The Lookout Tower (MM)


Expert Member
Nov 27, 2024
90% Gay, 10% Straight
Part 1
The young man seemed to burst from the water, sending ripples across the surface of the lake. He didn’t merely shine but seemed to glisten, fat drops of water sticking to his bare, tan skin, glittering in the sun. He reached back, absentminded, to run a hand through his wet curls, so that Jacob caught a glimpse of his armpit – surprisingly hairy for an otherwise smooth-looking guy.


Jacob realised he was staring, was unable to keep himself from staring. He hoped at least his sunglasses would make it a little less obvious. Now Lake Guy was splashing some water at a girl. (His friend? Girlfriend? What a shame.) She said something Jacob didn’t hear, seemed to pout. Lake Guy just grinned and splashed her again.


Nico’s voice startled Jacob, pulling him back to the task he was supposed to be doing: applying sunscreen to his boyfriend’s back.

“Sorry.” Jacob redirected his attention to Nico’s shoulders and got back to rubbing. He couldn’t help himself from stealing glances at the guy in the lake, though.

Nico had obviously noticed. “Ohhh.” His head turned to look at Jacob over his shoulder, a knowing smile on his face. “He’s pretty cute, huh?”

Why were Jacob’s ears suddenly glowing hot? “He’s all right, I guess.”

“You guess.” Nico guffawed. “You’re adorable, babe.”

“He’s pretty hot, yeah. Uh, cute, I mean.” Jacob didn’t know why he felt so flustered. For a while they both sat staring at Lake Guy, who was ‘pretty cute’, neither of them very subtle. Their companionable silence was only broken when Jacob squirted some more sunscreen onto Nico’s back.

Lake Guy glanced at them a few times – it seemed impossible that he wouldn’t notice them staring, Jacob thought – but paid them no real mind. After a while, he got out of the water, wet swim trunks clinging tightly to his body, revealing the package between his legs.


“I’ll say,” Nico said. “Doesn’t leave much to the imagination, does it?”

Jacob hadn’t realised he’d made the sound out loud. Nico turned to look at him again, grin so wide it nearly split his face in two, causing Jacob’s face to flush a darker shade of red. Nico’s grin grew even wider.

“Oh boy. You got it bad, huh?”

A shy smile appeared on Jacob’s face. He couldn’t help it. His boyfriend’s teasing always made him weak.

“Bet you wanna get over there and drop down to your knees, don’t you?” Nico’s voice was low and husky, a conspirational whisper.

“Yeah.” Jacob’s own swim trunks were getting tight. He hoped nobody would notice his inappropriate public semi – except for maybe the curly lake hottie.

“Maybe even spread your legs, let him fuck you like the little whore you are?” Nico arched an eyebrow. “Getting excited, are we?”

The semi had turned into a full-blown boner. Jacob crossed his legs in a vain attempt to hide it. It was a calm day at the lake, no families with small kids as far as he could see, but still; it took only one Karen with an eye for public indecency to call the cops. Was sporting a stiffy in your swim trunks public indecency? Jacob didn’t know, but better not to risk it.

Nico laughed, a full-throated one, loud enough to cause the boy and his girlfriend (as she must be, he was rubbing sunscreen on her back much the same way Jacob had done to Nico) to curiously glance their way. “Oh,” Nico purred. “I really love to see you squirm.” He leaned back for a kiss, not caring that the other couple was still watching them, and Jacob obliged, slipping in some tongue.

Nico broke off the kiss and pulled back, a new grin plastered across his face. “Easy there, tiger.” He stretched and laid back on their towel, arms folded beneath his head, showing off his stubbled armpits. Jacob’s cock twitched. It took a lot of willpower not to bury his nose – or his entire face – in Nico’s pits. Even so, Jacob took a little sniff, making sure not to get too close, to be subtle. There was only a hint of Nico’s natural musk, hidden beneath the stronger scents of deodorant and sunscreen.

“Not here,” Nico said lazily, not even shifting his body, leaving his armpit exposed toward Jacob like it was some kind of challenge. Jacob heard himself whimper; a pathetic, needy sound, which only seemed to amuse his boyfriend more. “Take a walk, babe. I’m trying to catch some sun here.”

Nico’s tone was light, but still the rejection stung. Jacob got to his feet with a huff, his erection already wilting. “Fine. I think I will.”

“Oh, don’t pout.”

“I’m not.”

“I’ll give you some attention once we get back home.” Nico waggled his eyebrows. “How’s that sound?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Jacob knew he was being churlish – but also didn’t really care. Patience had never been his strong suit. He took one last look at Lake Guy, deep in conversation now with his girlfriend, and hoped they wouldn’t have left by the time he came back from his walk. “Whatever you say.”
Part 2
The sun beat down on Jacob’s bare neck and shoulders. He was wearing a tight-fitting black tank top – usually it made him feel sexy, but he regretted wearing it now. The sting in his neck told him he was getting a sunburn already; he’d been too preoccupied putting lotion on Nico (and staring at Lake Guy) to take care of his own skin. Jacob swore under his breath – of course the sunscreen was back by the lake, with Nico. He hadn’t gone that far yet, but his stubborn streak prevented him from turning around and going back.

I won’t give him the satisfaction.

To be fair, Jacob didn’t have any real complaints about his sex life with Nico. They’d been together for over five years now, so some of the initial spark had faded; still, they went at it a couple of times a week, usually. And Nico didn’t mind if Jacob had the occasional adventure on his own, but in between work and the usual life stuff, those had become pretty rare.

