Sexy sexy sexy russian male personalities

Does he ever show his ass/asshole? His cock is going to be on my mind for the rest of the day. Just sitting there on his big smooth balls with a big thick foreskin

In another thread someone claimed he had prior username he targeted the 'gay' male market in following him. But once his popularity grew that is when he started distancing himself from his old 'gay' followers.
I understand


Not sure why his face is covered in his profile video. Doubt its because many people recognized him - he's only got 21 followers as of right now. His face was uncovered during the live show though.
OK. Anyway best of luck with him there.... Good weekend everyone
Could anyone translate what it says here?
Denis Burmistrov, the bodybuilder, posted it to his IG stories.
Is this hate speech?
View attachment 65403491
Not just a hate speech, but a straightforward threat to bomb Europe. But they've already lost significantly in Ukraine. Russia is crumbling from within, and more people come to realize the situation.