Shayne topp

then make him his own thread. Stop talking about that rat on my baby's page.
Why the hell do you have to insult other people? Just say to "make another thread for Spencer" rather than calling him a rat. Your "baby" is not gonna fuck you regardless of what you think about Spencer, but definitely even less so knowing you're calling one of his friends a rat.
scolding someone for thirsting over internet men while thirsting over internet men and being on a thread that thirsts over an internet man
that's definitely not what he was talking about. he was saying you need you break after your comments about a certain someone whose name starts with an s and rhymes with mpencer. lol

honestly he's so online, he probably already knows about the forum on his own. I mean he's made a bunch of gooning jokes ffs. lol he'd probably think it's funny that someone called him a rat in a thread about shayne.
The one I found really attractive back then was Tanner but I haven't or seen about him in a while.
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What is it with white guys and anal? (Not complaining just curious)
What is it with white guys and anal? (Not complaining just curious)
From my understanding, women are less likely to do it, probably cuz of all the prep it requires and pain it causes, and it's like this enigma. (Now, this is not to say women won't do it or not enjoy it, but, from what I see, mainly just in visual media, women are more reluctant.)

Whereas, gay men are more likely, especially if they are bottoms, since they now how to do it.
Nah, I meant receiving, either toys or another guy's dick.
yeah, he seems to have a very open attitude toward sex. he said one of his favorite subreddits is r/sex
I see him like that to, probably the only "problem" he would have is to be embarrased to ask his partner if they can pegg him or do something to his ass, nothing wrong about that by the way
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