No, he shouldn’t blame Nico for his own frustrations. But at the same time, seeing that guy in the lake had stirred something inside Jacob; he hadn’t felt that need in a long time. It would’ve been nice if Nico could have matched his energy, even if Jacob didn’t understand where this sudden rush of horniness had come from – even if he hadn’t expressed any of it to his boyfriend. Even now, he was thinking about Lake Guy’s body, how it would feel to trail his tongue over the guy’s hardening nipple, down to his abs, then further down still.

Jacob stopped in his tracks. Frowned. He’d been so lost in thought that he had been walking on auto-pilot. Was he still on the trail? He didn’t recognise his surroundings from his previous walks around the lake; he was definitely still on some kind of path, but it was more overgrown and narrow than the one he usually followed.

There was no real risk of getting lost; still, Jacob pulled out his phone and opened the Maps app. As he’d half expected, the app was next to useless out here; it showed his position as a blue dot in a field of green. But he did see the main trail on the map, a dotted line not that far from the blue dot.

Jacob considered backtracking; then, on a whim, he decided to see where the overgrown path would take him. He didn’t really have a destination in mind, anyway, and it seemed less likely he’d run into other people here – not that he’d mind running into Lake Guy here, but that kind of stuff didn’t just happen in real life. He’d have some time to stew, maybe let his mind wander towards some more erotic fantasies as he followed the trail. He could even have a quick jerk out here in nature, something he’d never done before; his cock twitched again at the thought.

Soon, Jacob was huffing. Sweat was running down his back, soaking his tank top and making it stick to his skin. The path had been leading him up an incline, so gradual at first that he hadn’t noticed. He considered turning back – he hadn’t anticipated a hike up a hill, hadn’t even realised there were any hills by the lake – but in the end, curiosity drove him onward. He still hadn’t come across another person, but he’d spotted several magpies. Something rustled; he saw a small shape darting away in the underbrush. A rabbit? A squirrel?

This was… nice. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen a rabbit in the wild; it must’ve been when he was a kid. He used to be a lot more outdoorsy. Then he’d moved to the city when he was a teen, and city life had kind of snuck up on him. Sure, Nico often suggested these spontaneous trips to the lake, but usually Jacob just hung out with him and the other tourists by the shore. And whenever they did take a walk, they didn’t stray from the main track, which was crowded with joggers, no matter the time or season.

He should go on little nature walks more often; weren’t there any cruising spots in forests near the city? He’d have to look it up. Jacob imagined himself running into a ripped shirtless jogger out in the woods, off the beaten track – only in his imagination, the jogger was actually Lake Guy. Nico had been spot on; Jacob would fall to his knees in a heartbeat for that guy. He kept on walking, up the hill, one hand absentmindedly stroking his hardening dick through his shorts.

After a while, Jacob came to a clearing at the top of the hill – and, to his surprise, a shabby-looking lookout tower. Cigarette butts and empty beer cans lay scattered around the tower, and something that might have been someone’s underwear once – Jacob didn’t care to look closer. He’d never have guessed there was a tower here; it was completely invisible from the lake.

He stood for a moment, wondering if he should climb the tower. It looked worn, but sturdy; a frame of solid metal clad with wooden panes. Again, his curiosity urged him forward; he’d be able to see most of the lake from up there, without anyone being able to see him. Maybe he could even spy on Lake Guy. The thought made him feel a little ashamed, while simultaneously turning him on more.

He’d come this far; might as well climb the tower.

Something rustled behind him just as he approached the stairs. Jacob turned, expecting to see another woodland critter scurrying away. Nothing there; too slow.

A branch snapped. Jacob scanned the forest, trying to spot any movement, but there was nothing again. Wait – something was moving down the trail, too far away for Jacob to make out through the trees and the undergrowth. Now he heard a scuffing noise – like from a shoe scrabbling up the hard-packed dirt of the trail. Someone else was coming up here.

Jacob sighed. So much for being alone and having the privacy to spy on people. That had probably been a stupid idea, anyway. His cock was still hard and bulging in his shorts; he wasn’t thinking straight. And now, with someone approaching, he couldn’t even jerk off.

Annoyed, Jacob tucked his hard dick in his shorts’ waistband and started to climb.

His footsteps on the stairs echoed in the clearing. Pretty soon, he reached the first platform; the usual kind of graffiti was scrawled on the wooden walls (‘JAY LOVES STACY’ and ‘FREE PALESTINE’) and there were even more empty beer cans and bottles on the floor – and a discarded condom. Someone’d had a party here.

Wish that had been me. Jacob pushed the thought away. He wasn’t that horny and desperate yet, to have sex surrounded by other people’s litter. At least, he liked to think he wasn’t.

More stairs led up, so Jacob kept climbing. The second platform offered more of the same; trash and graffiti and stairs going further up. Jacob had started to sweat again; he swatted at some bugs that had come to investigate his face while he went up another floor.

The tower turned out to be roofless, exposing the third and final platform to the elements. The view was partially blocked by treetops but still offered a glimpse of the lake and the surrounding area. The platform was secured by hip-height railings, covered up with wooden boards, those in turn covered in more graffiti. One tag drew Jacob’s eye; ‘SUCK MY DICK’ in huge, sprawling letters.

