Sucking straight friend....

Its clear the original post was refering to men who identify themselves as "straight" and typically date women. It's a real shame this thread was hijacked by people wanting to turn it into another debate about sexuality and labels.

I want to hear some hot stories dammit ;)

Artybollox, London UK
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Well if a so called "straight" guy fools around with other guys then what the hell is a "straight" guy who only fools around with girls??? To me it's pretty obvious that they are not the same thing. It requires a basic level of intelligence to grasp such a simple concept. Two things that are not alike are not called the same thing. In this case sexuality. Men who are aroused by and are sexually active with other men are not the same as men who are only sexually aroused by and sexually active with females.

Being called homosexual or identifying yourself as homosexual is not an insult. It is something you either are or you are not. If you like both sexes you are Bi-Sexual. These are things that we all know. So I do not see how there is any debate or confusion. If it bothers someone that they are not straight then try need to either change their way of thinking or get counseling so that you learn to accept yourself.
I got a blow job from a lesbian .
Does that make her straight ?
It was at a friends cabin in the mountains we had just gone to bed both just in our boxers i he had just broken up with his wife of 10 years. I heard him flip over and he slowly started to spoon me his hand started to rub my chest and stomach. As i flipped over it was pitch dark. I think that made it easier for him not able to see. I got on top of him and worked on his neck mmoving down to his nipples he had a awsome chest. As imoved down i pulled his balls out of the fly in his boxers and started to suck them one at a time. We both stopped and pulled the boxers off now skin on skin we were grinding each other. I moved down to the cock it was about a 6.5 incher uncircumcised. The perfect cock i went down on it he blew the hugest load i could not swallow it all totally awsome. He said his wife never gave him a bj that intense. We repeated it quite a few more timesover the years
Summer after high school ended, my best friend had a terrible auto accident. Broken legs, jaw, collar bone and both arms. He was in just about a body cast - the only thing out was his middle and head.

One day, I get this strange call from his mother. "Can you help me take care of Ben?" I figured that she needed someone to come over for times when she couldn't help him. He could hobble from bed to chair and to the toilet but needed someone to blend up food to drink through a straw. I asked, "What's he need?" She let out a nervous chuckle and answered, "Some things that a mother can't handle." I was still clueless, but I agreed to come right over. As I drove up, she met me at the driveway. "I'll be gone for a couple of hours. Can you take care of it?" I shrugged and went in the house.

"Dude. What do you need?" I asked him.

He laughed. "I've got blue balls, man. Mom won't help. Put on some porn and get me off?"

Previously, we'd jerked off together, but never touched each other. So, I looked at him rather weirdly. "You want me to jerk you?"

He smiled. "With a little help from my friends."

I did. Several times while he healed.

Months later, I'm in college and he calls wanting me to spend the weekend. So, I arrange to do it.

We're drinking and smoking some stuff. Getting late, we strip to underwear and climb into his bed. I've been there before and sexual nothing happened. He rolls over to face me. "Dude, its payback time." I figure he's going to punch me. He says, "Just enjoy it." He pulls down my underwear and swallows my cock. I works it with tongue and throat and lips until it bones up. And, when I cum he swallows it all. Then, he says, "Thanks for all your help."

Payback was exquisite.
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I think what they mean is they live as straight to their peers and don't want to come out or label themselves bi.

Should be a term for this..
there is... its "straight".

In the absence of other sexual outlets, men will fuck the knothole in a fence.

The Romans and Greeks understood this. If some guy would provide release- you went with it, and if some woman would provide release, even better. What the Romans thought was weird was a guy who EXCLUSIVELY would only have sex with women, or Exclusively only with men. That was weird.

