Sucking straight friend....

No, Silvertip, there are no varying degrees of straightness. Straight ess is an extreme, as is gayness. They are the extremes at the ends of the spectrum. What is variable are all the possibilities and facets between heterosexuality and homosexuality. There are words for some, though doubtfully all of those permutations of orientation, but not a single one of those words is gay, straight, homosexual, nor heterosexual. Not without qualifiers, anyway, because those words have meanings, and those meanings are as extreme as they are precise.

The only existing exceptions are contextual. Prostitution (being the prostiture, not seeing one), and pornographic performance because the motive is compensatory in nature, not dependent upon orientation.

And while the words to describe sexual orientation are rigid, as all words need to be for language to function effectively, I am by no means denying nor advocating the denial of the fluidity of orientation. I have never been straight nor gay, and can not remember ever having attraction for one sex or the other, and I have know my entire life that while I strongly prefer males, there will always be some females to whom I am drawn, I know there are many other people for whom there is no certainty at some points in life. Those too are exceptions, since sometimes you just can't know until ou know.
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Just like the three above me have said there is no variance in it the word is put in place for a reason alteredego has said it perfectly.

Silvertip your example while I understand it doesn't apply to the situation first because being a vegan is a choice being straight / gay or anything in between is not.

Second being Brest fed also isn't a choice a baby can make and regardless of that if that child grew up and later became a vegan they would not go back and occasionally drink breast milk or any other animal product. Because if they did they would not be vegan they may have a primarily vegetarian/vegan diet but they would not be a vegan if they ate things outside that diet.

Just like if person who has regular sex with someone of the same sex they're not straight.

just like altered said being gay or straight is the absolute on either end of the spectrum. Just like how being a vegan is not the same a being a vegetarian, vegan being the extreme.

But if you don't believe that what word would you use to describe people that are solely in to the opposite sex? And what would you use to describe people who are into the same sex if gayness and straightness have variants like you say. Then there had to be a word to describe the absolute because with out the absolute there is no inbeween.
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I think that some of you could start a different topic about the validity of such topics and definitions - and let the rest enjoy the stories, no matter if they concern straight gays or homo&bisexual heteros ;o
I think that some of you could start a different topic about the validity of such topics and definitions - and let the rest enjoy the stories, no matter if they concern straight gays or homo&bisexual heteros ;o

I think you can pick out the stories and read them if you want to.
I think that some of you could start a different topic about the validity of such topics and definitions - and let the rest enjoy the stories, no matter if they concern straight gays or homo&bisexual heteros ;o

Read and write whatever "stories" you want, but please stop using the term straight to describe what is everything but straight. It DOES effect those of us who are straight and our interactions with others and some of us are tired of dealing with the bullshit. As I've stated before, show some respect in the same way you'd like to receive it.
If a person has only had sex with the opposite sex and the has 1 blowjob from a same sex person.

a = enjoys it
b = does not enjoy it

Are both a and b people no longer straight ?

Yes if you have sexual relations or fantasize about sexual relations with the same sex you are NOT straight! Why is this so hard to understand?
If a person has only had sex with the opposite sex and the has 1 blowjob from a same sex person.

a = enjoys it
b = does not enjoy it

Are both a and b people no longer straight ?
B might be straight if b no longer has curiosity to satisfy.

If you pick up a tennis racquet and having never picked on up before, hit a tennis ball, are you now a confirmed tennis player?

Just asking.
Tennis isn't a good analogy. However, if you enjoyed it...
I am very sorry to disagree with all you word Nazis about the "rigidity" of the meaning of "straight", but I must vehemently do so nonetheless. The brand of heterosexuality that Hatt_101, AlteredEgo and the rest of your ilk adhere to is not "straight", it is "homophobic". Any man or woman who leads a straight life with romantic and passionate feelings for only the opposite sex remains "straight" in my book even if he or she has the occasional "dalliance" into a physical homosexual act.

"Ever", "never", "any" and "only" are absolutes. "Straight" is not an absolute. Whether you like it or not there are varying degrees of "straightness" within the realm of what constitutes a straight sexual orientation. As a postulation consider a man who is totally virgin, having had no sexual contact with anyone, and becomes a Catholic priest. He is a good and sinless priest who does everything by the book. He lives out his entire life without ever having any sexual contact with another human being. By your word-Nazi definition he would be "asexual". Yet he may well have very strong sexual feelings for the opposite sex, same sex or both sexes and therefore actually be straight, gay or bisexual. He just chooses to exercise his willpower to not act on his sexual attraction.

A straight individual can "dally" into a homosexual act or acts without invalidating their true orientation.

To say otherwise is to say that a person cannot be called a vegan if they suckled their mother's teat as a baby or were fed Pablum™ after being weaned. And to say otherwise is to say that anyone who is not a teetotaler is an alcoholic.

Your comparisons are bogus, sorry to say. The ones about veganism and alcoholism have been commented on, but the one about the priest doesn't apply in any way either. Sexuality is not based on actual sexual activity. I almost don't want to say something so self-evident, but of course you can be a straight or gay virgin. I agree that your sexual acts doesn't define your sexuality. You sexual attractions do. So yes, I believe that a man can receive a blowjob from another man and still be straight as an arrow. Being raped by a man doesn't make you bisexual or gay. But I suspect that most so called straight men who have sex with other men do so voluntarily because it is something the phantasize about and enjoy. These men are not straight according to the definition of the word, and that's a-okay.
If a person has only had sex with the opposite sex and the has 1 blowjob from a same sex person.

a = enjoys it
b = does not enjoy it

Are both a and b people no longer straight ?

Well how about this. I have never had a blowjob or anything else from a man and the thought to it makes my dick limp. I am not even interested in trying it. There are obviously some skilled guys out there, but I am not interested in experiencing anything sexual with a man.
Nope, now you're being ridiculous and ignoring the definition of these words also. Is the english language this challenging for you?

Congratulations on knowing where to put your apostrophe, but you still don't pass with flying colours, English has a capital E.

There really is no point in questioning my English ability, and then make a mistake in the line where you are being a bitch.
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Well, when you title a thread with the equivalent of, "So me and sasquatch were taking a ride on the loch ness monster...", what do u expect to happen?
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Read and write whatever "stories" you want, but please stop using the term straight to describe what is everything but straight. It DOES effect those of us who are straight and our interactions with others and some of us are tired of dealing with the bullshit. As I've stated before, show some respect in the same way you'd like to receive it.

People tend to label natural bisexuality as gay or straight, simple as that. 'Bi' is also another kind of label, of course.
I just like reading stories about homoerotic experiences including a straight or bisexual guy. Thanks for the advice to pick such stories in all this blah blah blah above :] but it takes unwanted time, and seeing users arguing about something this way makes me lose any interest. You could just take your argument away to a different topic, that's my humble wish ;]

Anyway, I don't see why a straight person cannot have a gay blowjob.
1. it may be unwanted
2. it may be unexpected
3. it may be an action only proving oneself: 'I've tried but I'm still straight' ;p
4. it's only human mouth. Everyone has it, men and women. For some it is a big difference if a body that pleases him is provided with a vagina or a penis but for some, it is NOT ;) Sometimes, in difficult conditions like army, prison or male dorm, people caress with the same sex because they can't have the other.

5. It seems we have only about 2% totally straight people, believing some good researchers. Is a man who feels for example 90% straight and 10% bi, unable to label himself as 'straight' and unable to get a bj once in a lifetime, in order to justify this 10%? ;P haha
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