Jacob sighed. If only there was a dick around to suck. He reached for his shorts again, where his erection was still pinned to his stomach, his cock so hard it was starting to hurt.

The sound of echoing footsteps gave him pause. Someone was coming up.

He gave himself a quick squeeze anyway; his dick throbbed immediately in reply. Jacob groaned in frustration. This was all Nico’s fault; if only he’d put out, Jacob wouldn’t be trapped here with a hard-on that wouldn’t go away – and someone about to walk in on him.

Oh well. Nothing he could do about any of that, now, except to try and be a little discreet; whoever was coming up didn’t need to see Jacob’s shorts tenting out. He turned away, his back to the stairs, pretending he’d been taking in the view. Maybe if he pretended long enough his erection would calm down, and he could get back to Nico – and whatever Nico had planned for him, when he said he’d give Jacob some attention when they got back home.

Not a helpful thought. Focus!

Footsteps behind him; the other person had reached the platform. Another hiker, probably – or, more likely, a teenager using the lookout tower as a place to get drunk or high in peace. He half-turned, casually shielding his crotch from view with a hand, to nod a greeting to the newcomer–

His heart skipped a beat.

It was Lake Guy.
Part 3
Up close, Jacob could see Lake Guy’s body was not entirely smooth; short hair, pale brown to the point it was almost blond, covered his chest – flat, with just the hint of muscle. A trail of thicker hair ran down from just below Lake Guy’s navel and disappeared into his swim trunks. He wore a thin chain around his neck, silver maybe, or some other kind of metal; it glinted in the sun.

And he looked nervous.

Because you’re staring at him like a creep.

Okay. True. Be cool. Jacob checked his face, attempting to hide his surprise and sudden excitement, and gave Lake Guy a bro nod – which would have been casual, if it weren’t for the fact he couldn’t stop his eyes from roving all over Lake Guy’s body, trying to take everything in and memorise the view for later use in his wank bank.

Nope. Still creepy.

Lake Guy returned the nod, his own eyes wandering down – and oh Jesus Jacob had turned without thinking, his tented boxers now in full view of Lake Guy – and obviously drawing his attention. Lake Guy’s eyes darted back up to Jacob’s face for a moment, and then sideways, to something down and behind Jacob. Without thinking, Jacob turned to see what Lake Guy was looking at.

Nothing there, besides the wooden plating with the stickers and the graffiti – ‘SUCK MY DICK’ jumped out at him again. He glanced back at Lake Guy, who pointedly ignored him and kept looking at the wall. The ‘SUCK MY DICK’ tag was huge; it wasn’t that much of a stretch to assume Lake Guy was looking at it too.

Looking at it – and getting turned on, judging by the way Lake Guy’s swim trunks started to tent out.

Something in Jacob’s brain short-circuited as he stared at the bulge between the other guy’s legs; all rational thoughts went out the window, and instead he was left with Cruising Etiquette 101. He brought his eyes up from Lake Guy’s crotch to his face, slowly, exaggerating the action. Lake Guy’s eyes flickered to Jacob again; they made brief eye contact before Lake Guy looked back at the graffiti.

Jacob turned his head to follow Lake Guy’s gaze, slow and deliberate, before making eye contact again. Then, heart pounding in his ears and without looking away, Jacob lowered himself to his knees. His legs shook only a little, considering how jittery he felt.

There was a moment where nothing happened, long enough to make Jacob worry if he’d misread the situation completely somehow, if Lake Guy would turn and walk away – or worse, if Jacob was about to get hate-crimed.

Then Lake Guy closed the distance between them, his movements a nervous rush that made clear to Jacob he wanted this just as much. Jacob guessed he wasn’t the only one frustrated with his partner today.

Lake Guy fumbled with his trunks’ drawstring for a few moments, allowing Jacob to feast his eyes on the bulge that was now hovering right in front of his face. Jacob craned his neck, pressed his nose against Lake Guy’s crotch, trying to get a feel for his dick – hard, heavy – while wishing Lake Guy would get on with untying the drawstring. He let out a frustrated whine, shocked himself at how pathetic and needy it sounded.

Lake Guy noticed. He bucked his hips, grinding his hard-on against Jacob’s face, his mostly dried swim trunks still frustratingly in the way.

“This what you want?” Lake Guy’s voice was low and husky.

“Yes. Fuck, yes.” Jacob could imagine the view he presented to Lake Guy all too well; big, needy eyes looking up while his nose and lips brushed against fabric.

Lake Guy’s face lit up with his lopsided grin. “I knew it. You were checking me out back there by the lake. What’s your man think of that?”

Jacob shrugged in response, pressing his face harder against the other man’s groin, getting a whiff of Lake Guy’s musk even through the swim trunks.

“Damn. You’re just a big slut, aren’t you?”

“Uh-huh.” He traced the outline of Lake Guy’s cock with his lips, teasing – though it wasn’t clear who he was teasing more, Lake Guy or himself. His own dick felt like it was about to burst through his shorts; he made another pathetic whining sound.

“Oh, you want my dick bad, huh?” Lake Guy’s voice had become even more husky. He seemed done fiddling with the drawstring now, had his thumbs hooked behind his waistband but didn’t seem inclined to pull down the trunks. He moved his hips, rubbing his hard cock against Jacob’s face, slowly, so close and still maddeningly out of reach. “Don’t you?”

“Yes,” Jacob moaned, looking up only to see Lake Guy grinning down at him. “Yes, please.”

