Shawn mendes

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lol he literally went and dm'd that make up guy cause his fans were saying that Shawn said he hated him on some Meet & greet.

Shawn cares way too much about the smallest hint of rumors about him. His whole leaving the Simon movie and waking up in sweat because of a video of glitter on his eyelids is just dumb.

y'all try way too hard to give him a pass, and now his racist stuff is surfacing. Wonder how he will deal with that.

Shawn Mendes Racist Past Resurfaces

I'm sure his fans will just look the other way, like with the comments on the interview

Dayum this aint the best moment in his life is it? now racist rumors lol
The fact and reality is the moment his is out if he is gay then we all know that music career which i still dont know a single song he made isn't going to go any further. Name one superstar in music right now who is out and still charting number one worldwide to a Beyonce level?
Ricky came out then resorted to make mostly latin music for that audience, Frank ocean was the new next shit then ounce out ...... the list goes on unless you already a legend like Elton johns who was out from the get go or Boy George
lol he literally went and dm'd that make up guy cause his fans were saying that Shawn said he hated him on some Meet & greet.

Shawn cares way too much about the smallest hint of rumors about him. His whole leaving the Simon movie and waking up in sweat because of a video of glitter on his eyelids is just dumb.

y'all try way too hard to give him a pass, and now his racist stuff is surfacing. Wonder how he will deal with that.

Shawn Mendes Racist Past Resurfaces

I'm sure his fans will just look the other way, like with the comments on the interview

this is all obviously the beginning of his "bad boy" phase/transition, and y'all are falling for it. :joy:
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What a sorry sorry state this thread and forum have become... I thought the influx of OF and Instagram models was bad but the level of negativity and cattiness has reached an ultimate peak. Grown adults arguing over someone’s sexuality as if their opinion on the matter actually has any relevance? As if someone’s sexuality was an opinion!

Love Shawn, and this thread was a great place to talk about his music and how hot he is (sort of the reason for most threads here). But recently, it’s become the absolute pits. Constant arguing about him not showing a bulge and now policing his sexuality and anxiety. Way to go guys.

Peace out
Interesting. I looked up Island Records and I believe they are based in Jamaica. Jamaica is one of the worst places on the planet for gays. They are beat up and killed and the police could care less. The people running the company are probably homophobic. He needs to sign on with a new company.
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Interesting. I looked up Island Records and I believe they are based in Jamaica. Jamaica is one of the worst places on the planet for gays. They are beat up and killed and the police could care less. The people running the company are probably homophobic. He needs to sign on with a new company.
Island Records is owned by the Universal Music Group mega conglomerate. Island was founded decades ago in Jamaica, but has little to no affiliation anymore. Headquarters now in London, NYC and Santa Monica.
I just watched the Victoria's Secret show. He looked sensational and sang "Lost in Japan". I finally got my copy of Rolling Stone in the mail. I still don't believe the bartender scene. Good to know about Island, but I still think they care about money and not Shawn's health issues. I hope he has a really good friend to help him through this.
I just watched the Victoria's Secret show. He looked sensational and sang "Lost in Japan". I finally got my copy of Rolling Stone in the mail. I still don't believe the bartender scene. Good to know about Island, but I still think they care about money and not Shawn's health issues. I hope he has a really good friend to help him through this.

I watched it too. He's so good looking at that show (in the video), I wasnt even looking at the models. :heart_eyes:
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