Shayne topp

This might be a stretch but I was wondering, if Shayne is married to a "queer" person does that also make him queer?
You're right, it's a stretch. He's married to cis woman, that looks like a woman and have all lady parts. Just because he calls her "they" every now and then doesn't make him queer
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This might be a stretch but I was wondering, if Shayne is married to a "queer" person does that also make him queer?
No. For example, if a cisman dates a transwoman, he is not queer. His partner is queer. He'd be queer if he was attracted to something other than women or defined as something other than cisgender.
Hope the smosh gods hear out all of you and bring a masc gay/bi guy.
Hope the smosh gods hear out all of you and bring a masc gay/bi guy.
It’s crazy that most of the Smosh men (excluding Tommy and Chanse) have either had their sexuality heavily speculated or been accused of queerbaiting at one point or another. So yes, I also hope the Smosh gods bless us with a masc queer guy at some point :sob:
It’s crazy that most of the Smosh men (excluding Tommy and Chanse) have either had their sexuality heavily speculated or been accused of queerbaiting at one point or another. So yes, I also hope the Smosh gods bless us with a masc queer guy at some point :sob:
They are all (mostly) kinda fruity but straight, which is weird, lol.
No. For example, if a cisman dates a transwoman, he is not queer. His partner is queer. He'd be queer if he was attracted to something other than women or defined as something other than cisgender.
But wouldn't a cisman be pansexual if they're dating a transgender person? (I'm sorry if my questions are too obvious, I'm trying to learn more about gender but I'm having a hard time grasping it)
But wouldn't a cisman be pansexual if they're dating a transgender person? (I'm sorry if my questions are too obvious, I'm trying to learn more about gender but I'm having a hard time grasping it)
cisgender people can be pansexual, look at Brendon Urie.

However, gender and sexuality are two different things: sexuality is what you're attracted to, gender is what you define as.

Shayne's gender is cismale, meaning he agrees with the gender assigned with him at birth, and his sexuality is straight, meaning he's a guy who liked girls.
cisgender people can be pansexual, look at Brendon Urie.

However, gender and sexuality are two different things: sexuality is what you're attracted to, gender is what you define as.

Shayne's gender is cismale, meaning he agrees with the gender assigned with him at birth, and his sexuality is straight, meaning he's a guy who liked girls.
Oh ok, I think I understand better. I'm just somewhat confused of how gender fluidity works in this case, like if they start identifying more as male but their partner is straight then what happens?
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Oh ok, I think I understand better. I'm just somewhat confused of how gender fluidity works in this case, like if they start identifying more as male but their partner is straight then what happens?
It really is a case-by-case basis. Some partners might still identify as straight regardless of their partner; others might choose to identify as “queer” as it can be umbrella term for those who don’t want to feel confined with any given label; and there are even people who call themselves “unlabelled” (which is still technically a label I digress). It can all seem very complicated if you’re not familiar with it, but you can choose what works best for you and your partner and hopefully people respect that. Oh, and if someone ever corrects you in reference to a person’s gender or sexuality, don’t overly apologize. It’s more awkward to dwell on it than if you just correct yourself like you would with any other mistakes haha.
I recently started again watching his weekly Smosh reddit stories and I have to be honest everytime he opens his mouth I'm like yeah he is making a simple American boy statement, no excitement, lots of entitlement i found him more like a Karen tbh however Courtney on the other side she's open minded yet Also conservative and I'm 1000x attracted to her than him, hope she gets him to become a little less conservative and try his wild side on though I truly believe he's already set on his ways like an old man!
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I recently started again watching his weekly Smosh reddit stories and I have to be honest everytime he opens his mouth I'm like yeah he is making a simple American boy statement, no excitement, lots of entitlement i found him more like a Karen tbh however Courtney on the other side she's open minded yet Also conservative and I'm 1000x attracted to her than him, hope she gets him to become a little less conservative and try his wild side on though I truly believe he's already set on his ways like an old man!
that's crazy to me. i'm pretty sure i have some sort of halo effect on shayne because of how i feel about him at the end of the day but i think i understand how one can think that way.
i'd love to know what you mean by wild side though. reddit stories may not be the show to unlock much of that.
if you mean wild side a bit more literally than what i expect, recently he's already made fun of not being single and made a joke about supposedly having a small dick. i think he mostly avoided these jokes before, and relied on other people to have these associated to him, like the whole pegging thing, the sexless thing and the good dick and thrust power jokes that he wouldn't make about himself before.
I recently started again watching his weekly Smosh reddit stories and I have to be honest everytime he opens his mouth I'm like yeah he is making a simple American boy statement, no excitement, lots of entitlement i found him more like a Karen tbh however Courtney on the other side she's open minded yet Also conservative and I'm 1000x attracted to her than him, hope she gets him to become a little less conservative and try his wild side on though I truly believe he's already set on his ways like an old man!
Shayne? You think Shayne of all people is conservative?
I mean he is showing that cake
the photoshoots were a complete success. i love the poses they made him do. that group one had a very cool one where shayne's sleeves accidentally rolled too much and it kinda shows his pits. its always the stuff i cant like on other people and he makes me horny for it, so i know only him can pull this shit off
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