The grin widened. “Oh, that’s good, yeah. Beg me for it.”

“Please, please, I want it, I really do.” The words came faster than Jacob had time to think about them, a pathetic whine.

Lake Guy took a step back, made a tsk sound between his teeth. “Come on. You can do better than that.” He briefly pulled down his trunks a fraction, revealing trimmed pubes – their color a shade darker brown than his chest hair – before covering up again. “Now beg me.”

Jacob whimpered, a rush of lust washing over him at the glimpse – and at Lake Guy’s words. Nobody had ever talked to him like that, not even Nico during their more adventurous trysts. “Please, Sir, I’m begging, please, I want it, I need it, I need it so bad–”

Lake Guy grinned. “Yeah? You gonna suck it good?”

“Yes. Fuck, yes.” Jacob craned his neck, but Lake Guy kept his cock tantalisingly out of reach. Suddenly Lake Guy reached out, roughly grabbing Jacob by the chin and forcing him to look up.

“Yes, who?”

“Yes, Sir,” Jacob said meekly, eyes wide.

Lake Guy grinned, satisfied. “Get to it, then.” He let go of Jacob’s face, straightened up and – finally! – pulled down his swim trunks. His dick sprung upwards, freed from its restraints, and smacked against Jacob’s face with surprising force.

Jacob took a moment to admire Lake Guy’s cock in all its revealed glory. It wasn’t very thick, but what it lacked in girth, it more than made up for in length. Veiny and with a slight upward curve; Jacob already knew it was heavier than it looked.

And it was very hard.

Lake Guy’s glans was pink and swollen, leaking a thin stream of precum already. Jacob couldn’t help himself from licking it. It felt warm against his tongue, tasting slightly salty. Jacob leaned forward, nipping at Lake Guy’s glans with his lips, licking it, giving it sloppy kisses; it was beautiful. It felt so good against his tongue. He wanted to make love to it.

“Bitch, don’t tease me.” Lake Guy’s voice was a breathless growl. “Suck my dick, come on.”

He didn’t give Jacob a chance to react; he grabbed Jacob’s hair with one hand, the base of his shaft with the other – angling his cock so it aligned with Jacob’s mouth. “Open up.”

Jacob did as he was told.

“That’s right, there you go.” Without wasting any more time, Lake Guy thrust his hips forward, shoving the full length of his cock down Jacob’s throat in one swift movement. Jacob was taken by surprise – he’d expected some buildup before full-on throatfucking – and found himself retching, his mouth filling with saliva. He pulled back – tried to, at least, but Lake Guy held his head firmly in place.

“Fuck yeah, there you go. Come on, open up that throat for me.”

Jacob tried desperately to relax his throat while Lake Guy started pushing in even deeper, not bothering to wait for Jacob to be ready. Jacob realised Lake Guy didn’t care; he was gonna force every inch of his dick down Jacob’s throat, whether Jacob could handle it or not.

He retched again, choking; he couldn’t suppress a wet cough, splattering Lake Guy’s balls with thick saliva. Drool ran down Jacob’s chin. He couldn’t breathe; he’d have to pull back soon, no matter what Lake Guy wanted. But first…

Jacob willed his throat to relax and leaned, in effect forcing himself to take even more of Lake Guy’s cock. He tried to ignore the discomfort – bordering on pain now – and focused on the sensation of having his throat stuffed fuller than it had ever been.

Oh! Fuck, yeah.” Lake Guy responded in kind and grabbed Jacob’s head with both hands, pushing. “Just like that.”

Jacob’s nose was squished flat against Lake Guy’s hard belly. His body shook and spasmed as he retched again and again. He stayed exactly where he was, determined to hold out for as long as he could while Lake Guy gasped and trembled.

He had to breathe at some point, though. Black spots were starting to appear across his vision. One more second… and then one more… At last, when Jacob could hold out no longer, he pulled back. Lake Guy resisted him, keeping Jacob’s head pinned in place, forcing him past his limit and pushing for one more second.

Can’t breathe, can’t… Jacob panicked, spasmed, cried out – a wet, muffled sound.

One more endless second…

Lake Guy let go.

Jacob pulled back fully, feeling equal parts relieved and disappointed as Lake Guy’s dick slipped out of his mouth, slippery and glistening with Jacob’s saliva. He wheezed and coughed, tried to catch his breath. His throat felt raw and sore already, as if he’d been sucking cock for an hour instead of barely five minutes. A small puddle had already formed on the floor, saliva seeping down the cracks between the planks. No doubt he’d gotten some drool on his tank top, too; his face was wet with it, and tears were running down his cheeks.

“Come on,” Lake Guy said, a note of impatience in his voice. “Again.” His cock was already probing, sliding against Jacob’s face, spreading even more of his saliva around while Jacob still desperately tried to catch his breath. Jacob turned his face, trying to indicate he needed a moment, started to say as much when Lake Guy grabbed him and wrenched his head towards his glistening cock again, thrusting it forward. “Open up.”

“Please, just a–” Jacob coughed. “I just need… a second…” Even as he babbled, he was unable to keep his eyes off Lake Guy’s cock.

A swift open-handed slap in the face was Lake Guy’s response. Jacob fell silent, stunned. For a split second, he thought about getting up and leaving – and suddenly he worried that Lake Guy wouldn’t let him.

“Come on. Open up.”

That hard cock, bouncing against his face, eager to get in his throat again. And Jacob wanted it too, God, yes. Despite his discomfort and fear, he had never been so turned on in his life.

