Straight guys can be gay too

in Canada being a minority may not be as bad as the us but it still is a factor.

Back your claims up.

What percentage of the Canadian population is black? 2.5%???

I've been to Canada a few times. There are lots of tensions between different people (not as bad as in Europe, however). Quebec is a big point of contention for starters. And let's not forget the plights of the indigenous groups in Northern Canada (high suicide rates).

I cross the border from Montana into Alberta - white Protestant rednecks on both sides, listening to country music and going to rodeos. What a culture shock crossing the border!

Canada's population is very little compared to the US.

I am very proud that my country elected a black man as president. America - despite all its problems today - still leads on so many fronts.

Where do you get this shit from? Your subtle anti-gay and anti-American comments have been getting old for a long time.
Back your claims up.

What percentage of the Canadian population is black? 2.5%???

I've been to Canada a few times. There are lots of tensions between different people (not as bad as in Europe, however). Quebec is a big point of contention for starters. And let's not forget the plights of the indigenous groups in Northern Canada (high suicide rates).

I cross the border from Montana into Alberta - white Protestant rednecks on both sides, listening to country music and going to rodeos. What a culture shock crossing the border!

Canada's population is very little compared to the US.

I am very proud that my country elected a black man as president. America - despite all its problems today - still leads on so many fronts.

Where do you get this shit from? Your subtle anti-gay and anti-American comments have been getting old for a long time.

Where exactly has anyone in this thread and beyond every even hinted at anti-gay or anti-american anything? And just because a black man was elected that doesn't automatically mean things are better for all black people. It's much much more complicated than that. Not to derail the thread or anything but..trump. Once again i can understand how sensitive this can be but come on. There is no anti-gay or anti-american anything going on in this thread.
Where exactly has anyone in this thread and beyond every even hinted at anti-gay or anti-american anything? And just because a black man was elected that doesn't automatically mean things are better for all black people. It's much much more complicated than that. Not to derail the thread or anything but..trump. Once again i can understand how sensitive this can be but come on. There is no anti-gay or anti-american anything going on in this thread.

Where did I say that this thread is anti-American or anti-gay per say?

Hatt's posts, in particular, have come across to me this way (I've been following him a for a few years). I know others who feel similarly.

And we all know that having a black pres. doesn't make all problems go away ("despite all its problems..."). You think I was born yesterday? LOL.
Where did I say that this thread is anti-American or anti-gay per say?

Hatt's posts, in particular, have come across to me this way (I've been following him a for a few years). I know others who feel similarly.

And we all know that having a black pres. doesn't make all problems go away ("despite all its problems..."). You think I was born yesterday? LOL.

No offense but if you think hatt's posts are or were either anti-gay or anti-american then yes you were born yesterday. That or you think everyone else was/is. The most hatt has done is explain that he is already part of a minority. And then all of a sudden you're labeling him as both anti-gay and anti-american. Doing so without one shred of evidence to prove your point in any way shape or form. So like i said, either you were born yesterday or you think everyone else is. No matter which way you slice it though something else is going on behind the scenes.

If we were to ask what brought him to your attention then the only thing i can think of is his involvement in threads where he, others and i repeatedly have to defend ourselves along with the definition of straight/heterosexual. Over and over again. And each time we do theres more and more people attempting to label us either homophobic or somehow afraid. Logically it never fits. And people word what they say specifically so it'll slip past most people. With that said the only reason i can think of for you saying hatt is anti-gay and/or anti-american is to label him with something negative so others won't listen to what he has to say.

Need i remind you that you made you're accusations in the...Straight guys can be gay too.. thread against someone who clearly disagrees with you. You didn't say he was anti-gay and/or anti-american in another thread about those topics. You picked the one in which you have a history of disagreement with him and others in. Meaning the likelihood that you are only saying about as much because he disagreed with you is very very high.

Not only is it obvious but extremely dishonest. Seriously, i'm an american and hatt hasn't come across to me as either anti-gay or anti-american. The only real difference between me and you though is that i'm straight and you are....well at this point i don't know. Generally speaking, it's about as low as you could go.
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No offense but if you think hatt's posts are or were either anti-gay or anti-american then yes you were born yesterday. That or you think everyone else was/is. The most hatt has done is explain that he is already part of a minority. And then all of a sudden you're labeling him as both anti-gay and anti-american. Doing so without one shred of evidence to prove your point in any way shape or form. So like i said, either you were born yesterday or you think everyone else is. No matter which way you slice it though something else is going on behind the scenes.

