Tell me about all the bad sex you've had

That's right - bad sex. I wanna hear memorably awful encounters.

I'll go first.

Guy hits me up on Grindr, likes my profile, and asks if I want head. I say sure. Who turns down head? We swap pics, he drops me a pin, and I drive the short distance over.

Downstairs, we meet - he's the guy in his photos, so no worries about being catfished -, and we make out a little bit in the foyer before going upstairs. His place is really nice, not that that's entirely relevant here, and within minutes of getting there, I am naked and hard and his mouth is on my dick. We're on the couch, he's wrapped a hand around the base of my cock (I am uncut for reference) and he goes down on me.

The only thing is he's gripping my dick just hard enough that it kind of chokes off some circulation to the head and I can't feel much of his mouth. And the more I settle into this half-blowjob half-handjob, the more I realize he's not even sucking it that much. He's stroking me plus some mouth, but he's going at such a fast pace, like he's trying to generate enough friction to light a fire with my penis.

I tell him to slow down and take his time, but then he tells me why he's going so fast - he has a meeting to get to in 20 minutes. He wants me to cum in his mouth as fast as possible so he can make his next meeting on time. I get it but I want him to slow down. He doesn't. By the time he has to go to his meeting, my dick is somewhat swollen from all of the rubbing, and I did not finish.

I put my clothes on and head out shortly thereafter because he has that meeting of his, and that was that.

At least he was a good kisser.
fuck that! I hate the guys who put their needs first and make a big fucking deal about it. What a waste of your time. He sounds like a dipshit. You should have slapped his forehead with that swollen dick and walked out. “Have a good meeting fuckface. Hope they all like the mushroom stamp I left on your stupid forehead!”
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met up with a buff bottom who kept hyping himself up................

The night we hooked up, his ass was so tight that fucking him just felt like i was getting crushed by teeth despite only my tip making it in and on top of that he was just plain boring.. he says "ouch can we try something else?"

Then he decided to give me head to make up for it...he was deep throating me like crazy but then i noticed a scent. i discovered that he had cavities so my dick ended up smelling bad and my whole night was ruined. Never again.
I just threw up a little in my mouth…. Gross! Sorry that happened to you…:expressionless:
I was lucky enough to meet up with a guy on Craigslist back in the day who, after pulling his cock out, had herpes so gross, I didn’t even want to touch him! Little mushroom formations around a dick head are not on the menu for me! He said “suck me good!”, and I said “I wouldn’t suck you if you were the last man alive, the world was covered in piss and you lived in a fucking tree.” He slammed my door leaving and I could hear him yelling all the way to his car, a beat up chevy. A year later, I went out to a bar with friends and Mr. Shiitake dick was there. He goes (in front of my friends) “Oh, look…the cock tease from Craig’s!”… everyone heard him and he had a big smile on his face and a dumb laugh. I just walked by, then he said “Fucking FA**OT!”. Okay, that’s when I turn around and address the hot guy he was with. “If I were you, I’d fucking run right now from this guy. His dick is loaded with herpes. If ya sucked it, I’d gargle with bleach if I were you, and if ya let him fuck ya, say hello to new little butt babies in a few months cuz you gonna have a lotta of em!.” The guy looked at Mr. Shiitake and then at me. I shook my head like, “yup…!” And the guy left his drink and everything and walked out… lol. I said “Go to the doctor. You need some serious help. And moreover, stop spreading your diseased dick around…the community has enough to deal with already you jerk.” That was all.
A few years ago met up for a hookup with a guy I had been chatting with on one of the apps. He was very attractive in real life. But he was crazy. He was the most addicted to his cell phone person I have ever met and was constantly talking to himself. We started making out and taking off our clothes. He had a beautiful big cock and I sucked it a little. Unfortunately he neglected to tell me that he is not at all into body contact during sex. I never imagined this was even a thing. I am all about sweaty man on man skin contact. He didn't really know how to kiss. He told me he would show me how to kiss. I was like "OK". He then went on to lick my upper lip! LOL. Then he made it clear he was done making out and kissing and wanted to be fucked. He turned so his ass was facing me, a very nice ass, and I started to go in and maybe give him a rimjob. But then I stopped and realized I just was not into this guy even if he was physically very attractive. So the encounter was over.
A few years ago met up for a hookup with a guy I had been chatting with on one of the apps. He was very attractive in real life. But he was crazy. He was the most addicted to his cell phone person I have ever met and was constantly talking to himself. We started making out and taking off our clothes. He had a beautiful big cock and I sucked it a little. Unfortunately he neglected to tell me that he is not at all into body contact during sex. I never imagined this was even a thing. I am all about sweaty man on man skin contact. He didn't really know how to kiss. He told me he would show me how to kiss. I was like "OK". He then went on to lick my upper lip! LOL. Then he made it clear he was done making out and kissing and wanted to be fucked. He turned so his ass was facing me, a very nice ass, and I started to go in and maybe give him a rimjob. But then I stopped and realized I just was not into this guy even if he was physically very attractive. So the encounter was over.

