Sexy sexy sexy russian male personalities

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Reactions: Roman Rex Fritz
Not just a hate speech, but a straightforward threat to bomb Europe. But they've already lost significantly in Ukraine. Russia is crumbling from within, and more people come to realize the situation.
What exactly says?
Something against gays?
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Reactions: Roman Rex Fritz
Not just a hate speech, but a straightforward threat to bomb Europe. But they've already lost significantly in Ukraine. Russia is crumbling from within, and more people come to realize the situation.
There is no sign of crumbling (of something either than common populace life and that is highly managable in such governments), more likely it's just transforming into some new wicked shape.
I wouldn't pay much attention to posts like this one. You will see much more in near time. He don't even say anything remotely intelligent
Not just a hate speech, but a straightforward threat to bomb Europe. But they've already lost significantly in Ukraine. Russia is crumbling from within, and more people come to realize the situation.
oh common, not a single word about bombing or any threat
What exactly says?
Something against gays?
It says: looks like it’s our destiny to kick Europe’s ass every 100 years. It’s a blessing they actually like it.

First statement is about Napoleon, then Hitler, now Ukrainian far-right. Second is a joke about European gays enjoying being spanked.