“You wanted this. You told me. Didn’t you?”

“Yeah,” Jacob babbled, his voice hoarse. “I did. I want it. Sir.”

“You begged for it. Didn’t you?”

“I begged for it, Sir. I still want it. Please.”

“Then take it!

Lake Guy bucked his hips, not waiting for an answer. Jacob took it, letting Lake Guy’s cock fill up his throat once more, while Jacob choked and coughed around it, dribbling drool.

“That’s it,” Lake Guy breathed. “That’s a good slut. You like having my cock down your throat, don’t you?”

“Uh-huh,” Jacob managed to choke out, throat full and nose buried in Lake Guy’s pubes.

“Yeah, of course you do. Fucking slut.” Lake Guy slapped him again, hard, before grabbing Jacob’s hair with both hands. He held Jacob’s head in place and started fucking his throat, slow and methodical, thrusting deep. Despite Jacob’s best efforts, he couldn’t stop his throat from spasming whenever Lake Guy slid his length inside. After a few thrusts, Jacob noticed the other man’s gasps and moans when this happened, clearly enjoying how Jacob’s throat constricted around his glans.

“Yeah, just like that. You’re doing so good, taking all of it.”

The praise made Jacob light-headed. He’d never had any reason to doubt his talents as a cocksucker, but there was something thrilling about having his skill acknowledge by a guy currently ravaging his throat. His throat was starting to really hurt now that Lake Guy was fucking it raw; Jacob willed himself to relax and keep it open, despite the pain. He reached out, eagerly sliding a hand over Lake Guy’s body, all the way up to his chest, eliciting a soft moan and an increased pace of thrusts.

“Fuck yeah. Oh, I’m getting close – keep that throat open for me, slut.”

Jacob moaned in anticipation, leaning forward, tweaking Lake Guy’s nipple. He needed to breathe again but pushed past it, willing himself to hold out for a few more moments, just until Lake Guy blew his load down Jacob’s throat…

A new voice sounded. “Oh. Uh.”

Jacob whined as Lake Guy’s cock slipped out of his mouth. It hovered in front of his face, swollen and wet and dripping, twitching in sync with lake Guy’s heartbeat.

And, beyond Lake Guy’s cock, a young guy in a ratty hoodie – of all things, in this weather – staring at them, wide-eyed.


For a moment that seemed to stretch into forever, none of them spoke. Only Jacob made any sound, catching his breath and – despite the situation – whimpering softly at the all too sudden removal of Lake Guy’s dick from his throat.

Lake Guy himself stood frozen. His dick was still rock-hard and twitching, though.

The newcomer raised his hands, palms outward. “Yo, my bad. I, uh, didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Thinking back on it later, Jacob would never be able to pin down exactly what possessed him to do what he did next. Rationallly, he knew he should’ve cut his losses. Should’ve just accepted that a ridiculously hot guy roughly facefucked him, but was interrupted before he could reward Jacob with his cum.

I didn’t mean to interrupt.

Lake Guy’s cock in front of his face, throbbing and glistening wet, a rope of saliva still connecting it to Jacob’s mouth.

Oh, I’m getting close.

Jacob’s own cock, rock-hard and straining against his shorts. He wanted to – no, needed to – taste Lake Guy’s cum.

And, after all his hard work, he deserved it.

So he took Lake Guy’s cock in his mouth again, and started sucking. He ran his tongue over Lake Guy’s glans – swollen so hard Jacob wondered how it had ever fit down his throat – and felt Lake Guy’s dick pulse in response. Jacob tightened his lips around it, applying more pressure, and started sucking faster and deeper. By now, his throat was really sore, but he kept going as deep as he could.

He’d half expected Lake Guy would stop him, would pull away and flee. But after only the shortest moment, Lake Guy groaned and grabbed Jacob’s head, turning his full attention to fucking Jacob’s throat again.

Daaaamn, yo,” the newcomer said, awe in his voice. Jacob was only vaguely aware, all his attention focused on servicing Lake Guy’s cock. It was clear Lake Guy wouldn’t last much longer; he was bucking his hips eratically, his legs spasming while he alternately gasped and groaned.

“Fuck… Keep taking it, don’t stop…”

Jacob did as he was told. There was little for him to do now, except to hold on and ‘take it’, as Lake Guy said. His head was gripped tight, stuck in place. He was helpless to stop Lake Guy’s cock punishing his throat, even if he’d wanted to. Darkness hovered at the edges of his vision, closing in – he’d really have to breathe, and soon.

He could hold on for just one more second.

“Oh!” Lake Guy gasped. “I’m gonna – I’m cumming, I –”

Jacob felt the spasms deep in his throat, felt it become unbearably full as Lake Guy filled it with his cum. Jacob’s body reacted on instinct; he choked and coughed and tried to pull back. Lake Guy strained against Jacob, holding him in place.

Jacob was spasming; so much cum was shooting down his throat, it was impossible for his body not to think he was drowning. He coughed again, cum and spit coming out and splattering Lake Guy’s balls before dripping to the ground.

Still Lake Guy wouldn’t let go, forcing his cock even deeper down Jacob’s throat even as Jacob struggled against him, moaning loudly all the while.

Just before Jacob felt sure he was going to pass out, Lake Guy pulled back. His cock slid out easily, slick with spit and cum. Jacob wheezed, trying to get all the oxygen he could.