That's so sad when they're an attractive dud. Like...this body and this penis were wasted on you.
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A few years ago met up for a hookup with a guy I had been chatting with on one of the apps. He was very attractive in real life. But he was crazy. He was the most addicted to his cell phone person I have ever met and was constantly talking to himself. We started making out and taking off our clothes. He had a beautiful big cock and I sucked it a little. Unfortunately he neglected to tell me that he is not at all into body contact during sex. I never imagined this was even a thing. I am all about sweaty man on man skin contact. He didn't really know how to kiss. He told me he would show me how to kiss. I was like "OK". He then went on to lick my upper lip! LOL. Then he made it clear he was done making out and kissing and wanted to be fucked. He turned so his ass was facing me, a very nice ass, and I started to go in and maybe give him a rimjob. But then I stopped and realized I just was not into this guy even if he was physically very attractive. So the encounter was over.
Thats unfortunate! That’s when you think, “The face, body and that nice cock…attached to this guy. Oh well.” At least when he “kissed” you, he didn’t do the “Hard pointed tongue” (WTF is that about anyway????) with you. Man, I hate that…
Does it count if you miss out on a guaranteed hook up because you do something that you knew might derail it? It is pretty bad sex if you basically cock block yourself. I will give a very short synopsis of an ill judged action that scuppered a pretty much certain fuck with no chance of redemption. Bird has Flown.
Very truncated version. Went for a long weekend to a secluded lake with a mixed crowd of guys and gals. On a tgree or 4, hour drive I shared the back seat with a girl I didnt know. We got on well and she was very flirtatious with me. We got to our cabin on the lake and she gave every sign that we were going to be bunking together in my room. Basically if I had simply said do you want to go to my room it was going to happen. Instead ( due to alcohol inhibition I followed the group of guys and and couple of girk
Does it count if you miss out on a guaranteed hook up because you do something that you knew might derail it? It is pretty bad sex if you basically cock block yourself. I will give a very short synopsis of an ill judged action that scuppered a pretty much certain fuck with no chance of redemption. Bird has Flown.
Very truncated version. Went for a long weekend to a secluded lake with a mixed crowd of guys and gals. On a tgree or 4, hour drive I shared the back seat with a girl I didnt know. We got on well and she was very flirtatious with me. We got to our cabin on the lake and she gave every sign that we were going to be bunking together in my room. Basically if I had simply said do you want to go to my room it was going to happen. Instead ( due to alcohol inhibition I followed the group of guys and and couple of girk
Post kind of messed up will continue from what should have been -- and a couple of girls to go skinny dipping. I have a tiny penis when in a normal state but with shrinkage it is literally baby sized like a small gherkin pickle. i emerged from the lake and my sure thing turned to nothing. She got a good look at wasnt between my legs and I spent the night alone overhearing some other guy fucking her while I had a wank so I could go to sleep. I call that pretty bad sex.
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I was on a business trip to the NY city area. I had a Sunday afternoon to myself, so even though it was cold, rainy, and miserable, I drove into the West Village and popped into a bar. Within 30 minutes, I get picked up by a good looking guy, who is staying in a hotel a few blocks away, so we go to his room to fuck. About 10 minutes in, I realize he is not completely clean. But, he's making moans like he's going to cum soon, so I figure better to just finish him off, than the embarrassing "wait till I go to the bathroom for a touch-up" thing. But I miscalculated. It took a long, long time before he finally blew his load. When I pulled out, there was shit everywhere. Everywhere. I ran into the bathroom to wash up. I should have just taken a shower, but I realized my wallet is outside with a stranger, and I'm 3000 miles from home. So I just try to wipe off quickly. Every towel and facecloth is brown, and I'm still not clean. Finally, I figure it's good enough to run to the car, and drive back to my own hotel in the suburbs, and have a long hot shower. I go out of the bathroom and reach for my jeans. He's sort of blocking my way, and says "WOW! That was a great fuck! Can we do a second round?" And I'm thinking haven't you noticed the shit all over your ass and the sheets...