ANd the primary difference between straight guys who have had some sexual contact with another male, and straight guys who imagine they would absolutely not... is the guys who think they wouldn't are simply those who have invested more beliefs in the homophobic worldview of Abrahamic faith infected cultures.
ANd the primary difference between straight guys who have had some sexual contact with another male, and straight guys who imagine they would absolutely not... is the guys who think they wouldn't are simply those who have invested more beliefs in the homophobic worldview of Abrahamic faith infected cultures
Or maybe they just know they wouldn't.
Or maybe they just know they wouldn't.
yeah, sure, just like some folks just "KNOW" they wouldn't resort to cannibalism...
Easy to say as long as the hamburger stand is just around the corner and the fridge stocked with bacon.

If you haven't been truly starving, you have no idea what you would actually do.

Take any of these 'straight' guys and toss them into prison on a 25 year stretch, and see if, a few years in, that one guy on their cell block who willingly hands out blow jobs doesn't come in handy from time to time.

Guys who take this absolutist stance on their "straightness"- even if they passed such tests... pass them only because they really really really buy into the cultural religious stereotype that demonizes homosexuality.

And what they ACTUALLY fantasize about- when they jerk off in isolation- is something they will never confess, maybe not even to themselves.
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yeah, sure, just like some folks just "KNOW" they wouldn't resort to cannibalism...
Easy to say as long as the hamburger stand is just around the corner and the fridge stocked with bacon.

If you haven't been truly starving, you have no idea what you would actually do.

Take any of these 'straight' guys and toss them into prison on a 25 year stretch, and see if, a few years in, that one guy on their cell block who willingly hands out blow jobs doesn't come in handy from time to time.

Guys who take this absolutist stance on their "straightness"- even if they passed such tests... pass them only because they really really really buy into the cultural religious stereotype that demonizes homosexuality.

And what they ACTUALLY fantasize about- when they jerk off in isolation- is something they will never confess, maybe not even to themselves.
I know with absolute certainty who I'm not attracted to. I don't put it past anyone else to know for sure who they wouldn't ever fuck. Your stance is weird. I agree that most people are bisexual. I don't agree that no one is gay or straight.
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yeah, sure, just like some folks just "KNOW" they wouldn't resort to cannibalism...
Easy to say as long as the hamburger stand is just around the corner and the fridge stocked with bacon.

If you haven't been truly starving, you have no idea what you would actually do.

Take any of these 'straight' guys and toss them into prison on a 25 year stretch, and see if, a few years in, that one guy on their cell block who willingly hands out blow jobs doesn't come in handy from time to time.

Guys who take this absolutist stance on their "straightness"- even if they passed such tests... pass them only because they really really really buy into the cultural religious stereotype that demonizes homosexuality.

And what they ACTUALLY fantasize about- when they jerk off in isolation- is something they will never confess, maybe not even to themselves.
If you put a gun to my head, I might do a lot of things I wouldn't want to do. What people do in desperate situations, isn't relevant to my sexuality. There is nothing stopping me from sucking a penis, just as there's nothing stopping me from kicking a puppy - but I just don't want to. I wouldn't find it enjoyable. I have no doubt that homophobia and social pressure are still forcing some people to hide from their true sexuality, but comparing sexual preferences to cannibalism is rather silly.

I'm a very open-minded person, in general - particularly so in relation to sex and sexuality. I'm not religious, or bigoted. I actually think the world would be a happier place, without religion etc. If I had any romantic or sexual attraction to men, I would happily date and sleep with them. Unfortunately, however - I'm just not attracted to them. Just as many gay men don't want to sleep with women (despite society and cultural teachings telling them it's an appropriate thing to do), I don't want to sleep with men. It's just the way I am.
Sorry but that is ridiculous. you think Nelson Mandela for the 27 years he was in prison did that.

Like AE said if a person know who they are nothing is going to change that.
yeah, sure, just like some folks just "KNOW" they wouldn't resort to cannibalism...
Easy to say as long as the hamburger stand is just around the corner and the fridge stocked with bacon.

If you haven't been truly starving, you have no idea what you would actually do.

Take any of these 'straight' guys and toss them into prison on a 25 year stretch, and see if, a few years in, that one guy on their cell block who willingly hands out blow jobs doesn't come in handy from time to time.