If we were to ask what brought him to your attention then the only thing i can think of is his involvement in threads where he, others and i repeatedly have to defend ourselves along with the definition of straight/heterosexual. Over and over again. And each time we do theres more and more people attempting to label us either homophobic or somehow afraid. Logically it never fits. And people word what they say specifically so it'll slip past most people. With that said the only reason i can think of for you saying hatt is anti-gay and/or anti-american is to label him with something negative so others won't listen to what he has to say.

Need i remind you that you made you're accusations in the...Straight guys can be gay too.. thread against someone who clearly disagrees with you. You didn't say he was anti-gay and/or anti-american in another thread about those topics. You picked the one in which you have a history of disagreement with him and others in. Meaning the likelihood that you are only saying about as much because he disagreed with you is very very high.

Not only is it obvious but extremely dishonest. Seriously, i'm an american and hatt hasn't come across to me as either anti-gay or anti-american. The only real difference between me and you though is that i'm straight and you are....well at this point i don't know. Generally speaking, it's about as low as you could go.

Have you been following Hatt's posts for the past 5 years or so? Have you read every single post he's written? He insulted me on a numerous occasions because I don't support his "all this, all that" agenda. He blocked me for no apparent reason, even when I was trying to be reasonable with him.

Don't label my sexuality. I usually watch lesbian porn...seriously...60% of the team (chunky lesbians). I don't what that makes me. I know I'm not a transsexual lesbian. I'm not looking for a label. And I don't need a gay or straight, or even bisexual cheerleaders.
Have you been following Hatt's posts for the past 5 years or so? Have you read every single post he's written? He insulted me on a numerous occasions because I don't support his "all this, all that" agenda. He blocked me for no apparent reason, even when I was trying to be reasonable with him.

Don't label my sexuality. I usually watch lesbian porn...seriously...60% of the team (chunky lesbians). I don't what that makes me. I know I'm not a transsexual lesbian. I'm not looking for a label. And I don't need a gay or straight, or even bisexual cheerleaders.

Yeah i purposefully didn't label you. You have no label. You can't even label yourself. Thats the consequences of your belief system. When talking about sexuality the only thing someone can say about you is that you're sexually fluid. Which means absolutely nothing in any context. There is no legal standing for it. If you were at any point discriminated against you would lose badly in trying to defend yourself.

So no. I did not try to label you. There is no labeling you, therefor in the grand scheme of things (and i don't mean any actual disrespect here because it's literally the logical progression of things but) you don't even exist. You've made yourself into an illusion that can't be defended or helped. The only thing that can happen to you by way of your own actions is you can be attacked. Period.

There aren't and never will be marches for nothing. No petitions for nothing. No parades for nothing. No laws created to protect nothing. No general social conversation on better communicating nothing. Nothing can't have straight allies. Nothing can't have gay allies. Nothing can't have bisexual allies. What nothing can be though is attacked just because. Nothing can be made fun of. Nothing can be dismissed as hippy bullshit amounting to even more nothing.

One of the worst things i could do to you is allow you to take on the mantle of nothing. That way just about anyone can do anything to you and you have no recourse to do anything about it. So no. I'm not going to label you. What i'm going to do is sit back and watch as people attack nothing on a regular basis. Seriously, what are you gonna do say "don't step on my nothing rights"? Don't tread on my i have no idea? Respect my it's complicated?

No, hatt has not been anti-gay and also has not been anti-american. You're just trying desperately to make him look bad because your emotions are tied up in a discussion. Which is insanely ironic since you refuse to be labeled out of fear of the negative connotations you think it has but will negatively label hatt in a heartbeat with something you can't prove and in general just pulled out the crack of your ass.

Here's some useful advice. Slow down and think about it. How bad does this make you look? How bad does this make your opinion in general look? Pay attention to where you are right now and what you're fighting for. How does this honestly end for you? You don't have proof. Don't have a sexuality to defend. Hatt didn't even mention you. You levied some serious accusations out that if people believed them would have a ripple effect. And in general you're attempting to defend those opinions in the most immature ways possible. So, how does this end for you?
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You must be talking to someone on my ignore list because I only see your post but thanks and you are right I'm anti-gay or anti america. I only said I was Canadian is because things for black people in the states, especially in the past year are alot worse than they are for me anD other black people in my area, and even though it's better for me I still know what it's like to experience being a minority because it is an outward physical appear that cannot be hidden

So when horse said what he did, I cannot be welcomed to being a minority because I am already a minority.
No offense but if you think hatt's posts are or were either anti-gay or anti-american then yes you were born yesterday. That or you think everyone else was/is. The most hatt has done is explain that he is already part of a minority. And then all of a sudden you're labeling him as both anti-gay and anti-american. Doing so without one shred of evidence to prove your point in any way shape or form. So like i said, either you were born yesterday or you think everyone else is. No matter which way you slice it though something else is going on behind the scenes.