I get outside, intending to hustle to my car and just go. I bump into a friend on the street. "Oh! Eric! I didn't know you were in town. Can we go someplace? I need to suck your big dick!" I don't really want to discuss what just happened, so I just said I was just fucking and came (a little lie, I didn't cum), and it won't be hard. "That OK! I'd love to just play with that big fat meat soft!" he responds. I make some other excuse, and run off, and now he's mad at me.

It's now raining hard, cold, freezing rain and sleet. Finally, I get to my car. There's as $100+ parking ticket on the windshield, and two cops looking if they should add a second. Now I know what a truly shitty day looks like...
  • Haha
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I was on a business trip to the NY city area. I had a Sunday afternoon to myself, so even though it was cold, rainy, and miserable, I drove into the West Village and popped into a bar. Within 30 minutes, I get picked up by a good looking guy, who is staying in a hotel a few blocks away, so we go to his room to fuck. About 10 minutes in, I realize he is not completely clean. But, he's making moans like he's going to cum soon, so I figure better to just finish him off, than the embarrassing "wait till I go to the bathroom for a touch-up" thing. But I miscalculated. It took a long, long time before he finally blew his load. When I pulled out, there was shit everywhere. Everywhere. I ran into the bathroom to wash up. I should have just taken a shower, but I realized my wallet is outside with a stranger, and I'm 3000 miles from home. So I just try to wipe off quickly. Every towel and facecloth is brown, and I'm still not clean. Finally, I figure it's good enough to run to the car, and drive back to my own hotel in the suburbs, and have a long hot shower. I go out of the bathroom and reach for my jeans. He's sort of blocking my way, and says "WOW! That was a great fuck! Can we do a second round?" And I'm thinking haven't you noticed the shit all over your ass and the sheets...

I get outside, intending to hustle to my car and just go. I bump into a friend on the street. "Oh! Eric! I didn't know you were in town. Can we go someplace? I need to suck your big dick!" I don't really want to discuss what just happened, so I just said I was just fucking and came (a little lie, I didn't cum), and it won't be hard. "That OK! I'd love to just play with that big fat meat soft!" he responds. I make some other excuse, and run off, and now he's mad at me.