Guys who take this absolutist stance on their "straightness"- even if they passed such tests... pass them only because they really really really buy into the cultural religious stereotype that demonizes homosexuality.

And what they ACTUALLY fantasize about- when they jerk off in isolation- is something they will never confess, maybe not even to themselves.
The funny thing is that the same group of people that want to abolish all of these labels are the same group that depend on the "straight" label in these stories because it makes it hot to them.

If you really want to drop the labels, then drop the labels. I think the simple story of a bi-guy blows another bi-guy will make all these stories a whole lot less exciting for you.
What's funnier, is that whenever these labels come up, it's always the same cast of characters that rabidly sniff them out, and instead of rolling their eyes, saying, "Ugh! Another one..." and moving on, not only throw in their opinions, but take up residency. From there, they scream their fool heads off at anyone who dares not to see things their way, as if they'll change minds that are just as set as their own. No points are too minor to counter, or let slide. And what's absolutely gut-busting hysterical, is the number of them who ironically insist on throwing out their own self-labeling, and it's the most offensive one of all--"open-minded".

I know. I get it. Your very lives depend on explaining that "words have definitions, and everyone MUST adhere to them." (By the way, the dictionary quotes are always precious.) The problem for me with that pathetically transparent argument, is that you're selective with which words you choose to stalk and "defend" on this site. Your heads don't go all "Exorcist" when someone misuses "facetious" or "sarcastic".

The inabilities to "let it go", and move on, are more indictments against you, your arguments, and your credibility (think; child who cried 'wolf'). You've become background noise, but you can't help yourself. You've still GOT to get in that last word. You've GOT to make me see the errors of my ways. So every third post, you all have to chime in, and tell me so. Unfortunately, whether you or I, are right or wrong, it makes me think you're not really trying to convince me, as much as you're trying to convince yourselves.

Whatever my opinion is, it'll be wrong in one of your eyes, but your endless textual yelling, or even your relentless quiet smugness, isn't going to save me. So go look at a pretty picture, strike up a conversation with a like-minded soul, try to actually ENJOY the site, but in the very least, stop tracking down threads that make your heads explode, and definitely consider that half of the site is based on fantasy before you go getting all holier-than-thou on the masses. The site isn't here solely for YOUR vision of how you want the world to be.

One last thing, what's beyond priceless, is that some of the biggest offenders in this arena (not specifically in this thread, but generally) submitted applications to be Moderators. As heavily flawed as I might be, and I'm the first to admit that I have many, it is gobsmacking that some of those who are the most inherently incapable of seeing a difference of understanding or opinion, stepped up to take on a job where the primary responsibility is to be "moderate". You'll have to excuse me now. I'm about to go wet myself with how funny that one is. ;)
A person knows who they are... That's funny.

Because who we think we are is just a story we tell ourselves. ( based often upon a story we were told so often as a child that we believe it's true )

And who you are CHANGES over time.

The point is that a person can consider themselves 'straight' whether they would let a guy suck them off or not. They know who they are as well as you.
Labels are necessary. We can not make sense of reality without categorizing our experience.

A guy can label himself as straight, and still realize that a guy's mouth is no different than a girls when it comes to cumming in a mouth.
If he lets a guy suck him off...but is imagining a girl, then he's just as straight as any guy who wouldn't let a guy suck him off...he's just more opportunistic and pragmatic about getting a blowjob.

Everyone WANTS to be labeled...and power and acceptance in society does not come from not being comes from having society accept and endorse your lable as valid.
Gays redefined their label, they didn't eschew it. And what bisexuals want is to have their bisexuality accepted as 'real' and not assumed to be a gay person in denial.

