (a bit late for that) saying, "I don't need the money," just before one guy gave him about $50 (or "40 quid"). Seb basically said to that guy, "thanks, but you shouldn't have" with emphasis on "you shouldn't have." He started saying that he was just going to refund everyone, but then he admitted he didn't know how to do that. (I think we all know he's going to keep the money.) The guy that gave him $50 then gave him another $50 saying something like, "Take it, daddy." Wow. I can't imagine what the thought process was there.

A few people commented that he was "only 23" and one person said he was "barely legal." He said something like, "How is that barely legal?" I said that at my age, 23 is seems barely legal. He saw that and said something like "only if you're 90."

There was quite a bit of conversation about fitness/exercise. In response to a question, Seb said he's never had a job other than being a YouTuber; he's always been a student. Some people asked what he's studying. I didn't completely understand his answer. I don't remember his exact phrasing, but it sounded like he was studying to be something between a fitness trainer and a physical therapist. However, he also said he wasn't planning to finish his studies because "I don't need to."

A few people asked about his sexuality, but he didn't respond to those questions, although he did defend his use of sexual innuendo.

There was also a lot of conversation about the silver ring he was wearing on the ring finger of his left hand. People thought it looked like a wedding ring. He said he wore it on that finger just because it was the only finger it fit on. Someone asked him when he was getting married, and he said that he was already married to Chris Evans. He mentioned being married to Chris Evans several times during the video, and would gesture to the cardboard cutout of Chris as if to say "see, he's right here".

I missed the beginning of the chat and had to leave for about 45 minutes during the middle of the chat, so I don't know what I missed there. I see I'm not the only person here who saw it. I'm curious about what other people thought about it.
I stumbled across Seb's 23rd birthday stream yesterday. I mentioned that we were talking about him on LPSG, but he either didn't see the comment or he ignored it. However, towards the end of the stream, LPSG came up several times, and he acknowledged LPSG with a somewhat disdainful "it is what it is", or something to that effect. It was the first time I've ever watched a YouTuber's live stream, not counting news or coverage of an election debate. It may very well also be the last time I ever watch a YouTuber's live stream.

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that, on a whim, I gave him $20, which he acknowledged and thanked me for. I think it was one of the larger donations, although a few people gave a comparable amount or more. I don't know why exactly I did it. I just thought that I'm not one of his patrons and I'm not subscribed to his channel and I never bother to like his videos, so I could be generous and do a little something for him on his birthday. I felt OK about it at first, but as the stream continued and I saw how much money people were giving him, I became less comfortable with it. At the end of the stream, he acted embarrassed about how much money people were giving him, asking people not to give him anything (a bit late for that) saying, "I don't need the money," just before one guy gave him about $50 (or "40 quid"). Seb basically said to that guy, "thanks, but you shouldn't have" with emphasis on "you shouldn't have." He started saying that he was just going to refund everyone, but then he admitted he didn't know how to do that. (I think we all know he's going to keep the money.) The guy that gave him $50 then gave him another $50 saying something like, "Take it, daddy." Wow. I can't imagine what the thought process was there.

A few people commented that he was "only 23" and one person said he was "barely legal." He said something like, "How is that barely legal?" I said that at my age, 23 is seems barely legal. He saw that and said something like "only if you're 90."

There was quite a bit of conversation about fitness/exercise. In response to a question, Seb said he's never had a job other than being a YouTuber; he's always been a student. Some people asked what he's studying. I didn't completely understand his answer. I don't remember his exact phrasing, but it sounded like he was studying to be something between a fitness trainer and a physical therapist. However, he also said he wasn't planning to finish his studies because "I don't need to."

A few people asked about his sexuality, but he didn't respond to those questions, although he did defend his use of sexual innuendo.

There was also a lot of conversation about the silver ring he was wearing on the ring finger of his left hand. People thought it looked like a wedding ring. He said he wore it on that finger just because it was the only finger it fit on. Someone asked him when he was getting married, and he said that he was already married to Chris Evans. He mentioned being married to Chris Evans several times during the video, and would gesture to the cardboard cutout of Chris as if to say "see, he's right here".

I missed the beginning of the chat and had to leave for about 45 minutes during the middle of the chat, so I don't know what I missed there. I see I'm not the only person here who saw it. I'm curious about what other people thought about it.
LPSG is like fight club: we don’t talk about it. ESPECIALLY to the person we are talking about in here lol
However, towards the end of the stream, LPSG came up several times, and he acknowledged LPSG with a somewhat disdainful "it is what it is", or something to that effect.
He found out in another stream, months ago, and he seemed a little bit embarrased. I imagine he knows he can't do anything about it so yeah, "whatever" is a good response.
My question is why are y’all bringing up LPSG in his streams...Yall think he’s gonna give you a cookie???

You have a point, but I don't get why it bothers him that we're talking about him here. You'd think he'd be happy that he has fans that find him attractive because that's good for his channel (not to mention an ego boost). Are his fans going to talk about him in Internet forums where people talk about such things, like LPSG? Of course they are. Are they going to speculate about his sexuality? Of course they are. Are people who don't like him or his videos going to say negative stuff about him? Of course they are--it comes with the territory. As a reactor, he's making a living talking about movies and TV shows, including some commentary about the actors who star in those movies, especially the ones he finds attractive. In so doing, he's become a minor celebrity himself and so he's getting a small taste of the loss of privacy every celebrity has to deal with. What did he think was going to happen?

Also, I'm not clear whether he's bothered by any and all Internet commentary about him, or if he has a problem with LPSG specifically. Can anyone clarify that for me?
Well you gotta remember he’s like what..23? You are still very awkward and unsure of yourself at that age. And it might be funny to tell sex jokes on YouTube until you realize the bigger following it brings. He probably just isn’t equipped to deal with that yet, or maybe doesn’t see himself in that way yet.

My bigger concern for him are the queer baiting rumors. I enjoy him and he seems nice and if he isn’t gay or whatever that is fine. And he doesn’t have to tell anyone if he chooses not to. But to purposely queer bait and pretend to be gay for the sake of view is just wrong. And I’d hate to find out he is a bad person like that.