Showering At The Gym


Cherished Member
Jun 28, 2017
St. Catharines (Ontario, Canada)
This is a question for straight guys (but hey, anyone who can offer some insight would be great).

When going to the gym with a buddy, to play basketball, or work out together... when your finished, how do you decide if your going to shower or not. Like do you mention to your buddy that your showering, or do you just get undressed once your back to the lockeroom then head to the showers?? Do you shower next to your friend if your chit chatting??
I think there are lots of variables like whether you carpooled, have something to do directly afterward, etc. My preference is to shower at the gym or pool, and that fits my schedule of usually exercising in the morning. If my buddy and I are going our separate ways after the workout, I just bring clothes and shower whether or not he is doing the same. If we came in the same car, I'd let him know I planned to shower there before we got there. If we were going to grab a drink afterward, I'd tell him ahead of time that I planned on showering before going for the drink.

If we end up showering together, I usually give him some space, but it will be close enough that we can easily chat without involving too many extra people in the conversation. If it's a small space, it's also no big deal to be side by side.
I don't I show at home and so do my friends. Back before covid when campus when open if we played ball or had practice seen as most people commute going home to show isn't hard and for those that live on campus they shower in residence.
Everything is closed now though because of covid so no one has to worry about that anymore
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This is a question for straight guys (but hey, anyone who can offer some insight would be great).
But hey! you posted this on ask straight men so only straight can answer here read the therms and rules.
I decided before so Ill be ready to shower. I think I showered with once with a friend don’t remember much I don’t talk much so I guess it was do your thing and go.
With sport buddies I shower a lot but talking only the necessary.
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If I was at the gym with a buddy I'd get undressed as soon as I was in the locker room and go for a shower, it's up to my buddy if he does the same but if he's shared my car I don't want some sweaty guy in my car buddy or not.
If I've been playing rugby we all shower together after the game anyway before hitting the club bar.
I only live 10 minutes from the gym so normally just go home to shower. However, my gym has shower stalls.
I usually shower after any workout or sports. I hate to feel sticky and sweaty, so I use the showers at the gym or sport complex. If I'm with my friends, they already know. And yes, I have showered with friends before and we usually chat in the showers. I don't see a problem with that.
Not sure why the question of gym showers keeps coming up on here; other then it being a thinly veiled attempt at exhibitionist/voyeur fantasies, but this is always a question I cannot answer to the degree of satisfaction it's obviously seeking.

First, I can count on a finger the times I've used the shower in my gym and that exception was only due to having the mains shut off for a whole day at home due to a broken water heater. Since the few times I've had to even change in the gym has been limited to going after work and I went straight home afterwards, there was simply no reason to use the gym shower versus later on at home.

Second, since I've never gone to the gym with a friend, I cannot answer. I either workout alone or with my wife and while I consider her a friend as well, but she is not permitted in my locker room by nature of her sex. However I have been known to take a shower with her at home ;).

I've also often had to wonder every time these same posts come up where the hell people are working out at. Every gym I've seen including mine has separate showers with curtains so no one is standing next to someone else chit-chatting. Although I have heard some guys carrying on conversations with someone on their phone which seems not very well thought out seeing as how water and electronics usually don't agree with each other. I'll also say 99% of the guys using the shower seem to get dressed and undressed behind it's curtain and the few instances of unabashed locker room nudity I've witnessed has been old fat dudes who mainly seem to limit their workout to a brief spin on a stationary bike.

When I go to the gym it's to do what I have to and get out; not make it my second home with changing, showering and personal grooming. The fact I question the hygiene factor of my entire gym, but especially the locker room, is also why I try to expose little skin as possible while there. Just that one day mentioned of having to use the gym both to get washed and sit on a toilet for a #2 was enough risk for a lifetime. So sorry I can't contribute something fap worthy to the locker room as bathhouse fantasy.
I guess it depends on the people.

Speaking for myself and my own experiences, I’ve never had a problem getting naked and taking a shower with my gym buddies. Most of the guys I’ve worked out with have been either mates from sports teams, close friends etc., which maybe makes the nudity thing easier.
I always shower after sports, if theres a possibility
At gym, those are separated, which i prefer
But also at 11th+ classes, i was the only one showering naked at school, like "wtf....youre all sweaty and now go to lessons without a shower? Fuck no"

Awesome situation was when a girl was tryin to be funny and let the door open to the boys shower
Best thing that happened to me in this year
This is a question for straight guys (but hey, anyone who can offer some insight would be great).

When going to the gym with a buddy, to play basketball, or work out together... when your finished, how do you decide if your going to shower or not. Like do you mention to your buddy that your showering, or do you just get undressed once your back to the lockeroom then head to the showers?? Do you shower next to your friend if your chit chatting??

I sometimes ask my mate if he is gonna shower as often that adds time to the session so as we are finishing i will ask are you gonna shower cause if you are we prob need to head in now as time is getting on
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Normally, as a hockey player, we all shower after practice and games.
There is one friend I have (fellow goalie) and we go play sometimes so work on technique, only two there and we usually shower afterwards. It’s just kind of understood. We use separate showers but we see each other naked all the time so there’s really no asking about showering. It’s weirder if you don’t shower after as a hockey player. I do look forward to those showers though and so does he....nothing has happened yet though.
What the fuck. A shower is a freaking shower, damn right I use it after a workout if I feel the need to. Life is way too complicated on its own to worry about whether I get naked and shower in public.