If we were to ask what brought him to your attention then the only thing i can think of is his involvement in threads where he, others and i repeatedly have to defend ourselves along with the definition of straight/heterosexual. Over and over again. And each time we do theres more and more people attempting to label us either homophobic or somehow afraid. Logically it never fits. And people word what they say specifically so it'll slip past most people. With that said the only reason i can think of for you saying hatt is anti-gay and/or anti-american is to label him with something negative so others won't listen to what he has to say.

Need i remind you that you made you're accusations in the...Straight guys can be gay too.. thread against someone who clearly disagrees with you. You didn't say he was anti-gay and/or anti-american in another thread about those topics. You picked the one in which you have a history of disagreement with him and others in. Meaning the likelihood that you are only saying about as much because he disagreed with you is very very high.

Not only is it obvious but extremely dishonest. Seriously, i'm an american and hatt hasn't come across to me as either anti-gay or anti-american. The only real difference between me and you though is that i'm straight and you are....well at this point i don't know. Generally speaking, it's about as low as you could go.
You must be talking to someone on my ignore list because I only see your post but thanks and you are right I'm anti-gay or anti america. I only said I was Canadian is because things for black people in the states, especially in the past year are alot worse than they are for me anD other black people in my area, and even though it's better for me I still know what it's like to experience being a minority because it is an outward physical appear that cannot be hidden

So when horse said what he did, I cannot be welcomed to being a minority because I am already a minority.

Oh no i understand what you mean. There just seems to be some feelings mixed into the background here. I'm guessing some time and reflection will fix that. Hopefully.
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I think a lot of str8 dudes experiment at different times in their lives. Whether that's a circle jerk, roommate/porn JO, or watching another dude get blown at a bachelor party... or maybe taking it further when they are drunk... Ultimately, who the fuck cares, ELVID? Labels are for clothes. If something doesn't float your boat, don't do it. Simple.

Very well said. "Stuff/experiments happen" but as the other poster said, "Words have meaning...straight is straight."

To that point and to the original poster: I think you are stating your question wrong. Perhaps something like, "How many guys who identify as "straight" and live a "straight life, both emotionally and physically" have experimented with another male?" See how that clears things up?
As brought up in this thread somewhere, I think the original poster is trying to come up with some language to define himself and make his feelings for the same sex "okay." Just a guess based on the illogic of the original question itself.
So, to the original poster -- relax. It's just sex. In the end no one really cares, especially on here. And if you do meet people along the way who care what you're doing with your dick, just be yourself because in the end, that's all you got.
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You must be talking to someone on my ignore list

lol, I've had that happen too. Surfing through a thread and thinking to myself "why the hell is that dude talking to himself" till I notice the show ignored content button :p
Have you been following Hatt's posts for the past 5 years or so? Have you read every single post he's written? He insulted me on a numerous occasions because I don't support his "all this, all that" agenda. He blocked me for no apparent reason, even when I was trying to be reasonable with him.

Don't label my sexuality. I usually watch lesbian porn...seriously...60% of the team (chunky lesbians). I don't what that makes me. I know I'm not a transsexual lesbian. I'm not looking for a label. And I don't need a gay or straight, or even bisexual cheerleaders.

Ok i think i get it now. You and hunghorse30 tried to do the same to me that you did with hatt_101 and since i got in the way that made me into a target. And since one or both of you support trump that basically explains why you two go around accusing people of things they never said. Duly noted.
Ok i think i get it now. You and hunghorse30 tried to do the same to me that you did with hatt_101 and since i got in the way that made me into a target. And since one or both of you support trump that basically explains why you two go around accusing people of things they never said. Duly noted.
What are you talking about? I've called you out on some very specific issues where we don't agree and now you're playing the victim. I'm always careful to quote you accurately. You just aren't able to stand by what you've written. I don't know what this has to do with Hatt_101 or Trump - who I don't support btw. This is all so wild and wide of the mark, it appears you must be under some kind of personal strain right now and bringing this to the site.
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