Shawn mendes

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The problem is people labeling people they don’t actually know as something they’re actually not.

Because people think and assume you’re something, you’re more likely to try and act in a specific way either to keep people ok thinking that, or in a complete opposite way to try to make people change their minds.

When you’re labaled as X thing so much that people actually think that’s true, you can have su much trouble with yourself. Specially in teenagehood, which, may I say is commonly said to end when you start your 20, but in psychology, it tends to expand into 25, depending on the person of course.

As you may recall from your own experiences, teenagehood is the most awkward, embarrassing and cofusing periods of time in a person’s life. People who struggle at this age tend to grow up to be insecure or shy adults. Experiences that could be traumatic to a teenager can and will have repercussions during adulthood.

Just to exemplify the impact that people around us, or in Shawn’s case, literally millions of people, imagine someone that’s been told for an extended period of time that he has to be something that he/she is not. People all around them say it’s normal to be that way and that he should or in some cases, must be that way. Then that one person startes to feel confused because he/she knows he’s different from what people want him/her to be. That causes anxiety, fear, the feeling of not being able to be who he/she is, because that might disappoint others. Thus, he/she starts to have nightmares of what ge/she “should” be to keep people happy, but that doesn’t make him/ger happy. What comes next is the development of a clinical anxiety or depressive disorder that could need medication. If that person doesn’t take said medication, the problem will not disappear. And even if said person starts yo take the medication, it’s not a guarantee that it will work because people react differently to the same chemicals.

Also, let’s think for one second that even if he/she is medicated, the original problem, people labeling him/her and telling them what they should or must be is still present. Thus, that person still can’t be true to himself/herself because that’s not what people want of him/her. In some cases, that could lead the person to suicide.

Sounds familiar? That’s what happen when you’re LGBT in a conservative family, school or society. Is it a longshot to try and guess this could happen in the opposite case? probably yes, because they’re not any scientific studies on the matter. But the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. You can tell it’s at least possible to happen when you look at what happen to LGBT kids on said conservative environments. In Shawn’s case, there’re literally millions of people claiming, not guessing, he is gay and are constantly looking for evidence to say so, even if it’s something as minimal as “the way he walks” or “he has femenine mannerisms”. People, we are about to start 2019 in just a few weeks and still there’s people who think mannerisms are strictly related to sexual orientation or gender identity. We’ve come a long way in what gender roles are. Women can be masculine and still be straight, and men can be femenine and still be straight. If wee keep on judging people for how they act, and think that means they’re something they might not be, then we won’t be walking forward into actual equality and willnkeep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

That said, I know people will comment something related to gay adoption. Before you start tipping, I want you to know that’s not, at the very slightest what it mean. I myself want to have children of my own with my husband, but I want them to grow up and be whatever they want and chose to be, not what I or my partner want them to. If they turn out straight, gay, bi or something else, it doesn’t matter to me. And it shouldn’t matter to anyone but themselves. That’s the difference between parenthood and forcing someone to fulfill a political or personal agenda.
Also, if you don’t agree with me, feel free to hit the ignore button and you won’t be seeing anymore of me in the future.
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If someone were to call Oprah broke,would she get mad and deny it, or is being broke so far from who she is, that such a comment would be laughable to her.

I believe people only get mad over a comment when it touches nerve and there is some grain of truth. I’m not saying he’s gay, but he is definitely on the spectrum.

Doesn’t he realize that the best thing he could do if he is truelly is straight, is just live his life. There is a reason why straight ballet dancers, backup dancers and other artists get more sex with hot girls then most other straight guys could dream about.

He should have just kept it ambiguous imo. However, if it really was that serious to him, rather than all the denials and the article, he would have been much better off leaking a sextape

Todrick is a mess for this (he already deleted it)
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The whole thread turning into a pity party.
I told y'all he secretly come's on here and reads all the comments about him. That article proves it. He just didnt want to bring light to this forum by saying LPSG so instead he said youtube comments to PG shit up. Imagine the headline on the news after this Shawn spends his night surfing a large penis support group website* BRILLIANT.

You dont have to be a member to read threads on here. Todrick in his post proves that everyone knows but pretend they dont. Coming out might slow his bags because we all know is underage girls who aint hit puberty yet who buy his music (dont @me for this). On another note can we get back to naughty pics and fantasies until sis is ready to accept herself and keep living her best straight life?
Shawn gurl take notes from Taylor launter

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What i find really weird is the fact that Shawn wanted to be seen with Hailey Baldwin in order to make people believe he's str8. This is clearly something gay guys do sometimes to hide the fact they're gay, they use women as ''beards''. I don't see why a very hot, young, successful, rich and talented guy, like Shawn, who has millions of female fans who would die to date him, has the need to use a random female model as his beard. I mean he's 20, he must be horny all the time, he should be chasing hot girls to date and have sex all the time, it wouldn't be that hard for him. Why did he have the need to be seen and photographed with Hailey, who was not his girlfriend, to convince people he is str8?

In general i find this interview really weird, i am surprised his management allowed him to go that deep in details about his sexual orientation and his anxiety attacks. I remember back then when Zac Efron was huge and they gay rumours where all over the place, Zac never gave a shit. He said he was str8 just once and never ever again talked about his sexuality, no matter how crazy the gay rumours were later on. I find it silly and tiring listening to Shawn insisting so hard he is straight. Trying so hard to convince people you're str8 brings the opposite results in my opinion.

No matter what his sexual orientation is, if you read comments on youtube or online in general, you'll see that the majority of people do love him and they don't even care if he's gay or not. I don't see why, what people think is such a huge deal for him, that causes panic attacks to him.

