Shawn mendes

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Harry Styles and Timothee Chalamet had a fantastic conversation for Vice that touches on the notion of masculinity. And if anyone can speak from similar experiences with sexuality speculation it's Harry. I think Shawn can learn a lot...

HARRY: I didn’t grow up in a man’s man world. I grew up with my mum and my sister. But I definitely think in the last two years, I’ve become a lot more content with who I am. I think there’s so much masculinity in being vulnerable and allowing yourself to be feminine, and I’m very comfortable with that. Growing up you don’t even know what those things mean. You have this idea of what being masculine is and as you grow up and experience more of the world, you become more comfortable with who you are. Today it’s easier to embrace masculinity in so many different things. I definitely find — through music, writing, talking with friends, and being open — that some of the times when I feel most confident is when I’m allowing myself to be vulnerable. It’s something that I definitely try and do.​
The manager wants him to say that. His "heterosexuality" sells. And that's it. What's sad is to be denying who you are because of that. Hanging with Hailey Baldwin to look like a "man" on a date, making videos telling people he's not gay... Sad, sad world. He has power. No matter if you are 20. You can make a change.
Speaking of Hailey... It's kinda sad that he doesn't realize even now that he was being used for clout. No doubt he was a bit enamoured, but she is a professional vixen and he was way out of his leauge from an experience standpoint. He was using her in some respect too to bolster his "hetero" street cred (fail), but she played him hard (and embarrassed him) and he refuses to see or admit that.
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This is so sad. I have anxiety too. I don't sleep at all some nights. That's even with medication Shawn, just be your self. You can't please everybody so be you. I love your music and I will no matter what your orientation is. I was 20 when I came to grips with being gay. It was a tumultuous time. Very emotional. And it took time At least I know who I was and I loved me!
you know what's sad? His Rolling Stone cover and how he's not sexed up like they made Britney and Christina back in their hay days. What kind of sexist bullshit? smh

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His discomfort about people perceiving him to be gay is based on his own issues with his sexuality or his homophobia and nothing to do with the 'lgbt community harrasing him'.
You know that's not entirely true. Come on man. This topic alone proofs his point that people take literally everything he does or say as 'new proof' to label him based on stereotypes. Ofcourse that makes him uncomfortable. Nobody in the world would be cold enough to not be bothered by being labeled something. It is completely natural reaction to struggle with that. I would be more worried if it didn't affect him at all.

He is constantly labelled as gay. The problem is not the gay part. The problem is the fact that he is labelled.
You know that's not entirely true. Come on man. This topic alone proofs his point that people take literally everything he does or say as 'new proof' to label him based on stereotypes. Ofcourse that makes him uncomfortable. Nobody in the world would be cold enough to not be bothered by being labeled something. It is completely natural reaction to struggle with that. I would be more worried if it didn't affect him at all.

He is constantly labelled as gay. The problem is not the gay part. The problem is the fact that he is labelled.

Nick Jonas was always labeled gay and never gave a shit and in fact leaned into it and started popping up at gay bars for appearances and to perform. lol The problem is thinking that being "labeled gay" is a negative thing... people/Shawn needs to get the fuck over it.
Nick Jonas was always labeled gay and never gave a shit and in fact leaned into it and started popping up at gay bars for appearances and to perform. lol The problem is thinking that being "labeled gay" is a negative thing... people/Shawn needs to get the fuck over it.
First of all, generalizing anxiety, fear and/or insecurities is never okay. For example according to your Nick Jonas theory: nobody can be scared of snakes/heights/spiders because 'celeb X' loves snakes, loves heights and doesn't mind spiders? You can't just brush away something bothering someone even though it might seem unlikely to you or because others handle things better. Everybody is unique and everybody reacts different.

And he never said being labeled gay is an negative way. He has stated that multiple times. It is the fact that people label him as something that he is not. Same as if people would suddenly (for example) label someone as a christian while said person is a jew, muslim or athiest for that matter. It's simply about people mistaking rumours and accusations for facts. That just has to stop. Let people be whoever they are.
First of all, generalizing anxiety, fear and/or insecurities is never okay. For example according to your Nick Jonas theory: nobody can be scared of snakes/heights/spiders because 'celeb X' loves snakes? You can't just brush away something bothering someone even though it might seem unlikely to you or because others handle things better. Everybody is unique and everybody reacts different.

