The 7 Inch Challenge (0 Dollars Sadly)

Here’s mine
the first one is hilarious with the digital measurement ! I think that is the ruler app on iphone. it is as reliable as this one:)


I bet you are jokeing only with this picture :)
Since we can find the history of it:
Photoshop Penis Larger For Visualization
Fucking shameful @Marcus_xxl ! You had to go and get it shopped and posted it in your gallery and here as if it's you. And @cockboiii believed you too, as well as many others who cannot tell photoshop edits. Fuck anyone who does this, it pisses me off to no end. THIS is anger. Deceptive fucks trying to massage their own fragile insecure egos.
I can see the use of BP measurement for statistical purposes, but in real life NBP measurement is what matters.

And folks, a skinny guy with a 5" cock is hotter, for men and women, than a fat guy with a 8" cock and 3" of fat pad.

Speak for yourself. Skinny or fat, small or big don't matter to me.

Let's not delve into body shaming.
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Fucking shameful @Marcus_xxl ! You had to go and get it shopped and posted it in your gallery and here as if it's you. And @cockboiii believed you too, as well as many others who cannot tell photoshop edits. Fuck anyone who does this, it pisses me off to no end. THIS is anger. Deceptive fucks trying to massage their own fragile insecure egos.

I made a thread about this. Ppl believe everything they see.
A dvd case is 7.5" in height
Yes, I do believe 7 inches is more common than 1.5% of the population. I think that is just BS, and I think everyone who has ever seen naked men anywhere would agree. Clearly more than 1.5 out of 100 guys has a dick 7 inches or bigger. That puts the study into question for me. But clearly we'll find more here than the general population and that is a different thread. Let's see some 7 inch+ dicks!
During my 70+ years of observing cocks, I would estimate more than 10% of our "general population" have cocks that measure greater than 7 inches. I've seen thousands of cocks in various states of arousal. I've only observed 0.5 % of those cocks totally erect. Some of them were more rigid than others, and some were enhanced by cock rings. Ultimately, I'm comparing flaccid cocks to my cock's condition:confused:. My general population is confined by my personal life style and imagination imagery:blush:. I pay more attention to lengthy subject matters, so I might discount the shorter subjects. I guess that I just proved my observational study to be unscientific.