It's now raining hard, cold, freezing rain and sleet. Finally, I get to my car. There's as $100+ parking ticket on the windshield, and two cops looking if they should add a second. Now I know what a truly shitty day looks like...
Oh man. And the parking ticket! :( Talk about insult to injury.
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MFm twosome.
I picked a girl (Jingles) up in a bar. We went back to my place. I shared the flat with 2 other guys and one of the guys girlfriend. It is a two bedroom flat. The couple have one room and Devon and I have the other. There are two single beds. A bit awkward if either one of us wants to 'entertain' . I thought Devon was staying at his girlfriend's but when Jingles and I went to my room Devon was asleep. (Jingles was her nickname I dont think I ever knew her real name she just called herself Jingles) Devon awoke as soon as I had turned the light on and he bolted upright startled and groggy. He sleeps nude and Jingles got a good look at his junk before he assessed the situation and pulled the blanket back over him.
I said I thought he was supposed to be at his girlfriend's and he said she kicked him out. I asked if he could do me a favour and sleep on the couch. He asked me to toss him his trackpants which were hanging over a chair. I was about to do so when Jingles said she didnt mind if he stays if he doesnt. I suggested that he'd be perfectly fine on the couch and threw him his tracks. The cheeky sod just stands up displaying his quite substantial swinging dick and puts on his pants. Jingles was impressed and whispered in my ear that it would be fun if he joined us. I whispered back that we all couldnt fit in my bed and besides he has a girlfriend.
Devon cuts in with "You know I can hear you?" " First off Charlene broke up with me that's why am here and secondly I want to accept your friend's invitation. " Jingles gave a squeel of delight and declared it was going to be such fun.
I said "I vote no my bed is way too small for three it barely fits two." Blooody Dev points out that if we put the two mattresses on the floor the problem was solved. He immediately starts to drag his onto the floor. Jingles excitedly actually starts to strip off and tells me if I dont get my mattress down She and him would start without me. I reluctantly complied. Jingles was aready down to her bra and panties . Devon was lounging on his mattress but still had his tracks on. Jingles leaps on my mattress now with just her panties on her bra and the rest of her gear were just strewn on the floor. She shouts for me to hurry up and I said I am just goung to turn the light off. She said "fuck that ! just get your clothes off !
( I was very reluctant to strip off in the light because I didnt want Jingles immediately seeing my tiny dick compared to Dev.
I was caught between a rock and a hard place. I faced away as I removed my clothes. Jingles giggled and said "You are a shy one, what are you afraid of?" She had leapt up and started to help me. I had my shoes, socks and shirt off and she went for my jeans. I pushed her hands away as she was going for the button and fly.
J: What the bloody hell's wrong with you!? I tried to turn away while I pulled off my pants but she kept me in her sight. I had probably made thewhole situation worse. Devon was just lounging cool as a cucumber. Devon knew exactly why I was being such a putz. ( I never undress in front of a girl or at least undercover of bedding or darkness) It tends to put them off a bit if they see my tiny cock.
Anyway I managed to get my jeans off with out interference and in my boxers I took a step towards the light switch but either Jingles or cheeky Devon had turned on a table lamp. I switched off the main light and planned to take off my shorts under cover of a sheet except the mattresses were bare.
Jingles and Devon had started without me. I didnt see what else had gone on but she was already sucking his cock. Her panties were gone and I got a fine view of a very nice looking ass.
I had seen her tits. Hopefully I will get a look in on her pussy. I calmed down a bit as I could switch the lamp off and not have to expose my tiny todger and see that familar look of surprise/shock/horror. However I decided to leave the lamp on because I was getting hard ( still small even at full attention but not quite as embarrassing ) I wanted the light so I could get a full view of her body. After all my silly timid antics I was still going to fuck her. I snuggled up behind her as she was now facing Dev.
They were very involved and I was looking for a way to ease into the action without tapping her on the shoulder and say something like " excuse me, excuse me I hate to be a bother but where would you like me to start? " "There seems to be a vacancy in the arse area would you mind awfully if I poked about in that region?"
However I silently eased up and spooned her. My hard penis was pressed up against her ass crack and my right arm was reaching over to try to grab one of her half grapefruit size breasts. She was undulating back and forth and starting to moan loader and loader and I knew Dev was pumping her pussy. I got a hand on part of a breast but it actually just felt awkward and weird ( not her tit but I really felt like an unnecessary intruder) She was seemingly oblivious to my attentions. I gave half a thought to putting my penis or just a finger in her ass but that seemed like something that should be given permit to do. I however thought a bit of a probe with a single digit should be fine and woukd add to the pleasure Dev was obviously giving her.
I slowly wiggled a finger into her butthole and just as I found entry she screamed "What the Fuck!' and twisted her head around and looked at me like she didnt even know I was behind her. I rolled back and she sneered at me saying"What are you doing? !
If I was feeling awkward and a bit of a party crasher already I was now feeling like a burgler who was sexually molesting his victim.
She had lost all interest in me being involved in what now was a one on one. I didnt slink away or say anything in reply and she just turned away and re engaged with Devon. I had completely lost my erection and sat feeling a bit forlorn but a fair bit pissed off as well. Fucked off mostly with myself for my early ridiculousness as well as with both her and Devon for ignoring me just because I was late for the party.
They were in full swing again as I became a ghost hovering but not touching. I got hard again sitting there and just watching and listening to a live porn show. They went at it a long time and I kind of joined in at least in spirit by edging along with them. At one point she turned around facing my direction and my first thought was bloody Dev is going to fuck her ass! She objected to me just putting a finger in and now she is going to take on his Truncheon! but I realised he was just fucking her pussy from a different angle. I realised that I could actually partially see her pussy and his cock fucking her. I shifted over so I could get a better view. She was moaning and squinting her eyes but she had them open long enough at one point and seemed to be looking at me pulling on my cock. I came right then and there.
Now you may not think this sex wasnt so bad because after all I got some enjoyment out of it. However it is like coming fourth in a Formula 1 race. No Podium.
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I was on a business trip to the NY city area. I had a Sunday afternoon to myself, so even though it was cold, rainy, and miserable, I drove into the West Village and popped into a bar. Within 30 minutes, I get picked up by a good looking guy, who is staying in a hotel a few blocks away, so we go to his room to fuck. About 10 minutes in, I realize he is not completely clean. But, he's making moans like he's going to cum soon, so I figure better to just finish him off, than the embarrassing "wait till I go to the bathroom for a touch-up" thing. But I miscalculated. It took a long, long time before he finally blew his load. When I pulled out, there was shit everywhere. Everywhere. I ran into the bathroom to wash up. I should have just taken a shower, but I realized my wallet is outside with a stranger, and I'm 3000 miles from home. So I just try to wipe off quickly. Every towel and facecloth is brown, and I'm still not clean. Finally, I figure it's good enough to run to the car, and drive back to my own hotel in the suburbs, and have a long hot shower. I go out of the bathroom and reach for my jeans. He's sort of blocking my way, and says "WOW! That was a great fuck! Can we do a second round?" And I'm thinking haven't you noticed the shit all over your ass and the sheets...