I'll believe people really hate being labeled when they all stop wearing the same style of shoe, glasses, backwards snap backs, and hair styles as all the other fucks with whom they wish to hang.
What's funnier, is that whenever these labels come up, it's always the same cast of characters that rabidly sniff them out, and instead of rolling their eyes, saying, "Ugh! Another one..." and moving on, not only throw in their opinions, but take up residency. From there, they scream their fool heads off at anyone who dares not to see things their way, as if they'll change minds that are just as set as their own. No points are too minor to counter, or let slide. And what's absolutely gut-busting hysterical, is the number of them who ironically insist on throwing out their own self-labeling, and it's the most offensive one of all--"open-minded".

I know. I get it. Your very lives depend on explaining that "words have definitions, and everyone MUST adhere to them." (By the way, the dictionary quotes are always precious.) The problem for me with that pathetically transparent argument, is that you're selective with which words you choose to stalk and "defend" on this site. Your heads don't go all "Exorcist" when someone misuses "facetious" or "sarcastic".

The inabilities to "let it go", and move on, are more indictments against you, your arguments, and your credibility (think; child who cried 'wolf'). You've become background noise, but you can't help yourself. You've still GOT to get in that last word. You've GOT to make me see the errors of my ways. So every third post, you all have to chime in, and tell me so. Unfortunately, whether you or I, are right or wrong, it makes me think you're not really trying to convince me, as much as you're trying to convince yourselves.

Whatever my opinion is, it'll be wrong in one of your eyes, but your endless textual yelling, or even your relentless quiet smugness, isn't going to save me. So go look at a pretty picture, strike up a conversation with a like-minded soul, try to actually ENJOY the site, but in the very least, stop tracking down threads that make your heads explode, and definitely consider that half of the site is based on fantasy before you go getting all holier-than-thou on the masses. The site isn't here solely for YOUR vision of how you want the world to be.

One last thing, what's beyond priceless, is that some of the biggest offenders in this arena (not specifically in this thread, but generally) submitted applications to be Moderators. As heavily flawed as I might be, and I'm the first to admit that I have many, it is gobsmacking that some of those who are the most inherently incapable of seeing a difference of understanding or opinion, stepped up to take on a job where the primary responsibility is to be "moderate". You'll have to excuse me now. I'm about to go wet myself with how funny that one is. ;)
I realise this post wasn't specifically referencing me, but I'm assuming it was at least partly - because you quoted "open-minded". Apologies if I've completely misread the situation. I just want to clarify, in case my original post is badly worded or easy to misinterpret - that I don't wish to abolish labels, change their definition, maintain their definition or anything of the sort. I really don't care, either way. I believe people should be free to use language, as they see fit. I only responded to the thread initially, because the cannibalism comparison caught my interest. My point there, was that what people are forced to do - isn't the same as what they choose to do. Labels, the thread topic and the rest of the thread itself weren't on my mind, at all. As you said, everyone has their own vision of how the world should be - I'm not trying to force mine onto others. I just wanted to express my personal opinion, regarding that particular post.

When I said that I'm "open-minded", I wasn't trying to sound holier than thou by labelling myself as such - I was really just trying to explain that my personal sexuality isn't the result of homophobic prejudice or any other anti-gay sentiment. To explain what I meant by "open-minded" in another way, I was saying that if I wanted to - I would happily suck a penis tomorrow without any shame. For me, it isn't fear or societal coercion that stops me from doing it - it just isn't my preference. My point was that every individual is different and you can't determine the reasons for their individual sexual preferences, thoughts and feelings - on their behalf. I was using myself as an example, to refute Phil's suggestion (as I perceived it) - that everyone who calls themselves straight are the way they are because of religious and societal reasons etc. The overall point I was making, is that everyone is different. I wasn't trying to define sexuality or saying that my opinion is correct - I was literally saying that it's up to the individual (whatever their specific sexuality may be).
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I realise this post wasn't specifically referencing me, but I'm assuming it was at least partly - because you quoted "open-minded"...
Purely a coincidence. My "you" was based on a survey of multiple threads, and is more of a cumulative character, that isn't referencing anyone in particular.