Sucking straight friend....

Congratulations on knowing where to put your apostrophe, but you still don't pass with flying colours, English has a capital E.

There really is no point in questioning my English ability, and then make a mistake in the line where you are being a bitch.

Haha, you still can't make a valid point, so you latch onto a singular missing capitalization? You're willfully ignoring what words mean to fit whatever your agenda is. If everyone did that communication would break down entirely because no words would have any meanings.
Puhleeze get this thread back on topic. If ur response isnt directly related to what the op created it for then take a step back and stfu. If you want to argue sexual orientation and its lines demarcation, then venture off on spiritual journey and gain whatever you want, because this definitely wasn't created to firm up the details regarding whats straight/bi/gay.

***now back to our regular programming***

I have a neighbor that i suck off maybe 2xs a week. His wife was away for the holidays this past holiday season and he was invited to my place in the interim so 3 drinks led to a hard cock down my throat. Until that encounter he had never been with a guy. He says he never will unless its me.
I have specifically told a straight friend I would molest him if he was gay. Actually I have said that to a number of my straight friends. Me and alcohol always gets me in trouble
I think teens today are in a better position to answer this question than adults. Not being a teen I can't but I suspect their views on this are totally different than adults on LPSG. I dont think there is the level of rejection to non traditional sex as there used to be. I even believe that satisfying the flesh takes precedence over what some claim to be immoral or unacceptable.
People tend to label natural bisexuality as gay or straight, simple as that. 'Bi' is also another kind of label, of course.
I just like reading stories about homoerotic experiences including a straight or bisexual guy. Thanks for the advice to pick such stories in all this blah blah blah above :] but it takes unwanted time, and seeing users arguing about something this way makes me lose any interest. You could just take your argument away to a different topic, that's my humble wish ;]

Anyway, I don't see why a straight person cannot have a gay blowjob.
1. it may be unwanted
2. it may be unexpected
3. it may be an action only proving oneself: 'I've tried but I'm still straight' ;p
4. it's only human mouth. Everyone has it, men and women. For some it is a big difference if a body that pleases him is provided with a vagina or a penis but for some, it is NOT ;) Sometimes, in difficult conditions like army, prison or male dorm, people caress with the same sex because they can't have the other.

5. It seems we have only about 2% totally straight people, believing some good researchers. Is a man who feels for example 90% straight and 10% bi, unable to label himself as 'straight' and unable to get a bj once in a lifetime, in order to justify this 10%? ;P haha

He's got real problems mate, just don't feed the troll. He thinks he's one of those %100000 straight men on the site. He's obsessively chasing for threads where we talk about straight men that we suck off or mess around with. He comes there, gets aggressive, tries to impose his black and white misbeliefs about sexuality. Just don't take him seriously.
Well if I had a friend like that, I think I would also do the same. Because for boys like us, big cocks are magnetic and hypnotic.Btw, I don't think it's rape. Because you do not do any kind of harm to him. Plus, he probably enjoys it while pretending to be asleep or in his dreams. No man says no to a blowjob unless you are fugly or weird-looking. This is a fact of life. Mouths have no gender.
I am very sorry to disagree with all you word Nazis about the "rigidity" of the meaning of "straight", but I must vehemently do so nonetheless. The brand of heterosexuality that Hatt_101, AlteredEgo and the rest of your ilk adhere to is not "straight", it is "homophobic". Any man or woman who leads a straight life with romantic and passionate feelings for only the opposite sex remains "straight" in my book even if he or she has the occasional "dalliance" into a physical homosexual act.

"Ever", "never", "any" and "only" are absolutes. "Straight" is not an absolute. Whether you like it or not there are varying degrees of "straightness" within the realm of what constitutes a straight sexual orientation. As a postulation consider a man who is totally virgin, having had no sexual contact with anyone, and becomes a Catholic priest. He is a good and sinless priest who does everything by the book. He lives out his entire life without ever having any sexual contact with another human being. By your word-Nazi definition he would be "asexual". Yet he may well have very strong sexual feelings for the opposite sex, same sex or both sexes and therefore actually be straight, gay or bisexual. He just chooses to exercise his willpower to not act on his sexual attraction.

A straight individual can "dally" into a homosexual act or acts without invalidating their true orientation.

To say otherwise is to say that a person cannot be called a vegan if they suckled their mother's teat as a baby or were fed Pablum™ after being weaned. And to say otherwise is to say that anyone who is not a teetotaler is an alcoholic.

Thank you Silvertip! Those retarded types simply do not have a brain that they can use. They are very simple beings. You can not teach them anything. They are closed to learning, questioning and experiencing. I feel sorry for them.
I thought this was supposed to be stories about straight guys who allowed themselves to be sucked by another guy? Good grief, lpsg members, can't we just have a few good stories and maybe even fantasies like the good old days. What's with all the high-horse moralizing? Jesus....
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I thought this was supposed to be stories about straight guys who allowed themselves to be sucked by another guy? Good grief, lpsg members, can't we just have a few good stories and maybe even fantasies like the good old days. What's with all the high-horse moralizing? Jesus....

If you're a man and you "allow" yourself to be sucked by another man you're not straight. When will guys who aren't straight stop trying to twist the definition of what straight actually is??