I get outside, intending to hustle to my car and just go. I bump into a friend on the street. "Oh! Eric! I didn't know you were in town. Can we go someplace? I need to suck your big dick!" I don't really want to discuss what just happened, so I just said I was just fucking and came (a little lie, I didn't cum), and it won't be hard. "That OK! I'd love to just play with that big fat meat soft!" he responds. I make some other excuse, and run off, and now he's mad at me.

It's now raining hard, cold, freezing rain and sleet. Finally, I get to my car. There's as $100+ parking ticket on the windshield, and two cops looking if they should add a second. Now I know what a truly shitty day looks like...
O M G — Amazing how some men don’t know how to “prepare” before an encounter, especially since—from what I’m reading—he intended to have with anyone at that bar. I ain’t got time for the ol’ “Rusty Burrito” and expect the bottom I get into to be nicely clean, not packed full of shit like a dang turkey! :emoji_poop:
O M G — Amazing how some men don’t know how to “prepare” before an encounter, especially since—from what I’m reading—he intended to have with anyone at that bar. I ain’t got time for the ol’ “Rusty Burrito” and expect the bottom I get into to be nicely clean, not packed full of shit like a dang turkey! :emoji_poop:
Oh…and sorry that happened.
O M G — Amazing how some men don’t know how to “prepare” before an encounter, especially since—from what I’m reading—he intended to have with anyone at that bar. I ain’t got time for the ol’ “Rusty Burrito” and expect the bottom I get into to be nicely clean, not packed full of shit like a dang turkey! :emoji_poop:
Actually, since he was keen for a second round, and didn't seem in the least upset about the situation, I suspect he was into scat, and the whole mess was intentional. Of all the gay men in NYC, I had to get picked up by this one...
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I remember a situation many years ago. I had met a married couple on I.C.Q. We chatted off and on for several days. They invited me to joint them at their home 90 miles away for the weekend. Both men were versatile. Arrangements were made and I arrive after an uneventful drive. Upon my arrival the three of us sat and chatted for a while. Finally it was decided that we were going into their bedroom. We undressed and both commented on my size. One was on the heavy side and the other one had a rather athletic build. Both of them began sucking me. Of course this resulted in my erection. Very soon the onheavier one expressed interest in me topping him. I obliged and began preparing him for penetration. One he said he wanted me inside him I began to penetrate him. When my cock head was inside he immediately expelled my cock by defecating forcibly all over me and the bed. He apologized saying that he had never been penetrated by a man my size. Of course I was totally turned off. The odors were horrible. I lost my erection as well as my interest. End of story is after showering and cleaning up and the passage of some time interest returned especially in his husband the athletic one. I did enjoy the rest of the weekend.
I remember a situation many years ago. I had met a married couple on I.C.Q. We chatted off and on for several days. They invited me to joint them at their home 90 miles away for the weekend. Both men were versatile. Arrangements were made and I arrive after an uneventful drive. Upon my arrival the three of us sat and chatted for a while. Finally it was decided that we were going into their bedroom. We undressed and both commented on my size. One was on the heavy side and the other one had a rather athletic build. Both of them began sucking me. Of course this resulted in my erection. Very soon the onheavier one expressed interest in me topping him. I obliged and began preparing him for penetration. One he said he wanted me inside him I began to penetrate him. When my cock head was inside he immediately expelled my cock by defecating forcibly all over me and the bed. He apologized saying that he had never been penetrated by a man my size. Of course I was totally turned off. The odors were horrible. I lost my erection as well as my interest. End of story is after showering and cleaning up and the passage of some time interest returned especially in his husband the athletic one. I did enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Sorry that happened, but I’d be lying if I didn’t burst out laughing when you wrote “immediately expelled“… :joy: Anyway….What is UP with this??? gross! And, they knew you were coming by!!!! This isn’t and hasn’t been a ‘Thing” I’ve encountered often, and I’ve fucked a lot of dudes and have gotten fucked by a lot of dudes. On my end, only once (my terrible awful after drinking a LOT of red wine) and with other guys I topped, maybe three times where I was kinda like “nope’. golly.
I remember a situation many years ago. I had met a married couple on I.C.Q. We chatted off and on for several days. They invited me to joint them at their home 90 miles away for the weekend. Both men were versatile. Arrangements were made and I arrive after an uneventful drive. Upon my arrival the three of us sat and chatted for a while. Finally it was decided that we were going into their bedroom. We undressed and both commented on my size. One was on the heavy side and the other one had a rather athletic build. Both of them began sucking me. Of course this resulted in my erection. Very soon the onheavier one expressed interest in me topping him. I obliged and began preparing him for penetration. One he said he wanted me inside him I began to penetrate him. When my cock head was inside he immediately expelled my cock by defecating forcibly all over me and the bed. He apologized saying that he had never been penetrated by a man my size. Of course I was totally turned off. The odors were horrible. I lost my erection as well as my interest. End of story is after showering and cleaning up and the passage of some time interest returned especially in his husband the athletic one. I did enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Man if it ain't vomit, it's feces. My goodness y'all we gotta collect some stats on this.