It seemed Lake Guy wasn’t quite done with him yet, though.

“Clean up your mess, slut. Come on.”

For a second, Jacob didn’t understand. Only when he looked at Lake Guy’s cock, dripping with cum that hadn’t made it down Jacob’s throat, he realised what was being asked of him. He went at it, eager, licking Lake Guy’s cock and balls clean. Lake Guy’s cum was thick and salty on Jacob’s tongue.

“That’s right. Get every last drop.”

Jacob took his time, slowly tracing the length of Lake Guy’s cock up and down with his tongue several times. He lingered on Lake Guy’s balls, leisurely lapping up the cum spatters there that he’d coughed up himself only moments before.

All too soon, Lake Guy stepped back. He gave his cock a critical once-over, and, apparently satisfied, pulled up his swim trunks.

“Good job.” Lake Guy’s voice was clipped; business-like. “Thanks.”

And with that, he walked away.

Jacob followed him with his eyes, still processing what had just happened – and surprised to see the newcomer still lingering at the top of the stairs. Jacob had forgotten all about him.

Lake Guy didn’t even spare a glance for the newcomer as he passed him; the new guy in turn politely looked away, pretending to suddenly be very interested in the wide vistas the lookout tower offered. Lake Guy’s footsteps echoed as he made his way down the stairs, and then all was quiet again.
Part 4
Until the newcomer cleared his throat.

Jacob realised he should probably have left when Lake Guy did; things might get awkward now that it was just him and a random stranger (who’d walked in on him sucking off another random stranger, granted).

Yet he stayed where he was. Lake Guy had reduced him to a shaking, drooling mess – he needed a moment to recover. He didn’t trust his legs to be able to support his weight right now.

“Yo, like, I’m definitely not gay or anything,” the newcomer started to say, before he trailed off and cleared his throat again. His eyes darted from Jacob to the graffiti and back again. “But that looked really hot.”

Jacob didn’t respond. He took a moment to look at the new guy. Young. On the pale side, with a wispy black moustache and beard. Jacob could see now he was rather skinny, but hid the fact by wearing baggy clothes, a dark hoodie and loose sweatpants – and Jacob’s eyes lingered for a moment on the bulge that was evident between the newcomer’s legs. The outfit was topped off with a black NY cap.

The new guy’s eyes darted around again. He was clearly nervous. Unprompted, he said, “Yo, my girl would never let me nut down her throat like that.” He scoffed, a frown flickering across his face. “She’d never suck me like that, either. Not in a million years.”

He gave Jacob a look brimming with frustration and meaning.

Jacob hesitated. He probably shouldn’t – his throat was sore already, his jaw numb, and his dignity didn’t even bear thinking about. And yet… he was still incredibly horny, even more so than before Lake Guy had facefucked him. And, if he was honest with himself, this was exactly what he’d always wanted; to be on his knees, helpless, as one man after another made use of his mouth and throat. It wasn’t something he’d ever admitted to anyone, not even Nico. So far, he’d explored it only through porn.

Could he really resist, now that it was happening to him for real?

Jacob smiled, hardly having to think about the question. He met the new guy’s eyes briefly before opening his mouth.

That was all the encouragement the newcomer needed before approaching, practically falling over himself as he did so. Jacob felt a flush of heat when it sank in this was the second guy today who was all too eager to get his dick in Jacob’s mouth.

If only every day could be like this.

New guy didn’t waste time pulling down his sweatpants, revealing he’d been going commando. Jacob took a moment to admire this new dick in front of his face. It was a lot girthier than Lake Guy’s, and only slightly less long. Jacob had heard somewhere that all skinny guys have monster cocks, and this guy was doing nothing to disprove that theory. The thick bush of dark pubic hair drew Jacob’s attention – this guy clearly wasn’t much into manscaping.

“Uh, yo, do you mind? I came up here to smoke this. Usually there’s no one here, but…” New guy trailed off. He’d produced a joint from somewhere inside his hoodie.

Jacob hadn’t smoked weed since his college days – and even then, the stuff had made him drowsy more than anything else. Still, who was he to deny another man’s guilty pleasure?

Especially a man I’m about to suck dry.

“Yeah, go ahead. I don’t mind.”

“Thanks, man.” Weed Guy lit up. “It helps me relax,” he added meekly.

“Yeah? Maybe I can help with that, too.”

Weed Guy took a drag off his joint. “Yeah man, I hope s– Oh! Damn.”

Jacob had to strain to open his mouth wide enough to take Weed Guy’s dick, but not as much as he’d feared. Weed Guy’s dick was warm and tangy; his whole crotch area was definitely more fragrant than Lake Guy’s had been. Jacob found he didn’t mind; if anything, the heady scent of the other man’s musk made him even more eager.

In spite of that, Jacob decided to pace himself. He took his time working Weed Guy’s cock up and down, sucking it sloppily so drool ran down along the shaft to Weed Guy’s hairy balls.

“Oh my God, man. Yo, that feels amazing.” Weed Guy did sound more relaxed, his voice slurring a little. “Suck my balls? Please?”

Jacob grinned, planting kisses along the length of Weed Guy’s cock as he made his way down. “You don’t have to say please.”

“Okay. Sorry.”

“Or sorry.” Jacob teased Weed Guy’s balls with the tip of his tongue, eliciting a soft moan. They were large, heavy, and definitely tight. Jacob leaned in to a get a good sniff – and instead got a face full of acrid smoke.

