Shawn mendes

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I saw this and I laughed out loud because it's so true

I’ve never suffered from anxiety so my way of thinking is: if there’s no truth to it, what is there to be anxious or stressed about?

I know anxiety can be severe and crippling, but...c’mon Shawn...
I applaud Shawn’s publicists for creating this gay controversy to distract everyone from the real issue of Shawn’s missing bulge...
The man is gay! Like everyone can generate as much hand-wringing and as many think pieces as they want, but the fact remains that Shawn Mendes is gay and will (hopefully) come out in a few months/years. This was all exactly the same before Tom Daley came out, when most of the gays KNEW he was gay and others were chastising them for saying so; then lo and behold he comes out just as we all knew he would.

99.9% of men who come off as gay as Shawn Mendes does are gay. There's nothing wrong with him being gay, but gay he is. And no amount of half-assed denials and emotional appeals is going to change that.

Y'all are fucking weird and slightly disturbed tbh, it's almost scary.

Like, how do you police someone's sexuality with so much certainty? Fucking hell. Unless you're his penis and or you've fucked him, you have no way to know 100% what he is or isn't, so what in the heck gives you the confidence to be so sure? Stereotypical hints from his voice or mannerisms? Yikes. Just post your thirsty comments and go.
tbh, I was a part of the group that joked about him being gay and I was so confident he is, but damn. Now I just feel awful for this boy. All this speculation and ridicule over him being gay is getting really old and I hope eventually he learns to not be bothered by it.. It's a shame when not even people in the lgbt community know that straight men can be feminine without being attracted to men
tbh, I was a part of the group that joked about him being gay and I was so confident he is, but damn. Now I just feel awful for this boy. All this speculation and ridicule over him being gay is getting really old and I hope eventually he learns to not be bothered by it.. It's a shame when not even people in the lgbt community know that straight men can be feminine without being attracted to men
Exactly this. People just need to leave him alone. No wonder straight people think gays have an agenda!
If he really was straight he would not have cared one bit. I mean he's getting pussy every single day right so who cares what a bunch of fags says about you on Twitter? Unless.....
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Y'all are fucking weird and slightly disturbed tbh, it's almost scary.

Like, how do you police someone's sexuality with so much certainty? Fucking hell. Unless you're his penis and or you've fucked him, you have no way to know 100% what he is or isn't, so what in the heck gives you the confidence to be so sure? Stereotypical hints from his voice or mannerisms? Yikes. Just post your thirsty comments and go.

What’s this nonsense about “policing?” Nobody is policing anything; nobody is telling him he has to be gay, he just IS. That’s not “policing,” it’s just stating a fact.

I’m not “100%” sure, but I’m pretty confident. And yes, the fact that he has gay voice and gay mannerisms is highly suggestive. They’re certainly a stereotype, but they’re nearly always accurate.
If he really was straight he would not have cared one bit. I mean he's getting pussy every single day right so who cares what a bunch of fags says about you on Twitter? Unless.....
This, exactly this. If he were straight he'd be getting tons of groupies every night why tf would he care what a few cunts on the internet are saying? It makes zero sense if he's straight.
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If he really was straight he would not have cared one bit. I mean he's getting pussy every single day right so who cares what a bunch of fags says about you on Twitter? Unless.....
I know lots of straight people who would “care one bit” if people were continously telling people they’re gay.
I don’t think you’re grasping the scale of comments he’s receiving. It’s not him being offended by one comment, it’s constant bombardment by straight people/gay people/ media and everybody in between. He has every right to be distressed by people continuously spreading the narrative that he’s gay when he isn’t. It’s not even just hateful comments which he can ignore, even positive comments (Todrick) are soaked in “but you’re a homo” . I’d be annoyed too if there were constant news stories saying I’m lying through my teeth and I’m actually straight. Analysing my every move “oh look at his hand posititioning, he must be straight” . Also to say that because he’s offended by the bombardment, it must be proof he’s gay is ridiclous, if he had ignored it it wouldn’t have stopped or changed the public’s mind, people still call Harry Styles gay on a regular basis. Leave the poor boy alone.
I know lots of straight people who would “care one bit” if people were continously telling people they’re gay.
I don’t think you’re grasping the scale of comments he’s receiving. It’s not him being offended by one comment, it’s constant bombardment by straight people/gay people/ media and everybody in between. He has every right to be distressed by people continuously spreading the narrative that he’s gay when he isn’t. It’s not even just hateful comments which he can ignore, even positive comments (Todrick) are soaked in “but you’re a homo” . I’d be annoyed too if there were constant news stories saying I’m lying through my teeth and I’m actually straight. Analysing my every move “oh look at his hand posititioning, he must be straight” . Also to say that because he’s offended by the bombardment, it must be proof he’s gay is ridiclous, if he had ignored it it wouldn’t have stopped or changed the public’s mind, people still call Harry Styles gay on a regular basis. Leave the poor boy alone.
Are those straight people that you know celebrities? It's not really comparable due to the status that he has and the people that "we know", there's always going to be someone saying something about him, if it isn't that he's gay then it's something else. Other celebrities have had worse comments and publicity thrown at them and they ignored it because like I said there will always be someone saying something, but Shawn actually takes the time of his day to search those comments and be bothered by it, but specially the gay ones. Somehow Shawn doesn't get bothered at videos like "Image: Shawn talking about you being pregnant with his baby" but people thinking he's gay is the end of the world. And since you bring up Harry Styles: Harry is waving gay flags at his concerts and singing songs about kissing boys and girls while wearing sparkling outfits, he never said if he's gay, straight or bi and doesn't seem to care at all what people think, meanwhile here we have Shawn having a panic attack over a video with some glitter on his eyes. Good God Get a Grip Gril.
The straight people who think gays have an agenda are homophobic. Period. The "gay agenda" is a scare tactic cooked up by bigots to demonize gays and scare straight people out of supporting gay rights.

Straight people don't think there is a "gay agenda" because some gays speculate on someone's sexuality. They think there is a "gay agenda" because they hate gay people.
It’s scenarios like this which make people think gays have an agenda. The agenda to corrupt/turn people to homosexuality ... Kinda like how people are trying to bully Mendes into being gay. It’s not speculation, it’s bullying. He’s openly said he isn’t, but people keep throwing it at him til he has anxiety about the situation. He can’t win,. If He says he isn’t and doesn’t make a fuss about it, people keep saying he is, if he denies it and makes a fuss he’s accused of being homophobic.
It’s bullying. Pure and simple
It’s scenarios like this which make people think gays have an agenda. The agenda to corrupt/turn people to homosexuality ... Kinda like how people are trying to bully Mendes into being gay. It’s not speculation, it’s bullying. He’s openly said he isn’t, but people keep throwing it at him til he has anxiety about the situation. He can’t win,. If He says he isn’t and doesn’t make a fuss about it, people keep saying he is, if he denies it and makes a fuss he’s accused of being homophobic.
It’s bullying. Pure and simple
Sis you have a warped sense of logic. Have a seat and let's move on and agree that you're stupid.
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