I have had 2 or 3 similar instances, but none came even close to this one.


Many years before first instance described above I visited a club. This was my first such experience. I was in the TV lounge when a hot man checked in. Minutes later he came into the lounge. We flirted for a while. Both of us were shrouded only in towels. I had never sucked a man before. Flirting progressed to the point where he began to suck my cock. This felt fantastic. I got the courage to try sucking him. He was intact (uncut) I carefully skinned his foreskin back as I put my mouth on his glans. He had so much smegma and such a foul odor that I felt as though I was going to get sick. I immediately left the lounge, and went to the showers. Ever since that time before I begin oral I play with the cock and smell my hand. If there is an odor "then all shots are off "no oral. I have run into this several times over the years. In fact recently there was a situation where the man had an odor. I politely asked if he minded if I washed his cock, because he was uncut, and he had a very beautiful cock of good size. Everything went fine here.

To be continued:

I have had 2 or 3 similar instances, but none came even close to this one.


Many years before first instance described above I visited a club. This was my first such experience. I was in the TV lounge when a hot man checked in. Minutes later he came into the lounge. We flirted for a while. Both of us were shrouded only in towels. I had never sucked a man before. Flirting progressed to the point where he began to suck my cock. This felt fantastic. I got the courage to try sucking him. He was intact (uncut) I carefully skinned his foreskin back as I put my mouth on his glans. He had so much smegma and such a foul odor that I felt as though I was going to get sick. I immediately left the lounge, and went to the showers. Ever since that time before I begin oral I play with the cock and smell my hand. If there is an odor "then all shots are off "no oral. I have run into this several times over the years. In fact recently there was a situation where the man had an odor. I politely asked if he minded if I washed his cock, because he was uncut, and he had a very beautiful cock of good size. Everything went fine here.

To be continued:
Jeez, man…you fell out of the “smegma & shit tree” and hit every fucking branch on the way down!

There’s no excuse for nasty cock or ass if you‘re out and looking for a hookup…none, unless you are seeking like-minded gentlemen that are into that. Again, sorry that happened. Oh… I saw “to be continued”… golly
The worst one yet was my date crying uncontrollably after we were done, the sex was indescibable (in a VERY bad way). I felt awful as well.