Seth4282 (bigfit_)

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I ordered a custom from his months ago and checked up on him and he said he was busy but would get to it. Anyway wait that long for him? The video would truly be the video of my DREAMS and I am getting so impatient !!!
It’s coming up on a month since his last post. Shame he’s pretty much given up on his OF. He could be really successful with his great body, thick dick, and that ginormous ass. *sigh*. Anyway, I’m letting my subscription expire in a few days. Maybe if he starts posting again I’ll think about resubscribing.
It’s coming up on a month since his last post. Shame he’s pretty much given up on his OF. He could be really successful with his great body, thick dick, and that ginormous ass. *sigh*. Anyway, I’m letting my subscription expire in a few days. Maybe if he starts posting again I’ll think about resubscribing.

Ugh he goes online to check it so often! People are willing to pay for that kinda hot!
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