Sexy sexy sexy russian male personalities

Russian 18 year old influencer Ilya Mironov (Илья Миронов) has a really hot Telegram channel and a private group with lots of nudes. The private group is only a one time payment of about $8. He uses google translater but I talked to him and turns out he's a really nice guy. Also sells custom pics and vids. He never disappoints or scams.
His telegram: Onlymodel [mironov]
Tiktok: ilyaworkouter on TikTok
He is scammer! After you pay him, he blocks immediately. And he is very homophobic.
Well. Being not gay doesn't mean having mental problems. He blocks only gay-men accounts which is quite understandable since he is straight and lives in Russia.
What happens is russian guys are very hard people to deal with. I also had problems with them and this is the reason I stopped to hanging out with them. They are problematic, complicated and they have issues. Russian society is very homophobic, maybe because of heritage soviet past. Today I prefer czech guys, they are more open mind and their society is more alike to western society. And I didnt even mention yet how they are scammer. To go out with Russian, ukrainian and other estern guys in general is dangerous. Be careful! You can be robbed, tortured, hurt and even murdered. They are very rude, arrogant, have a very violent past, a tyrannic dictatorship and they are a very poor country. Some of them are very greedy and they dont want even sell porn stuff or have sex with you, just to scam and steal your money. When I worked in a model agence in Asian, russian guys were frequently dismissed for bad behavior or clients demanded breach of contract because they didnt fulfill their obligation.
What happens is russian guys are very hard people to deal with. I also had problems with them and this is the reason I stopped to hanging out with them. They are problematic, complicated and they have issues. Russian society is very homophobic, maybe because of heritage soviet past. Today I prefer czech guys, they are more open mind and their society is more alike to western society. And I didnt even mention yet how they are scammer. To go out with Russian, ukrainian and other estern guys in general is dangerous. Be careful! You can be robbed, tortured, hurt and even murdered. They are very rude, arrogant, have a very violent past, a tyrannic dictatorship and they are a very poor country. Some of them are very greedy and they dont want even sell porn stuff or have sex with you, just to scam and steal your money. When I worked in a model agence in Asian, russian guys were frequently dismissed for bad behavior or clients demanded breach of contract because they didnt fulfill their obligation.
True and agree with you. But I have to defend some of them. For instance like Tommy Gold is not like that. I've had a lot of interaction with him and he is one of the nicest ones out there! :)
True and agree with you. But I have to defend some of them. For instance like Tommy Gold is not like that. I've had a lot of interaction with him and he is one of the nicest ones out there! :)
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I wish his fellow Willy Regal was cool as him.
Willy Regal is also very hot but he's never responding when you ask him something...


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I wish someone can identify this guy worked with Sasha Kosmos.
Toni sounds like a nickname.
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Here you can see him in his first broadcasting.... to me he is pure masculinity and sensuality... despite he is so educated and polite when he talksView attachment 25375521 View attachment 25375531 View attachment 25375521 View attachment 25375531 View attachment 25375541 View attachment 25375551 View attachment 25375521 View attachment 25375531 View attachment 25375541 View attachment 25375551 View attachment 25375561 View attachment 25375571 View attachment 25375581 View attachment 25375591 about different topics... he is my ideal kind of man . Watch him and enjoy...
Does he ever show his ass/asshole? His cock is going to be on my mind for the rest of the day. Just sitting there on his big smooth balls with a big thick foreskin