And he never said being labeled gay is an negative way. He has stated that multiple times. It is the fact that people label him as something that he is not. Same as if people would suddenly (for example) label someone as a christian while said person is a jew, muslim or athiest for that matter. It's simply about people mistaking rumours and accusations for facts. That just has to stop. Let people be whoever they are.

lmao, get a grip sis. You are creeping into psycho fangirl rettitory.
First of all, generalizing anxiety, fear and/or insecurities is never okay. For example according to your Nick Jonas theory: nobody can be scared of snakes/heights/spiders because 'celeb X' loves snakes, loves heights and doesn't mind spiders? You can't just brush away something bothering someone even though it might seem unlikely to you or because others handle things better. Everybody is unique and everybody reacts different.

And he never said being labeled gay is an negative way. He has stated that multiple times. It is the fact that people label him as something that he is not. Same as if people would suddenly (for example) label someone as a christian while said person is a jew, muslim or athiest for that matter. It's simply about people mistaking rumours and accusations for facts. That just has to stop. Let people be whoever they are.

on a serious note: there is NOTHING wrong with being labeled gay. Period. If you or Shawn or anyone else has a problem with it? Then seek professional help to deal with your self-hate/homophobia. Because comparing being gay to a fucking phobia or religion is pretty fucked up, dawg.
on a serious note: there is NOTHING wrong with being labeled gay. Period. If you or Shawn or anyone else has a problem with it? Then seek professional help to deal with your self-hate/homophobia. Because comparing being gay to a fucking phobia or religion is pretty fucked up, dawg.
I don't. Shawn doesn't either. You really don't seem to get the point. It is pointless to ruin the topic with this back and forth discussion.

I DMed you, lets talk there further and lets get this topic going about Shawn again.

I have mixed thoughts.

This is what queer culture and feminism has been fighting for, straight men breaking out of toxic stereotypes. People like Shawn Mendes and Darren Criss are what all straight men should aspire to be.

Would we rather he be super masc no homo bro throwing homophobic slurs around while sleeping around with and mistreating women?

This "Shawn is gay" thing has evolved into a meme, some take it seriously and some know it's just a joke. I like to think most gay people know Shawn is straight and use this meme for fantasy purposes. It's the other people who take it to far and almost get angry that Shawn hasn't come out yet that are the problem.

But this anxiety he has about being perceived as gay is extremely problematic.

He is either:

1. Homophobic. Not in the usual way, he is clearly a big supporter of LGBT people, but if being perceived as gay causes him this much stress than that is homophobic. Why does it matter if people think he is gay? If he is truly straight and a ally to our community this should not effect him.


2. He is not straight and struggling big time. Maybe he is Bi or Pan or Gay. But this would seem strange considering how big of a supporter he is to our community. Maybe he is under contract preventing him from coming out? Maybe he is scared he will lose job opportunities, fans, money? Worried how this will effect his image?

But if he really is having panic attacks, waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat of fear just because some people think he is gay... then that is really messed up, that is not normal.

I said earlier in this thread that the snapchat video he made was a huge mistake, it shocks me that all this time later he still hasn't learnt anything. This portion of the interview is snapchat video 2.0, it will only make things worse for himself.

Luckily for him more people seem to care about him smoking weed than his internalized homophobia.
That interview just made him seem like he is starved for attention, regardless of where it might come from.

And the gay comments, well, he is now never going to be able to escape them because people are either going to take what he said the wrong way and somehow be offended or use it to get a reaction out of him.

Regardless, that was a bit sad to hear about how OTT he is about the whole thing. I personally don't think he is gay, but the fact that he goes through so much trouble kinda makes his whole "i'm okay with gays, I swear!" thing seem like shtick.

Anyway, I find it hilarious that the girls fans think his post on social media about this interview is about the weed thing lmao
I don't think he realizes that after this interview the gay thing will just be 10000 times stronger than before lmao
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I feel very very sorry for him. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. There's no way he could of come out of this looking good, just because he's had to deny he's gay for like the 2000th time does not mean that he is homophobic. I actually really like the fact that he acknowledged he has internalized homophobia and that he hates that part of himself. At the end of the day, none of us know what it's like to have literally the whole of the Internet speculate over our sexuality but I think we can all relate as LGBT folk in that our sexuality will have definitely been a talking point for the vast majority of people in our personal lives at some point.

If Shawn is gay, then he's clearly having a very hard time coming to terms with it and has now dug himself a hole so deep he can't really ever get out of it. If Shawn is straight, he must be immensely frustrated by all of this. Because it can't be pleasant. It's not about him hating gay people or hating gayness but because when you've consistently stated you're something but then the whole world - a world of strangers - consistently insist to the contrary and make jokes about it.....who amongst us wouldn't get frustrated over that? Who wouldn't agonize and become neurotic and obsessed over the whole thing? I know I would.