Look at Harry Styles for comparison... How relentless the "Larry" shippers were and he always brushed it off. The only thing that really got to him was how it sort of strained his relationship with Louis and made him hyper-aware of how every little friendly interaction was preceived. But other than that, he always took it in stride, said there's nothing wrong with that label and went out and dated every starlet around. That's how you deal with it... Not by internalizing it into some form of paranoid homophobia, but live your life and date girls because you're straight and want to date, not because you want the gay gossip to go away.

Or he could just ignore it all together... Shawn is many degrees a bigger star than Cameron Dallas, but there's a peer who has never had a girlfriend and only once ever said he's "not gay, but there's nothing wrong with people who are" and I would argue is way more flamboyant than Shawn, yet he's not dogged relentless about his sexuality (other than this forum and gossiping gays). Point is, he does himself a disservice by even talking about it in detail... Learn that masculinity is fluid and should not be defined by hetero-normative society, stop putting pressure on yourself to conform, and just live your life. Realize that most the sexuality comments are based on thirst and whishful thinking (and a form of compliment), and IGNORE THE HATERS.
The way the article is written it’s not clear for a few paragraphs if the bartender he took back to his hotel was a man or a woman. It’s finally revealed to be a woman. Anyone else notice the way that was written? The writer could have used a pronoun as she was mentioned but chose not too. To keep up the suspense. Interesting
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Look at Harry Styles for comparison... How relentless the "Larry" shippers were and he always brushed it off. The only thing that really got to him was how it sort of strained his relationship with Louis and made him hyper-aware of how every little friendly interaction was preceived. But other than that, he always took it in stride, said there's nothing wrong with that label and went out and dated every starlet around. That's how you deal with it... Not by internalizing it into some form of paranoid homophobia, but live your life and date girls because you're straight and want to date, not because you want the gay gossip to go away.

Or he could just ignore it all together... Shawn is many degrees a bigger star than Cameron Dallas, but there's a peer who has never had a girlfriend and only once ever said he's "not gay, but there's nothing wrong with people who are" and I would argue is way more flamboyant than Shawn, yet he's not dogged relentless about his sexuality (other than this forum and gossiping gays). Point is, he does himself a disservice by even talking about it in detail... Learn that masculinity is fluid and should not be defined by hetero-normative society, stop putting pressure on yourself to conform, and just live your life. Realize that most the sexuality comments are based on thirst and whishful thinking (and a form of compliment), and IGNORE THE HATERS.
No sis, shawn is more flamboyant than Cameron by a lot lmao
The way the article is written it’s not clear for a few paragraphs if the bartender he took back to his hotel was a man or a woman. It’s finally revealed to be a woman. Anyone else notice the way that was written? The writer could have used a pronoun as she was mentioned but chose not too. To keep up the suspense. Interesting
Yeah, noticed that too.
(maybe he has a thing for bartenders...)
The whole thread turning into a pity party.
I told y'all he secretly come's on here and reads all the comments about him. That article proves it. He just didnt want to bring light to this forum by saying LPSG so instead he said youtube comments to PG shit up. Imagine the headline on the news after this Shawn spends his night surfing a large penis support group website* BRILLIANT.

You dont have to be a member to read threads on here. Todrick in his post proves that everyone knows but pretend they dont. Coming out might slow his bags because we all know is underage girls who aint hit puberty yet who buy his music (dont @me for this). On another note can we get back to naughty pics and fantasies until sis is ready to accept herself and keep living her best straight life?
Shawn gurl take notes from Taylor launter


Oh... the “Audrey Hepburn” hand snatch by Lautner is classic
Everyone in this thread who has to have their political opinions on Shawn's orientation, I pity those people who need to label his sexuality.

I feel for the guy (Shawn), I dreaded the coming out process. My family had this entire idea of who I was with a built in assumption that I was straight, and it killed me that I had to define who I was as a gay/bi male.

Shawn lives in a public world where a lot of the noise around him (even if it's not that much noise in all actuality) is about him being gay, and he has to prove his sexuality. I think a lot of us in the LGBT communities really take for granted how nerve racking it is to have everyone around you have a pre-conceived idea of what your sexual identity is, only for them to be completely wrong. For those of you who are mocking Shawn for his hand gestures, I sincerely hope someone calls you a derogatory word in the next few days, and if/when that anger that burns inside of you for being called the "f" word, I hope you remember that feeling. That's the place where Shawn and many other people in our society live. Let's stop pushing people to that place.
Everyone in this thread who has to have their political opinions on Shawn's orientation, I pity those people who need to label his sexuality.

I feel for the guy (Shawn), I dreaded the coming out process. My family had this entire idea of who I was with a built in assumption that I was straight, and it killed me that I had to define who I was as a gay/bi male.

Shawn lives in a public world where a lot of the noise around him (even if it's not that much noise in all actuality) is about him being gay, and he has to prove his sexuality. I think a lot of us in the LGBT communities really take for granted how nerve racking it is to have everyone around you have a pre-conceived idea of what your sexual identity is, only for them to be completely wrong. For those of you who are mocking Shawn for his hand gestures, I sincerely hope someone calls you a derogatory word in the next few days, and if/when that anger that burns inside of you for being called the "f" word, I hope you remember that feeling. That's the place where Shawn and many other people in our society live. Let's stop pushing people to that place.

Shawn doesn't have to prove anything.

Shawn is not a victim here, he isn't being maliciously attacked, no one is harassing him, no one is mocking his mannerisms in fact everyone is praising Shawn for his effeminate traits.

Stop trying to make being straight as the same struggle as being gay.

Also Shawn is the one who keeps bringing this topic up, he is the one who is consistently and aggressively demanding people perceive him as straight. That's homophobic.
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