He coughed, looked up to see Weed Guy staring down, back at him. “Whoops. Sorry. I mean, I didn’t think – I didn’t mean –”

“Don’t worry about it,” Jacob said, trying to remember if second-hand weed smoke could get you high – and deciding he wouldn’t really mind if it did. He turned his attention back to Weed Guy’s balls, licking and teasing them, slowly building up the intensity. Occasionally, another cloud of smoke would billow into his face, and he’d glance up to see Weed Guy staring, biting his lower lip, clearly enjoying seeing Jacob at work.

And Jacob definitely felt something, a slowly rising heat and an overwhelming desire to feel his throat filled beyond capacity again. He didn’t know if it was an effect from the smoke, or just his all-natural horniness, boosted beyond anything he’d known before by the fact that he was worshipping a guy’s balls while he still had cum from another guy dripping down his throat.

Meanwhile, Weed Guy had started slowly stroking his monster cock, occasionally rubbing it against Jacob’s forehead. It was so heavy. Jacob realised he was whimpering again, sounding even needier than before.

“Look at me.” Weed Guy sounded hoarse; he cleared this throat. “Stick out your tongue.”

Jacob looked up and exteded his tongue as far as it would go, moaning as he did.

Weed Guy slowly slid his dick against Jacob’s tongue, tracing saliva all over Jacob’s face. Jacob moaned as Weed Guy grabbed his cock by the base and bounced it off Jacob’s face, every impact a meaty thud. Whenever Jacob managed to tear his eyes off Weed Guy’s dick, he tried to make eye contact. Weed Guy looked decidedly more pink than before, his face flushed with heat and his breath coming slow and heavy. Unexpectedly, he leaned forward – Jacob’s first thought was that he was coming in for a kiss – and spat in Jacob’s open mouth.

No one, not even Nico, had ever done that to Jacob before.

He let out a breathy moan. I sound like a whore.

He didn’t break eye contact as he took Weed Guy’s dick again. It slid in easy, thanks to the extra spit in Jacob’s mouth.

“Fuck, your mouth feels so good, man.”

Jacob hummed his assent, knowing full well the vibration against his cock would only impress Weed Guy more. He wasn’t disappointed.

Oh! Yo, I dunno what you’re doing, man, but that is nice.”

Jacob was only getting started. He went deeper, forcing Weed Guy’s cock down his throat, desperate to get his full length. It was proving much more difficult than with Lake Guy, but Jacob had never been one to shy away from a challenge. He was choking, suffocating himself on cock, but he barely noticed. All that mattered was to go deeper.

“Holy shiiiiit.”

Weed Guy’s breathless exclamation was the final push Jacob needed. His teeth hit Weed Guy’s pubes – this was as deep as he was going to get. He forced himself to stay still, his throat spasming and contracting around Weed Guy’s cock as his body fought for oxygen.

Finally, with a retching cough and a lot of drool, Jacob pulled back. Mouth still open and dripping, he glanced up at Weed Guy – who stared back, open-mouthed, breathing heavily. It took him only the briefest moment to recover and spit in Jacob’s mouth again.

Jacob proceeded to give the sloppiest blowjob in his life – so far, at least. He lost track of time, getting completely lost in the action of slobbering down Weed Guy’s dick. Judging by his gasps and moans, Weed Guy was feeling much the same way. Jacob settled into a rhythm, keeping it slow but taking Weed Guy’s dick as deep as possible.

“Fuck, man, you’re driving me crazy.” Weed Guy’s voice cracked as he spoke. “C’mon. Move.”

Jacob allowed himself to be jostled into a different position. Weed Guy’s hands were rough on his body, urgent and impatient. His need was obviously overwhelming. Jacob couldn’t imagine this guy saying ‘please’ and ‘sorry’ anymore, and couldn’t help but feel proud at causing the guy to become so overpowered by desire. Weed Guy pushed him back until Jacob hit a wall – the wooden panel that served as a railing to the lookout tower, the one sporting the huge ‘SUCK MY DICK’ tag that started all of this.

Put in my place, where I belong, Jacob thought feverishly as Weed Guy crowded him, pressing on until Jacob was pinned tight against the wall. No escape – not that he wanted one, anyway.

Weed Guy slapped his dripping cock against Jacob’s face, eliciting more moans and whimpers. He angled his monster cock so it aligned with Jacob’s open mouth and pushed; Jacob gagged, tears streaming down his face.

“Fuck yeah,” Weed Guy whispered. “I’m not gonna last much longer.” He continued fucking Jacob’s throat, tantalisingly slow, pushing his cock all the way in, stretching Jacob’s throat before pulling all the way back out again just as slow. Occasionally his cock missed Jacob’s mouth; instead of pulling back, Weed Guy finished the slow thrusting movement, his heavy thick cock sliding against Jacob’s face, trailing spit everywhere.

“It’s so fucking wet,” Weed Guy murmured. His thrusts slowed down even more as his breathing became heavier. Jacob felt the other man’s cock twitch and pulse as his throat clamped down on it, and knew it wouldn’t be much longer. The thought prompted another series of slutty whines.

“I’m so close…” Weed Guy pushed home one last time, balls touching Jacob’s chin. Jacob chocked and spluttered, helplessly trapped against the wall. “Fuck, I’m gonna nut… Oh, fuck, I wanna see…”

Weed Guy pulled back as he started to cum; Jacob leaned forward, sticking out his tongue so as to not spill a single drop. Weed Guy reached out to the railing behind Jacob, knees buckling while he looked down on Jacob as he blew his load into Jacob’s mouth. Jacob stared back, unblinking, pressing his tongue against Weed Guy’s glans, lapping up the sweet, thick cum – his reward for a job well done.

