The $10,000 10-inch challenge

That collage pic you shared minimized Holme's size. He was also thicker than most of the other guys and that made his 8+ inches look even bigger. I'm 7 by 6 and I know that I cannot compare to Holme's size at all. He had at least an inch or two on me.

These pictures are more representative of his size when fully erect:
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Was he 10, 11, or 12 inches? Of course not, even on his best day! But when he was at his best, he was likely somewhere between 8 and 9 inches
John Holmes was a total stud.
I feel like John Salley easily has a 10incher, I wish there was a way we could see his

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This is based off of one thing a porn star said years ago. You can’t take these anecdotes seriously. I’m sure the guy has a big dick, but who knows what it means in terms of specific of length/girth measurements. I mean, that’s basically the moral of this thread: don’t take anecdotes & claims seriously.
This is based off of one thing a porn star said years ago. You can’t take these anecdotes seriously. I’m sure the guy has a big dick, but who knows what it means in terms of specific of length/girth measurements. I mean, that’s basically the moral of this thread: don’t take anecdotes & claims seriously.

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Seems like its much more than just Lisa Ann. Besides, she does not seem like a dishonest person
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Seems like its much more than just Lisa Ann. Besides, she does not seem like a dishonest person

It doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a big dick. He probably does. I’m not watching all of this squawking hearsay nonsense. It’s just pointless to speculate in terms of actual numbers or measurements. Anecdotes (especially sexual ones) are some of the most unreliable recounts of events out there.
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Even if not altered, it's bone-pressed so it's about a 9 inch cock, maximum!

If it was real it actually would be more or less 9 + NBP (at least in the right pic) & I’m a complete dumbass with technology, but even I can tell that’s been fucked with with the weird skin texture.
That’s hilarious, has anyone ever seen a cock get hard like that? Animation like a badly made Wallace & Gromit movie.
It actually needs a soundtrack of hissing air as the cock inflates.
That’s hilarious, has anyone ever seen a cock get hard like that? Animation like a badly made Wallace & Gromit movie.
It is a little strange, it's almost like the time lapse photography of a flower blooming. I'm sure that was the desired effect, but like so many 'size specialists' his images require that you buy into a certain amount of fantasy.