Shawn's 20. Yes, he's an adult but a 20-year old can still have a lot of growing to do and I don't think Shawn has handled this in a very mature way. I can totally see how he's coming off as whiny or immature. And I certainly agree that his statements here will likely only fan the flames but that's more on an increasingly greedy and demanding public who show few signs of respecting peoples boundaries and not on Shawn himself and at the end of the day, I'm not a world famous celebrity who is constantly having his sexuality discussed at length so I can't hold any judgement on him.
Whelp, the number 1 trending thing from the article is, unsurprisingly, the gay comments...

Here-ye here-ye... Tyler Oakley has weighed in:
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I find it real confusing that Shawn keeps voicing so much paranoia about being perceived as gay, when even he states that *only 1% of comment sections about him debate his orientation.* I mean, can you imagine... 99% of this massive amount of global discussion about you concerns your talent, your body of work, your looks, etc., promoting you like gangbusters, you can retire now and live like a king... yet, because 1% of these comments are about whether you are gay, you are a nervous wreck?!
straight people don't get wrecked by crippling anxiety over being perceived as gay and try their best to hide any trait that makes them be perceived that way. that's a thing we(lgbt+ people) do.
it's not like he'd be the first closet case to say in an interview he's straight, and then at a later time come out. that's literally what happened with tom daley. he went on an interview to say he's straight and likes girls, and not even a year later he made his coming out video.
imo this was nothing but a pr move set by his team to see if they can get rid of the gay thing. the whole "i have anxiety over people thinking i'm gay when i'm not" just comes off as trying to make people feel sorry for him, sorry enough to stop the gay thing and to start gatekeeping and patrolling the fandom, to keep the gay thing away
The problem is people labeling people they don’t actually know as something they’re actually not.

Because people think and assume you’re something, you’re more likely to try and act in a specific way either to keep people ok thinking that, or in a complete opposite way to try to make people change their minds.

When you’re labaled as X thing so much that people actually think that’s true, you can have su much trouble with yourself. Specially in teenagehood, which, may I say is commonly said to end when you start your 20, but in psychology, it tends to expand into 25, depending on the person of course.

As you may recall from your own experiences, teenagehood is the most awkward, embarrassing and cofusing periods of time in a person’s life. People who struggle at this age tend to grow up to be insecure or shy adults. Experiences that could be traumatic to a teenager can and will have repercussions during adulthood.

Just to exemplify the impact that people around us, or in Shawn’s case, literally millions of people, imagine someone that’s been told for an extended period of time that he has to be something that he/she is not. People all around them say it’s normal to be that way and that he should or in some cases, must be that way. Then that one person startes to feel confused because he/she knows he’s different from what people want him/her to be. That causes anxiety, fear, the feeling of not being able to be who he/she is, because that might disappoint others. Thus, he/she starts to have nightmares of what ge/she “should” be to keep people happy, but that doesn’t make him/ger happy. What comes next is the development of a clinical anxiety or depressive disorder that could need medication. If that person doesn’t take said medication, the problem will not disappear. And even if said person starts yo take the medication, it’s not a guarantee that it will work because people react differently to the same chemicals.

Also, let’s think for one second that even if he/she is medicated, the original problem, people labeling him/her and telling them what they should or must be is still present. Thus, that person still can’t be true to himself/herself because that’s not what people want of him/her. In some cases, that could lead the person to suicide.

Sounds familiar? That’s what happen when you’re LGBT in a conservative family, school or society. Is it a longshot to try and guess this could happen in the opposite case? probably yes, because they’re not any scientific studies on the matter. But the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. You can tell it’s at least possible to happen when you look at what happen to LGBT kids on said conservative environments. In Shawn’s case, there’re literally millions of people claiming, not guessing, he is gay and are constantly looking for evidence to say so, even if it’s something as minimal as “the way he walks” or “he has femenine mannerisms”. People, we are about to start 2019 in just a few weeks and still there’s people who think mannerisms are strictly related to sexual orientation or gender identity. We’ve come a long way in what gender roles are. Women can be masculine and still be straight, and men can be femenine and still be straight. If wee keep on judging people for how they act, and think that means they’re something they might not be, then we won’t be walking forward into actual equality and willnkeep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

That said, I know people will comment something related to gay adoption. Before you start tipping, I want you to know that’s not, at the very slightest what it mean. I myself want to have children of my own with my husband, but I want them to grow up and be whatever they want and chose to be, not what I or my partner want them to. If they turn out straight, gay, bi or something else, it doesn’t matter to me. And it shouldn’t matter to anyone but themselves. That’s the difference between parenthood and forcing someone to fulfill a political or personal agenda.
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