Weed Guy took a while – there was a lot of cum. Jacob swallowed it all. He was desperate to reach out and stroke his own cock – he’d need only a few seconds before cumming too – but he resisted the urge, focussing on Weed Guy’s gift instead.

Like a good slut.

Weed Guy slowly stroked his dick, squeezing the last drops of cum out and onto Jacob’s tongue. Weed Guy was the one who broke eye contact first, suddenly seeming shy again. He stepped back and absentmindedly wiped his cock dry with one of his sleeves before tucking it back in his sweatpants, where it left a pretty obvious bulge still.

“Well… thanks,” Weed Guy said awkwardly. “Maybe… Maybe I’ll see you around again, huh?” Before Jacob got a chance to reply, Weed Guy had turned and made his way to the stairs, disappearing a moment later.

Used like a slut, discarded the moment they cum. The rational voice in his mind screamed at him to be offended, to have some self-respect. Possibly to re-evaluate some recent life choices.

Any other day, he might’ve listened to that voice.

(As if it wasn’t already far too late now.)

But he’d gone too far. Something had awakened in him, some part of him that had maybe always been there and that he’d chosen to ignore for too long.

Today he had finally fed that part of of him – and, starving for so long, it had taken all it could get. He realised that now. There would be no going back from that.

Jacob smiled, alone in the lookout tower once again, spit and tears and cum dribbling down his face.

Maybe it was time he went to find his boyfriend.
Part 5 - The End
The lake didn’t look any different than when he’d left – barely over an hour and a half ago, Jacob was shocked to find. It’d felt like he’d been on his knees sucking cock all afternoon.

He’d cleaned himself up as best as he could. His tank top was a lost cause, a trail of drool and cum running down its front, so Jacob had taken it off and used it to wipe his face dry. He’d made his way back to the lake shirtless, the soiled tank top balled up in his hand. After all that had happened, his cock wouldn’t go down. He was beyond caring if anyone might notice his tented shorts.

Nico spotted him and waved him over.

Jacob grinned and made his way across the grass. He spotted Lake Guy, deep in conversation with his girlfriend, one possessive hand on her knee. Neither of them looked Jacob’s way. He only grinned wider.

“Hi, stranger.” Before Jacob could stop him, Nico was giving him an open-mouthed kiss, his tongue slipping in. “Hmm,” Nico said. “You taste like dick. Had some fun, then?”

Jacob bit his lower lip. “I did,” he admitted.

“You absolute slut,” Nico said, affectionately. Sounding proud, even. He leaned in close and lowered his voice to a conspirational whisper. “Always knew you had it in you, babe.”

Jacob found himself blushing.

Nico glanced down. “Oh! And it looks like you’re still excited.”

“I saved myself for you,” Jacob said, very demure.

Nico matched his grin. “Good boy.” His eyes darted in the direction of Lake Guy. “I think you caused a lover’s spat.”

Jacob followed his boyfriend’s gaze. The other couple did seem to be arguing, the girl turning her body away while Lake Guy talked and gesticulated at her.

“Maybe she’ll leave in a minute, and we can invite him home with us,” Nico suggested.

Jacob frowned. “Nah. I’d rather have you all to myself.”

“That right?”

“Yup.” Jacob looked into Nico’s eyes. “You promised you’d give me some attention when we got home. I don’t wanna share it.”

Nico laughed. “I did promise, didn’t I.” He leaned in again, his hot breath tickling Jacob’s ear as he whispered. “How about we go home then, and I remind you of who owns you, slut?”

Jacob took Nico’s hand in his and pressed a chaste kiss against his boyfriend’s lips.

“Yes, please.”
Really really good story, you write well too - Good descriptions of the cocks and sex scenes, would love more!
Thank you! I've got some more free stories on my website and on Literotica, and a couple e-books on Smashwords. I'm trying some kind of freemium model so a couple of the Smashwords stories will eventually be free to read on my website too.

But glad you liked it! Sometimes I worry I get a little too caught up in the details of writing sex scenes, so it's nice to hear those are appreciated. :)
Thank you! I've got some more free stories on my website and on Literotica, and a couple e-books on Smashwords. I'm trying some kind of freemium model so a couple of the Smashwords stories will eventually be free to read on my website too.

But glad you liked it! Sometimes I worry I get a little too caught up in the details of writing sex scenes, so it's nice to hear those are appreciated. :)
What’s your website’s URL?
Thank you! I've got some more free stories on my website and on Literotica, and a couple e-books on Smashwords. I'm trying some kind of freemium model so a couple of the Smashwords stories will eventually be free to read on my website too.

But glad you liked it! Sometimes I worry I get a little too caught up in the details of writing sex scenes, so it's nice to hear those are appreciated. :)
No!! The details are great and so appreciated, please continue to get caught up in the detail. It's been a while since I've read a story and could see it so VIVIDLY in my minds eye!! Can't wait to read more of your work. 😁
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No!! The details are great and so appreciated, please continue to get caught up in the detail. It's been a while since I've read a story and could see it so VIVIDLY in my minds eye!! Can't wait to read more of your work. 😁
Thanks so much! :))
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