What's funnier, is that whenever these labels come up, it's always the same cast of characters that rabidly sniff them out, and instead of rolling their eyes, saying, "Ugh! Another one..." and moving on, not only throw in their opinions, but take up residency. From there, they scream their fool heads off at anyone who dares not to see things their way, as if they'll change minds that are just as set as their own. No points are too minor to counter, or let slide. And what's absolutely gut-busting hysterical, is the number of them who ironically insist on throwing out their own self-labeling, and it's the most offensive one of all--"open-minded".
I know. I get it. Your very lives depend on explaining that "words have definitions, and everyone MUST adhere to them." (By the way, the dictionary quotes are always precious.) The problem for me with that pathetically transparent argument, is that you're selective with which words you choose to stalk and "defend" on this site. Your heads don't go all "Exorcist" when someone misuses "facetious" or "sarcastic".
The inabilities to "let it go", and move on, are more indictments against you, your arguments, and your credibility (think; child who cried 'wolf'). You've become background noise, but you can't help yourself. You've still GOT to get in that last word. You've GOT to make me see the errors of my ways. So every third post, you all have to chime in, and tell me so. Unfortunately, whether you or I, are right or wrong, it makes me think you're not really trying to convince me, as much as you're trying to convince yourselves.
Whatever my opinion is, it'll be wrong in one of your eyes, but your endless textual yelling, or even your relentless quiet smugness, isn't going to save me. So go look at a pretty picture, strike up a conversation with a like-minded soul, try to actually ENJOY the site, but in the very least, stop tracking down threads that make your heads explode, and definitely consider that half of the site is based on fantasy before you go getting all holier-than-thou on the masses. The site isn't here solely for YOUR vision of how you want the world to be.
One last thing, what's beyond priceless, is that some of the biggest offenders in this arena (not specifically in this thread, but generally) submitted applications to be Moderators. As heavily flawed as I might be, and I'm the first to admit that I have many, it is gobsmacking that some of those who are the most inherently incapable of seeing a difference of understanding or opinion, stepped up to take on a job where the primary responsibility is to be "moderate". You'll have to excuse me now. I'm about to go wet myself with how funny that one is.